Player Rot and NPC Rot

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  • @red51 am I right to believe the player rotation and npc rotation are not the same?

    I'm using Vector3f posP = new Vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); to calculate player direction with multLocal(posP)

    but I have to use Vector3f posN = new Vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.25f); to calculate npc direction with multLocal(posN)

    It's fine, I've got it working using that, just wondering if this will change (I have noted NPC NaN fixes on the console)

  • Hmm... what do you mean exactly? The getRotation() function in both the player and npc class return the actual player/npc rotation (as a quaternion). Although these classes also provide a getViewDirection() function which returns the actual view direction as a Vector3f (same as multiplying a unit vector with the quaternion) ;)

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