Avoiding loss of maps when changing server name

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  • When I, in the beginning, altered the server name, everyone lost their maps and had to re-explore the world again.
    Now it might be necessary to change server name again, but this time the maps have been accumulated over a long period of time.

    Is there any way to avoid the loss of maps when changing server names?

  • Oh yeha i know that Problem too. I also would Like to Change My Server Name again, but i do Not want that everybody looses His map again. Last Time i changed My local folder but i cant change those of my players. Not everyone knows where to change that.
    I would like that the directory name does not take the Servername into account.

    PS: all spelling errors are presented by My mobile phone autocorrection.

    Gamer aus Leidenschaft
    (Web) Entwickler aus Leidenschaft
    <3 Vater aus Leidenschaft <3
    (prio in aufsteigender Sortierung ;) )

    1. Entweder man macht etwas richtig oder lässt es bleiben!
    2. Egal wie lange etwas dauert, Hauptsache es wird fertig (irgendwann)
    Discord: Devidian#1334

  • thanks everyone :)

    I had trouble finding the folder, but finally succeeded though steam, games list, properties, browse local files, maps.

    I now know the world I live in again :)

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