While in creative mode how does one change the color when getting an object, ie: table, fan, workbench ? I have seen some great colors used out there. However I have yet to have any luck in changing the color of any item when typing it in. Thanks a bunch. Lilli

How does one change the color of an object?
- Lilli
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
I already figured that part out...So in other words there is not other way to change the colors of the furniture than the choices that are available! If there is a way out there I would love to know it. Or perhaps they can work on allowing the color changes as they do on the wood planks and beams etc.
well, there is a indirect way. You could i.e. place a workbench and then use planks and beams to "decorate" it. As long as the extra layer is not too thick you can still use the icon for the workbench but have the visual of whatever you built with planks and beams.
it works the same way with i.e. the seat that was introduced the pre-last patch i believe. You put it somewhere, put a layer of planks above and have a bench/chair/throne/whatever that is working (you can click on the seat-icon), but the look of whatever you created.
Thanks Avanar and Kim. Now I just wish we had a good black lacquered wood! Ah well the plaster will have to do.
You could try Id 57, or id 83. It's no wood, but I don't care and I use it regardless.
Thanks Deirdre
Don't mention it.
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