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  • It doesn't even matter if you copy minecraft's endgame. Add potions, add more guns, add melee weapons and armor enchantments, add crazier armor, things that require more dedication, and make your character more powerful. What we got right now is very good. Advanced building system, very deep underground, workbenches that require manual labor, very good start, no other game has all this. But when you raid someone, there's nothing that's really worth stealing, and I think one of the reasons why the game is not more popular is because there's nothing much to do beyond building. The game really doesn't need any more props suggestions right now, maybe later. Although I think the lighting could be reworked a bit, so we can have spotlights and dimmer, less intense lights. Considering we can have modern furnitures and kill skeletons, I don't think it matters if the game has some futuristic and fantasy elements. Minecraft never really had any direction lore-wise and look where it is. It was all about the design and the gameplay.

  • Hi Void,

    i have to disagree especially because you use Minecraft as a reference of success. Minecraft is more than 10 years old already and its, compared to now whats possible, a very light weight (casual) game when it comes to building and terraforming. If Minecraft would have been released now in competition with Rising world, Rising World would win for sure.
    The hype is already gone and yes the reason of success is because there was nothing similar at the same time. So yeah Minecraft was inovative at this time. And most likely the devs of Rising World got a lot of inspiration from it.

    But you have to remind that Rising World is still an alpha version. In other words its still in development and far away from being a full game.
    I know that Minecraft has a lot of nice features such as logics and waterflow etc. but when it comes to the building abillity, i haven't seen any game like Rising World. I can create structures with such a detail. I'm not restricted to 0.5m blocky resolution. Its centimeter. It can be round if i want. It can have a individual angle if i want. Its awesome with such a detail you can create you dreams.

    The rest like lightning, decorations, endgame etc. might come at some point but Minecraft in general is like 2010.

    (btw. i still like Mincraft but i have no time to play it because i have to finish my castle here)^^

  • The age of Minecraft is completely irrelevant. It's still the most popular game today, and I think Rising World would have caught on much earlier if what you said was true. What Minecraft has that Rising World doesn't have, as I said, is an endgame, and some sort of challenge. As it stands right now, it's pretty much just an engine to build stuff, hence why I made those suggestions, basically saying to work on combat related things/items, endgame, before making us wait many more months for yet another update related to building or whatever.

  • The age of Minecraft is completely irrelevant. It's still the most popular game today, and I think Rising World would have caught on much earlier if what you said was true. What Minecraft has that Rising World doesn't have, as I said, is an endgame, and some sort of challenge. As it stands right now, it's pretty much just an engine to build stuff, hence why I made those suggestions, basically saying to work on combat related things/items, endgame, before making us wait many more months for yet another update related to building or whatever.

    Of course the age of Minecraft is relevant. Minecraft was the first one that combined survival-aspects with building and even complex mechanics (redstone). At least the first one i know.

    It had a long time in early access as well and due to its push by Microsoft gained a huge budget, an immense community and a lot of merchandise. I am actually not sure what type of "endgame" you mean. Last time i played the endgame was a quite boring all-the-same-looking nether with a big dragon. Aside this i didn´t see much endgame. It seems the special about Minecraft is also mostly the adventuring, the survival, the building. And in such cases there is no need for an endgame as the way itself is the goal.

    Rising World is not a survival-game. it is a Sandbox-game. Which means you don´t get a "game" but the tools to create your own. And assuming this Rising World is way ahead of any other game of the same genre that i know of.

    Of course Minecraft is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of similar games. Even though the comparance between both is very difficult. Minecraft is a old game, feature complete, the financial background of Microsoft, a huge community world wide which provides a ton of plugins, mods, etc.

    Rising World is developed by a very small company, with one developer, no budget (that i know of) for merchandise or advertisment and still in early access.

    Yes, both games are from the same genre but one is an old apple tree with big juicy fruits on it, the other one is a young sapling that just starts to grow its first small and yet a bit sore fruits.

    Suggestions are always welcome and Red51 is very open for such! Which is one reason why this game is so awesome! But keep in mind that not everyone is sharing your opinion. I personally would like some more life in the game but don´t need any magic, big effects, any endgame, etc. I just want to have more NPC (hostile as well as friendly and neutral) to place in my world and interact with. I want an improved building/construction system, i want more realistic and diverse world generation and thats it.

    I build my own world - just give me the tools for it @red51

    I am sure that at some point there will be enough tools @Void so someone can create us a world, an area or something similar that is the endgame you want to see. But we are still a long way away from that. Until then enjoy what fruits this yet young tree is growing, enjoy the beautiful blossoms it has and wait patiently until the tree is old and grown enough to give you bigger and more juicy fruits. It is worth the wait! Rushing won´t bring you anywhere.

  • For sure Red wants to implement 1000s of more things and faster. But development is expensive. Mojang had the advantage of setting a new trend with Minecraft 10 years ago. More people were buying it at this time, although MC was absolutely not that advanced as it is today. Therefor they had more budget in shorter time and therefor a faster progress.

    Rising World is drinking tea and being 1000% more creative while waiting for the next nice update. :)

  • The real endgame of vanilla minecraft is in online anarchy survival, where you must get the best armor and tools and defend yourself against other players, and those can take a while to make, lots of risks, and lots of ressource, which isn't the case right now in Rising World, everything is pretty easy to get/make. The endgame of minecraft, the real experience, isn't merely in singleplayer and killing the dragon. It's with/against other players.

    You all say Rising World is just a sandbox game but THIS is exactly why it's where it is right now. It needs to be a little more than that. The age of Minecraft isn't relevant because old or not, people still flock to minecraft, despite it being somewhat stale now in 2019. Say what you want but Rising World has been released in 2014 on steam, not yesterday.

  • Well, that is an endgame for YOU. For me fighitng against other players or even defending my home, that i have built with a lot of effort, isn´t anything i want to achieve.

    The good thing is - it is possible. So you can play already on the available PvP-servers. But even there most player-areas are secured so buildigns can´t get destroyed. Because it is NOT easy to build it again.

    But still- the age is important as during the development-time things change. Minecraft didn´t only have a lot more time to adjust, it has a huge community and an incredible pile of money available. And last but not least - it is a finished game - because it had more time.

    So if you wish that RW is getting more difficult i agree on this. Survival is really too easy yet. But if you say time / age plays no role i disagree. I also disagree to a direct comparison between Minecraft and Rising World. The target-group of people is different (young people, teenagers on Minecraft vs. grown ups/adults/even older people on RW). And because one is a finished game, featurecomplete, while the other is still in development with a lot of adjustments to be done and features to be added.

    Rising World will hopefully never be a PvP-slaughtering game where the building-aspect drowns in a sea of weapons and blood. If you want this i am sure there are other players with the same taste so you will find a server plugged-in in a way that enables this playstyle.

    And once again this is possible because of the sandbox-behaviour. Those with the wish to build and create can use the tools for this. Those with the wish to explore and find treasures can use them for such, those with the wish for roleplay create their favorite world and will get it and those with the wish for fighting can get it as well.

    This is true sandbox, for me. Minecraft is also sandbox, i am aware of that. But honestly - to create a very good looking building in MC is possible but extremely difficult due to its blocky appearance. In Rising World you can do so much more and this love for details is the real difference.

  • @Void-

    Raid some bandits, problem solved ...

    Maybe it's not easy in multiplayer?

    Sorry i only play singleplayer, and never played minecraft. So i really don't belong in this thread at all ...

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