Resolved - Red Health Bar - Never Drops.

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  • Today, on my dedicated server I added a few plugins.

    [Plugin] Planks 'n Beams (updated) v0.6.0

    [Plugin] Willkommen / Welcome -motd

    [Plugin] MailingSystem

    Since the additions no ones health bar in the lower left of the screen moves downward. The food and drink icons on the right side of the screen seem to work as intended. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I do have a couple other plugins but at least at that time the health bar still dropped over time. I understand I can remove the plugins one by one but I like all of them so was hoping there is a workaround or something specific to look at. I am happy to provide anything needed such as logs or whatever but currently I do not see anything in the error logs. Ideas?

  • As Developer of the new pnb Version i can Tell you that this should not be the reason. Ive never Heard of that issue regarding pnb.
    I don't know the other two...

    Gamer aus Leidenschaft
    (Web) Entwickler aus Leidenschaft
    <3 Vater aus Leidenschaft <3
    (prio in aufsteigender Sortierung ;) )

    1. Entweder man macht etwas richtig oder lässt es bleiben!
    2. Egal wie lange etwas dauert, Hauptsache es wird fertig (irgendwann)
    Discord: Devidian#1334

  • Its strange but I remember the bar dropping more frequently than it does now but maybe I am mistaken. Without any plugins loaded it is the same and the bar will drop from injuries, drowning, and animals so I guess it normal.

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