Posts by SilverSatin

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Hey @Hawke67,

    My friends and I in multiplayer share your pain.
    hostile animals being able to clip through walls or even spawn inside buildings have been killing many players even right next to their shelter, you can already imagine the annoyance of respawning only to die again...
    Bonus on top of it is that they tend to become invisible.

    I'm unsure if its happens after teleporting around a lot or if it just happens the longer you stay online. Only a relog makes them visible again for as long as it lasts and the cycle continues. I wonder if they turn invisible in single player too... :/

    Online i've been called to help kill Shelter camping ninja bears often and although its fun helping players in stress i cant overlook the fact that this wouldn't be cool when theres nobody around to clear the respawn area. =O

    Unfortunatly there's currently no real fix for the glitchy animals, just the gm 1 workaround.
    So we just hang in there while we all watch & experience how the game is being created one step at a time. Nothing in the game right now is "final" so yea it is gonna be fixed.

    In fact Animals will be re-done once animal husbandry features are implemented. ( planned ) <- so keep a look out :thumbsup:

    for now the ALPHA game stage of the game is all about adding features after that stage it would be all about polishing and balancing things out. I hope one day you'll be able to share a screenshot of a bear you turned into a stuffed trophee, now THAT my friend... is what should mark the end of a glitchy bears era :rolleyes:

    too far away or not very reliable. Which was the ping value for it (the number at the left side under the server name)? If it is yellow or red, the connection is not reliable.

    Unfortunately that is inaccurate information.

    I play on the same server daily for hours while being in Europe with a ping between 100 and 150 = red color
    that error does not show up, and i dont lose connection.

    neither do the other Europeans on the same US based server
    while @Felixsited has a green ping between 40 and 60 on the same server.

    on both servers, i run into the issue where the furnace wont let me reload after another player unloads it. Its like there is a severe delay in event updates. Re-logging usually solves the problem for me.

    not related to ping.

    answered here

    You mean that a "ghost" item remains in the smelter, which prevents you from loading it? This is unfortunately a bug in multiplayer (it does only occur in mp), it will be fixed in the near future

    The issue with old worlds will be fixed shortly. The best way is to not touch old worlds until this problem is sorted out (otherwise the "fixed" parts will stay permanently), I'd recommend to create a new world in the meantime ;)

    Please put it up in the announcer our admins have been doing F10 "fixing" lots of mountains already.
    I hope it isnt too late for other folks.

    However thanks for the heads up

    I hate to say it but the new update is NOT compatiblae with old worlds, there Are tears in the terrain and i got stuck in short grass

    go into creative mode and hit F10 ( goodbye tears )


    @red51 & all involved, thank you very much for this wonderful update
    every penny i spent on this game was totally worth it !

    I swear you're all funny as hell

    THE MAGNITUDE OF IMPATIENCE is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge !!!!!
    =O shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ! everybody take a chill pill yo!

    have a beer and come back no prob it will come dont worry be happy!

    Is your Skynet script available to others?

    For the time being i'd like to focus on Server exclusive stuff to bring more diversity in servers.

    There's more servers online to pick from than there are players who play
    So there has to be a reason why somebody would pick one server over the other, there's too many 0 - 2 players per server so i did something about it for Freaks R US.

    Diversity is key to success, so we dare to be different ! :rolleyes:


    posted at the beginning of this thread led me to belive we would have oceans of water. Thx for the reply tho. :)

    So far from what i've been able to gather is that it will look like in the pictures but it wont interact with the world like how water should. ( for now)

    Just sharing my thoughts of what i've seen from within this thread and a tiny bit of steam.
    Some folks follow Red51 like a hawk ( lol ) So they would know the finer details :D
    I'm looking for confirmation

    Am I correct that this would be between 20.00 and 23.00 CET?

    CET is 1 hour ahead of GMT
    check this out
    lol no seriously it calculates it for you with ease, i kid you not! :thumbsup:

    Good Morning everyone so still no water that's fine by me.

    It seems like you arent looking or dont see the blue "banner" up top of the page. messages in there are update announcements.


    The long anticipated water update will be available on Wednesday, 25th of May 2016, between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm (GMT)

    ^ is what it says

    ^ that's the color of the "banner" i'm talking about

    You can use to calculate the time to whatever timezone you are in

    The whole "you have to restart the game" thing is void if we're able to attach a remote debugger to the JVM running Rising World.

    Bingo! exactly what i was thinking.
    That in itself is a whole lot of flexibility, on the fly updating and tweaking!

    Once we're able to mod with java, best believe i'm going to be getting my hands real dirty with it!
    OOOOooowww yeahhhhh... :rolleyes: and I bet there would be an explosion of ex-minecraft modders crawling all over RW mod section :thumbsup:

    I assume everything under the water will have its own new biome to? Is there any information about this?

    . I think you are confusing this update (static water) with another update (dynamic water)..

    To my knowledge todays static water update will not auto generate in the world, you'll have to manually "paint" it in.

    Anybody out here able to correct me if i'm wrong

    The poster function is really nice and I was wondering, if you could do the same with music.
    A CD Player whit a playlist function would be really nice.

    While technically it is possible I think the only thing stopping this is that I can see it cause a massive licensing dispute.
    the entertainment industry is known for frowning down on this practice.

    Which is why in a lot of games like the ones mentioned by @ArcticuKitsu are music sources that are only played locally. apart from youtube or internet radio which can be shared and have their own licensing taken care of, its a tricky request to have your "itunes" albums streamed to a wide audience without any proper licensing dealt with.

    Dont get me wrong "mods" can do this, but a game itself packaged and distributed with a function like that is a whole different ballpark than mods.

    Well if you're going for Nvidia physics hair then yea that could be hard but player models in games of 10 years ago always had hair it just doesnt "have to be" as realistic and bouncy like The Witcher :P
    I mean not even bear fur does that in game

    what the hell is minecraft without mods I wouldn't even play it,

    My exact words !

    And I usually end up with +100 mods just waiting for something to break after an update ( which it always did )
    so I'll be stuck on an old MC version while everyone else got their few mods updated with cool new features
    But I'm still stuck with +20 mods that still need an update lmao

    Ooh man i'm glad i'm soooo done with minecraft! vanilla ? HAH!

    is there a workaround for this yet?

    Well yes. relogging is the known workaround for a lot of multiplayer bugs ( you already know)
    like the furnace, framedrops & now also doors

    But i think there are higher priorities on the to-do list.
    The whole RW community is waiting for you know what.. So lets not focus on this too much yet.
    Heck it might even be fixed on next update, whatever it is, the checkmark is green. it is noted :D thats a good thing