Posts by SilverSatin

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    @Deirdre yea that issue has been discussed in the past I was there too: link

    We're all saying the same things but in different ways.

    On our server we allow players to use blueprints but only at request. (default = off)
    so we can watch what they are copy-blueprinting ( their own property)
    and we know where they are pasting-blueprinting ( not destroying another players home )

    In this topic I was talking about pasting a building into another building ( merging/clipping ) basically destroying player homes with a blueprint by careless players. The biggest issue being that it cannot be undone and there's no protection against it.

    Game needs some revision, whether areaprotection or something else,

    Is what we're all saying

    Hello i have been able to reproduce a bug that somebody is having on our server that prevents me from entering doorways after teleporting.

    The scenario is:
    1. Close the door of your house
    2. teleport to a random location
    3. teleport back to your house
    4. open the door
    5. try and walk through

    Now you find out that you cant, as if there's an invisible door still closed or something.

    This isn't area protection related ( obviously)
    it's not a corrupted chunk either...

    The only way to get rid of the bug is to relog but it will reoccur as soon as you start teleporting again.
    I have done an extensive troubleshoot session and included a few other players to try out the same scenario
    all resultting in the same bug.

    If anyone on a server or singleplayer is reading this, could you try doing the 5 steps i did
    just so I can confirm if it is a universal bug.

    Individual failed troubleshoot methods all done after a fresh relog:
    - changing doors before teleporting ( might be specific to a door: nope)
    - changing doors after teleporting
    - removing door completely after teleporting
    - changing location of the building then try to do the 5 steps again
    - changing teleport location further away
    - changing chunk load distance settings
    - F10 while in creative mode
    - removing area protection from area ( just in case )
    - have other players try to enter and teleport
    - placing dirt then remove it ( to update chunk)
    - placing blocks in open doorway then breaking ( to update chunk)
    - placing beams/planks in open doorway then breakening
    - fixconstructionrange while placing door
    - try to see if there's anything blocking by using wireframe( there's nothing there)
    - server restart, still same results
    NEW: Same problem with draw bridges

    I believe the bug happened after the new doors where introduced, I have been so busy ever since that i never evn notice it until @Jett raised the alarm about it.

    Server-wise: My issue would be the possible fact that water would only be available in creative mode ( for the time being) and we wouln't be able to isolate it from any other creative tool available in the permissions.
    Leaving the only two options for servers to either turn on all creative tools or turn off all creative tools instead of just being able to pick 'allow water tool' and leave the rest off.

    But even if it was possible to give players only the ability to add water, this is still a feature
    that ignores area protection script, just as the curent terraforming features are ignored by the script.

    Now imagine the rage of hundreds of players who have been waiting for water, but cant use it on
    their favorite server due to obvious security concerns.

    I honestly like/need/want players to be able to obtain water in survival
    mode (at the same time as those who get it in creative-mode only, not months later when cooking is added)
    I'd like/need/want to have a way to protect the world when players use creative mode tools
    then players have their fun and admins/owners of a server have a peace of mind.

    I'd rather see happy players than frustrated ones not understanding why they cant access water. Because most aren't into the technicallities of a server they just want to play, they wont
    understand why they are being cut off from the water feature even when it is explained over and over again.

    As someone that makes 3d models and textures I think its easier then code, but I can barley code html on a good day let alone build a game. Looking forward to player generated models in game or at least providing some for mods.

    LOL for me it's the opposite, started out with programming BASIC on the Playstation2 and got hooked to more programming ever since!

    I tried 3D modeling first attempt was making a car mod from scratch with a video tutorial and i gave up after few minutes, second attempt was to modify an already made model and that didn't end well either lol.
    Maybe it depends on what program you use for modelling cause i honestly got frustrated. i used Zmodeler ( not sure if it even still exists )
    I really never understood all those buttons and what certain modeling terms meant...

    But with programming if you're new to it, everything is well documented its all clear and an example helps a looong way into what you want to accomplish :rolleyes:

    So you basically want to run the singleplayer world and have a friend connect to it through the LAN button right ?

    doesn't Hamachi do all the work for you?
    all you gotta do is give your friend the name of your Hamachi network, the password and the IP hamachi gives you.... which is the same process for all games you want to use Hamachi with.

    i've only used hamachi for other games and the process is all the same there, so i wouldn't think its any different for RW. You should probably search for a youtube video " how to use hamachi"
    Very simple process, that program is very user friendly.

    2. I wish area protection was a part of the game

    I fully agree!
    it would improve upon a big part of client and server performance and it would fully protect everything within the world instead of leaving out the workbenches and smelters.

    And most important it would make sure players cant place a blueprint into the area of another player ( destroying their house ) which is why we only enable it at player request while we're there watching.

    not to mention maybe even prevent blueprint theft (server visitors who come to copy stuff and go.)

    As of now I clocked 2965 Hours into the game and still have enough creativity in me to keep me going!

    It all depends on how much creativity you're able to express within the game without whining about adding another feature in way before its even ready.

    Just my way of enjoying:

    These people who are whining about water, they'll be the same folks to whine about the next big thing and so on, and so on... I call these people unsuitable for early access games. :thumbdown:
    Kind of like the fanbase of EA Games, rush crap games out the door cause "waiting" for something seems ridiculous in their world.

    Just a reminder, for anyone who can't wait any longer to take a dive in Rising World, there is a very special secret lake hidden in the game (probably left in there for testing purposes). To find it, simply switch on creative mode and mine straight down to about -800. You'll find it after passing through the glowing red rock.

    Hop right in! :)

    EPIC WIN lol 8o

    it's actually true. There is water in the game already. The red rock is only to dissuade you.

    ANOTHER WIN !!!! :thumbsup:


    @Benjaminn :thumbdown: you need this


    I'm trying to use the permission player group to enable PVP for certain players on a server that has PVP disabled globally.

    Meaning on the server properties i have this set


    But on a playergroup I have this set

    pvp: true

    The playergroup cant seem to override the servers disabled pvp or are we just not capable of hurting/killing each other in general. (I've never had any experience with PVP on this game since i first started player last year :rolleyes: )

    The reason why I dont want to turn on settings_pvp_enabled is because I dont want to have the server listed as a PVP server.

    Thx for the help. :thumbsup:

    Items like tools, ores and ingots will despawn after a certain amount of time.

    To keep stuff around you should use a chest, barrel or present(gift box) to put items inside of it.
    You can find these objects in the Sawbench dropdown to "Chests" for the chest and barrel.
    and dropdown to " Decoration" for the present.

    Hope i answered the question :thumbsup: Happy gaming!

    Thats right.In existing worlds,it will render in areas you haven't explored yet.

    I'm really curious to see at what height level. especially for flowing.
    dang it, we might have to build an Ark :rolleyes:


    Since we will be able to swim in water i assume we might be getting an oxygen-meter show up on the HUD and a new cause of death (drowning).
    How about 1-step further to make RW different than most other games like body heat ->> hypothermia when swimming in cold biomes.
    I mean we've got radiators.... It would be cool... also the campfire could radiate heat for after a cold swim!
    or is it too much ?

    i hope we get actual cities or Towns in single player, or having a rail system would be kinda piontless.

    The point of the game is to build your own civilization from scratch ( Rising world )
    here's where multiplayer is the biggest part of this game.
    or do you mean NPC's to populate these towns and cities ?

    @SACK This thread is kinda pointless, obviously the Dev already knows what rail systems are all about and where to find resources for it. There's no need to suggest it as it's already listed on the Planned features list of the main website.

    I'm just saying...