Posts by Groovaholic

    Great update everything seems to be ok apart from the upside down piano also Im having trouble with the auto pickup on the furnace loading is fine (and a godsend) but picking melted ores up is very hit /miss

    Ore Detector:
    The text on the ore detector's screen is displayed off-centre. It is only partially visible.

    Collecting ingots from a furnace:
    Holding down the button to collect ingots from the furnace currently is a bit hit/miss. Only some are collected. However placing ore into the furnace works perfectly while holding down the button.

    Hi guys just after a bit of info I changed the fixed spawn point on our server to true ( yes i did stop it first ) saved the changers and re-stared it but when i go to start it it tells me that its not available and try again later, iv checked the control panel and its showing as running???

    Error log:

    Fatal error occurred! java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Unknown Source) at$d.valueOf(SourceFile:140) at server.Main.d(SourceFile:427) at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:251) at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:231) at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread( at at Source)

    Hi iv just done the new up-date and went into our server and noticed that an area had been removed (not a problem) but what is a problem is that i can select an area but I can not create it, it's not showing up the chat window to allow me to enter any of the commands after? all i can do is exit the game using the tilde key and typing "exit"

    Any help please as iv got an area that at the moment is unprotected

    Hi iv just done the new up-date and went into our server and noticed that an area had been removed (not a problem) but what is a problem is that i can select an area but I can not create it, it's not showing up the chat window to allow me to enter any of the commands after? all i can do is exit the game using the tilde key and typing "exit"

    Any help please as iv got an area that at the moment is unprotected

    This looks awesome, but the downloads no longer work :( Is there any chance of this walkway being reuploaded for us? Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:

    Hi sorry I haven't been on here for a long time the D/l's should be working all ok let me know if you are still having trouble and i'll sort it out .

    Hi guys Is there a way that I can let a passing player use doors/chest and place a sign but still keep them from destroying blocks? in AP

    What iv got is a building with a player wall so anyone if they like can place a sign to whom they are.

    here's our server log file, mind you this means nothing to me apart from the bottom lines [SEVERE:]

    CATION ***************
    [LUA][Zcript] 02/05/17 12:59:25 Groovaholic: /tp
    [LUA][Zcript] 02/05/17 13:00:07 Groovaholic: /tp help

    *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
    Planks 'n Beams 0.2.0 unloaded successfully!
    RWGui 0.4.0 unloaded successfully!
    * Plugin: Guestbook
    * Version: 1.0.0
    * Author: red51
    * Team: JIW-Games
    * Description: A guestbook example plugin. It adds a new model to the world, which the player can interact with. This opens a gui, which holds the names of all players who have been on the server in the past
    * License: MIT
    * Website:

    * Plugin: com.vms.PlanksAndBeams
    * Version: 0.2.0
    * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre
    * Team: VistaMare Software
    * Description: To provide players with non-standard planks and beams.
    * License: Creative Common by-sa
    * Website:

    * Plugin: com.vms.RWGUI
    * Version: 0.4.0
    * Author: Maurizio M. Gavioli aka Miwarre
    * Team: VistaMare Software
    * Description: A back-end plug-in providing some GUI ready-made controls for other plug-ins to use.
    * License: Creative Common by-sa
    * Website:

    Guestbook plugin loaded successfully!
    Planks 'n Beams 0.2.0 loaded successfully!
    RWGui 0.4.0 loaded successfully!
    add world element to player H.c@cf Groovaholic
    add world element to player H.c@cf Groovaholic
    add world element to player H.c@cf Groovaholic
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@b07935fc
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@780b5dfb
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@b07935fc
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@780b5dfb
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@b07935fc
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@780b5dfb
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@40233b9e
    [LUA][Zcript] 02/05/17 13:06:54 Groovaholic: /tp help
    [LUA][Zcript] 02/05/17 13:06:59 Groovaholic: /tphelp
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER check next weather...
    SERVER -> next weather set! Clear
    2017/02/05 01:09 PM server.Main
    SEVERE: Input stream will be disabled!
    java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found
    at java.util.Scanner.nextLine(Unknown Source)
    at Source)

    Hi guys iv been having a lot of trouble with the portal plugin (always getting an java connection error) so i decided to try out the teleport plugin but I cant seem to get this working at all, nothing shows up not even when i try /tp help?. (and yes I'm doing it in the chat window)

    Iv already got the PnB plugin working ok so just wondering if that has got anything to do with it?, but I very much don't think it would be

    Iv installed it on to our server as:
    Plugins / teleport and copied all the files across which I'm sure is right but its strange why nothing is working.