Posts by icon58

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!

    I know I know BUT joni 909 bought it back up while it is a flat universe what do you think the worlds would be? That is why they talked about 3D holographic worlds. We might want to be careful Red might move this to "other" thread" :D:P

    One does not need to have a planet rotate to have day and night. They went thousands (maybe millions) of years with a flat earth with the moon and sun just going by... 8o . I away's thought RW was flat world for the simple fact I never seen the curvature no matter how fast I fly or the map filled in.

    I do find the weather a bad mixture, but I figure it was easier to make it rain than not. From what I read in the forums there are plans to modify the weather. I do have to agree Italy is sunny. I loved Naples when I was back there a million years ago.

    Now that would be fun to try to figure out Flat world weather... No winds to speak of because in the flat world "world" We are all there is nothing else, no moon to pull the tides. No spin of the Earth to make the wind, weather. So there would be nothing...... Just turtles all the way.

    My Server is come give us a try. While my IP changes (Hosting company changes it) my server has been up since June of 2016 on Prima and February 2016 with a different hosting company. So it will be around for awhile. Ask around I do like to chat :D^^ .

    @the radioman03, so far I have found one ruin on my server. I have flown all over TP to different points and fly back, just haven't any luck. Mot sure if a new world would help. Others have been strangely quiet about finding any places. I will recreate a new world on my test server and see if that does change things and let you know.

    has anyone else notice their svchost.exehost spiking after the update? I am not 100 percent sure the update is causing it and it is not cause to much trouble in the game. Maybe I just never notice it before but mine is spiking 26 to 32 percent. Any thoughts? The other thing is it is not closing after game is shut down. No, no viruses I have scanned every which way to Sunday but nothing.

    Hello All,

    Some will recognize me, some will not,of course me being the conceited person I am hoping that I am known to most . The reason I say this is because through the Forum's, different Server's and the players this is truly a worldwide community. The best part of this community is, for the most part, a polite, helpful and decent sort of people I like that. Just thought I would throw that out and say thank you to Red for making the game, and all the people who make the add-ons, the Server Owners who put in their own time and money to run the Servers so all can play and have fun, and of course the players, without us there is no community.

    Sorry it made perfect sense in my mind :D , I will start over. I would like to see someone make an alert to let the Server Owner know when a new person logs on to the server. Sending the Alert to Steam would be the best way. Of course it should have a timer of sorts, so it does not register the people who log on then off.


    Here is the full log minus the IP's to CMA.... I know Yahgiggle says it look like dropped IP's but this (and the other one) was on the wireless connection. I do connect and load to 10 percent then it stops..... Not sure if the errors at the bottom of the log has anything to do with it or not?

    Hello All,

    An Alert for when someone come on to the Server and of course it should have a timer of sorts, so it does not register the people who log on then off.