Posts by zfoxfire

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    This is a long-term document and work in progress.. Arctic Kitsune has a master list of suggestions linked in his signature so I figured with all the commenting that I've done over the past two years, I need to make one myself. I'm having a harder time finding old stuff I wrote in the past.

    I dove back into the game recently and had some thoughts. Typically when I play Rising World (unlike minecraft which is much farther removed from reality) I get to wonder how things were done in the old days. While i dont expect things to be too accurate, otherwise we would be spending weeks just to make one boat.

    I tend to look into videos and read up also on how things are made and old methods. Many methods are still practiced the same but are operated by machine instead.

    I'm also consolidating past thoughts on threads that hidden deep in these forums.

    New Handheld tools

    • wood saw - made from a saw component and sticks (like any other hand tools

    Tiny crafting stations (these can be placed on a block or table or stone floor):

    • sieve - made from a bowl (glass or clay) and cloth (made from loom)
    • mortar and pestle - (we seriously need one of these for mixing herbs and chemicals (maybe making gunpowder))

    Cannnabis resin

    • collect cannabis flower from hemp plant (pick it like a tomato and they eventually grow back) -- hemp seeds and morroco come from pod. only fiber should come from destroying the plant
    • use a sieve to separate morroco from seeds (seeds can now be collected and replanted)
    • use paper press to turn that into cannabis resin

    Pine resin

    • walk around with a hunting knife. hit a pine tree with hunting knife for a small chance of collecting resin
    • craft a tap and bucket which can be placed on a pine tree (collects lots of resin over several days)

    Melting station
    a type of furnace that turns sand into glass (can be used to make bowls or windows)
    probably also can be used to turn resin into plastic

    Alloy furnace
    Combine two different ingots to make two alloy ingots (e.g. iron ingot and coal powder to make two steel ingots) -- more on metalurgy below

    Electrical wire -- made from resin and copper

    Steel -- manufactured in a smelting furnace or one perhaps a new furnace specifically designed for combining iron and coal

    Steel pipes -- made of steel. These are commonly used for transporting steam to machines from a boiler
    Copper pipes -- used for transporting water

    Steam boiler
    1. A device crafted out of iron plates and rods
    2. Steam boiler requires water to be added with a bucket, fuel added to boil it and produce steam.

    This is what I think of as a Tier 2 workstation.

    Chemical station
    (Red hinted at basic chemistry for herbs and potions. Not sure if his desires limited to just this)
    Electronics excluded. Not sure what Red has planned for electronic crafting but I figured maybe this combined with a chemistry station (for making electrical components) and a soldering station for assembling electrical modules, should open the door for making electronics (PC board, components from a chemistry station, plastic cases out of resin) -- at this point we can make a ore detector

    Steam chamber --- Steam is piped in here and used to bend wood beams. This is useful to make a boat. As discussed in some earlier thread on how to make boats.
    Beams can also be used to make arches (to simplify arch making which currently involves placing and rotating dozens of tiny beams to simulate the arch look.

    Other thoughts on personal and workbench crafting

    • wood planks can be made in personal crafting if a wood saw is in inventory
    • The step of making a generic "lumber" should go from logs should be eliminated
    • should be a distinction between "sticks" and "pickup/loose sticks".
      • sticks are made from planks (no change from present system)
      • loose sticks picked up from the ground.
      • primitive stone tools are made with pickup sticks.
      • other tools made with sticks (current)
    • the handsaw gives you 1 or 2 planks from a log but a sawmill you'll get 4 or 6
    • More advanced crafting typically requires stages of fabrication. One does not simply craft a chair on a sawmill. You craft different basic shapes and use a machining tool to cut it. Currently the location of craftable items on the crafting tables that they are on right now don't make a lot of sense. But we don't want to get too complicated either in crafting.
    • Proximity crafting --- (might be a simplified approach to the problem stated above) workstations in a proximity to each other open up recipes in a sort-of master crafting menu. If you are far from home, you are limited to only the basics. Having basic tools on you and being close to a workstation opens more up.
    • So to make a chair, you need a fabricator and a sawmill nearby

    Crafting stamina

    • Since stamina will eventually come to the game (e.g. can't run across the world forever) maybe stamina loss should occur during crafting.
    • since the higher-end crafting stations work the same regardless of power source (fabricator and sawmill can use either man power, steam power, or electrical power to operate) man powered work on these benches requires stamina loss
    • Loss of stamina causes food and thirst to deplete faster

    Ores, crystals, and metalurgy <-- needs more work

    • Add tin, zinc, and carbon
    • salt (not sure if all look like crystals)
      • potassium nitrate is a common salt
    • bring back cobalt (useful for batteries) or coloring chinese porcelain
    • sulfur and potassium nitrate should be powders on the surface or in caves, not an ore to mine with a pickaxe
    • a combining smelter can be used to combine elements
      • bronze is made from combining tin and copper
      • steel is made from combining iron and coal
      • brass is made from combining copper and zinc
    • a mortar and pestle can be used to combine sulfur, potassium nitrate, and coal to make gunpowder
    • cobalt and zinc are ores
    • potassium nitrate is a crystal.
    • Crystal spawning should occur on cave walls and would be a good indicator that a same-color ore is nearby (crystaline structures tend to be based off ores

    Need to study more on salts and crystals (this stuff is over my head)
    Also, more uses on cobalt, also a simplified way to make silicon for electronics or solar panels.


    • electronics are made from lots of different components, each made with different chemicals. Probably need a simple approach

      • "electronic parts" is generic and made from stuff found in electronics: capacitors (paper or resin insulator and copper or steel), resistors (windings of copper or steel wire and resin), transistors and IC chips (made from silicon), wire made from copper and resin, and PCB board (copper and resin)
      • so master ingredient list for "electronic parts" would be: paper, resin, copper, steel, silicon, and wire
    • wire would be crafted from copper and resin. Used in electronics parts but also used to make electrical conduits to route power throughout a house or tunnel.
    • electrical boxes can be crafted from resin and some copper. Used to create wiring and outlets for our lamps and motors to power the fabricator or sawmill or other things

    Underground biomes

    • At present biomes spread out horizontally. should be vertical as well. Currently if you go to hell then it will still show a moderate temperature in the pine forest...
    • Since Red51 is working on a worldwide ocean and this "Islands" world type, perhaps vertical biomes can be implemented.
    • Underground biomes can include underwater lakes, lava areas, and hell itself can be a biome. Crystal biomes could be like large geodes where various salts and crystals are abundant

    Links on underground stuff

    Links on above-ground biome stuff

    More links

    Some interesting manufacturing videos

    Resin from canabis video:

    Steam powered sawmill

    Steam powered machine shop

    I'm actually looking up processes for turning hemp into resin. I suppose chemistry can be as basic or as complicated as Red wants it to be. While this isn't going to be a rocket-building game it would be neat if maybe someone can come up with an advanced chemistry plugin that adds a few hundred different minerals to mine for and a chemistry lab to process it all. :)

    At minimum, I think we are going to have to make gunpowder and the herbs. I'm not sure what a healing potion is. That sounds almost magical which I felt wasn't going to happen in this game. Also need to be able to do some basic metalurgy: combine iron and coal to make steel / combine tin and copper to make bronze. Tin needs to be added naturally and copper would have to be layered higher than iron and be in a higher abundance. The whole reason the iron age ended is because bronze became scarce and iron was second in abundance

    Then there are electronics. Now for simplicity sake, I'm not expecting to be able to build complex circuits out of individual resistors, capacitors, and pnp/npn transistors. Ability to control the flow of electrical current with logic gates would be neat. For making a generic "electronic parts" could be simplified to copper, paper, resin, carbon, and silicon, zinc, and silver. Then any advanced item to craft such as the ore detector would have "electronic parts" as a ingredient.

    Ofcourse this means adding silicon (process from sand?), carbon, and zinc.

    And if we're going to add zinc, minaswell add brass as a third alloy. :)

    BTW, none of the technical stuff I wrote above I knew about before playing Rising World. playing a crafting game that has some resemblance to reality got me curious of how things are made.

    I hope this doesnt seem like a hijack. A steam review recently suggested some changes. I thought many of these were good to copy over. Not all desert related but are all comments on biomes. Actually it probably wouldn't hurt to put together a super-thread of biome suggestions

    • Dictate larger biomes or select which biomes to include in the generation.
    • More varied seashores (rocky like the northwest pacific of the U.S. or fjords) in addition to sand and palm trees.
    • A density setting for cave generation and ponds.
    • A portion of mountaintops be more rounded (older looking) and longer. Perhaps that would be a differnt biome?
    • This next one is way out there...(difficult) An occaisonal water filled trench from the base of a mountain (Spring) to a lake.

    Per request, linking this on "the list"
    We had a discussion on chemistry stations. This seems more like medicine (probably out of grinding herbs into teas or something). It seems that is the focus of chemistry that Red has in mind. I was thinking other stuff but its still a bit to early.…ns/0/1473096599326977808/

    On a side note, I agree with the comment below about finding potassium nitrate on the walls of caves. I remember that sulfur was also added to the game (for the sake of making TNT) that the id code for is was taken from cobalt. So cobalt was replaced with sulfur. We still need sulfur and potassium nitrate to make gunpowder. This stuff should be placed on the surface. or cave walls as suggested.

    Well, the immediate entertainment in gaming can be blamed on the Indie game movement, the early access concept, and game engines like Unreal and Unity with there asset stores. Those asset stores let you piece together a game without having to do your own modeling work. Its great for whipping together a concept game but it looks so generic. I'm glad Red is making stuff from scratch.

    This is excellent info. Tagging @red51 to make sure he sees this.

    The deserts do need quite a bit of work. I agree there needs to be seperate biomes for both east and west desert types. I want to say this is planned but I'm not 100% positive. I know there are more biomes (including a jungle and a swamp) and an overhauled world type are in the works. We definitely need more ground textures are needed: white sands for beaches and and other colored sands, standstones, and clays for a Painted Desert (with flat top mountains). There's a plan to implement loose rocks (for primitive crafting), so I want to say that large boulders would come too. These would also fit in with the American desert well.

    I'm sure more plant life will come (i definitely want a prickly pear) and I agree with you on plants being closer to water. Probably once more stuff is added the code can be tweaked to improve the arrangement of plants.

    Snakes and rats are already in the game but not activated yet. You can spawn them from the console if you want to check them out. I'm not sure if any variation of snakes is planned. Other animals are coming too (lion, horse, and gazelle for certain).

    I'm curious now what your thoughts are on this. The other biomes seem to be sized just fine but i think for a desert, they need to be several times the size. I can usually stand in the middle of a desert and see some green at the edge of my viewing distance. I imagine something majestic like Monument Valley would probably dominate such a tiny desert biome and look rather odd.