Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Your "On The List" thread I still take a peek at on occasion to look at those leaked models that are coming down the pipeline. I imagine many of them are in their final state by now and I wonder what they look like. In addition to primitive tools like the wooden rake and the stone axe, I believe we're also going to have "primitive crafting stations" or more specifically crafting sets that are time-period specific. We currently have a mismatched combination of iron-age and modern crafting tables. Some alternative furnaces might eventually be a thing. I'm personally hoping for a tiny furnace to get us started. I'm thinking of something like the 7D2D furnace which is just a column of stones with a hole in the middle. It looks like its good enough to make one ingot at a time (slow, yes. but that's part of starting out with only sticks and stones to work with). That could be a stepping stone to the small furnace (which looks like it should require iron to craft it).

    What do you mean by "shredded leaf"? Are you thinking of using leaves as clothing (genitalia covering ^^) or perhaps as a fiber source (fiber used for binding). I think there might be a fiber usage (kinda like in ARK). Incidentally, it would be nice if we could collect thatch as we chop a tree down (that can go towards eventually making a thatch hut).

    I also like the radio idea. Actually there was some discussion on here about a audio streaming service being added to the game. Perhaps this could be tied to radio crafting. Craft a radio and tune in to one or several server streams.

    What a coincidence. I just checked it 10 minutes ago and was like, "hey, looks like the stats page is up! I wonder if it's official yet"

    This looks really really nice Red :)

    I've found that in a common modern household, several people probably have atleast a dozen devices total (phones, laptops, desktops, game consoles, printers). A quality router is important if you have lots of wireless devices. I have a $200 netgear but it has lots of memory and cpu power and three networks (two 2.4ghz and a 5ghz-- heavy streaming devices use the 5G). It's been extremely reliable over the past year. my old sub-$50 one would freeze up atleast once a day.

    I'd first check the area to see what other networks are available. If you are in an apartment complex then you may be interfering with another network running on the same channel as yours. Try a program like Netspot to see detailed info about networks in your area.…network-wifi-scanner.html

    Yea, lots of people generally don't research very well. I envisioned a blueprint sharing system in the future where we could upload our builds to a server for others to access in-game.

    Hmmm now that you mention it, I'm surprised he didn't show other dungeon types. He said he's going to edit the videos afterwards to include the new player models. The old player models are looking pretty dated now in the new trailers with the rest of the world looking much nicer than it did in 2014. If that diving gear is ready in the first player model update then maybe a scene can be shown of underwater ruin exploration as well. There was a repetitive underground dungeon shot in the new trailer. One of them could be replaced with an underwater scene. :)

    Anyways, I'm really glad to see some of Dagoline's builds featured. It really shows what the construction system is capable of. However I wonder if that could backfire because some new players might think they are included pre-fab models. Perhaps a scene of setting down planks instead of blocks would get the idea across better.

    Can i still play as the chubby bald guy? you know, for nostalgias sake?

    I asked Red the same question a few months back but he said something about the animations not working with the old models. I requested a new stone statue instead. I hope he follows through. :-D