Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Overall, the game needs a bit more biodiversity in plants and also diversity in minerals and rocks. Adding salt for one and occasional sand patches in grassy biomes wouldn't hurt.

    I haven't touched Conan since that first month when I was hosting. I have taken a look at ARK very recently and saw how things changed (much better UI for one). One thing that got my attention was the addition of sand, clay, and salt. New crafting options include adobe style construction and some kind of meat preservation system that uses salt to preserve. I don't know what Red is planning for cooking but spoilage and preservation would be nice. Perhaps when the cooking update is announced to be upcoming then we can discuss this further.

    The update is supposed to be huge and there are lots of things that have to all work together so probably a little of a, b, and c and probably the occasional e.

    Red is very detail oriented and likes to make things as close to perfect as he can. Any outstanding bugs are not game breakers. He stomps those quickly. This update is supposed to replace player models, most of the game tools and weapons, crafting stations too from what I hear, and add lots of new stuff (ranged weapons for one). This will open the door to NPCs and monsterd and who knows what else. So much of the new modeled items I hear were designed with new animations for the new player models so they would not look very good with the current ones (Red likes his updates to be polished) which are kinda becoming an eyesore considering how nicer the newer crafting stations look. I think the goal was to eventually replace all the old modeled stuff with better looking stuff. So goodbye pizza oven smelter? Who knows.

    BTW I'm suspecting that this is going to turn into a two or three part update (kinda like the dungeons). I've been told that most likely rideable horses and camels will not be in the first update. The NPCs ( merchants, raiders, hermits, and such) will no doubt follow this first one.

    The E3 is over now, right? It would have made sense to leak something ahead of that but I suppose that if he missed that opportunity that there the upcoming Steam Summer sale. It certainly would be a perfect opportunity now especially considering how dated the trailer is beginning to look.

    Gotta be patient. The team is small but the workmanship is excellent. BTW, Red51 is a he (atleast I havent learned otherwise). :D

    Ehh, I think they're more decorative than anything, but some can be used as a food source and they do absorb and store water very well. It looks like some species can be used as a source of red dye. But as a wood source, definately not so I hope that changes some day.

    I use audacity with my recording device set to my sound card's loop back device so it basically records whatever I hear. Activate the "microphone" monitor and you'll see a sound bar moving when you hear stuff. verify it's picking up game sounds. Then start a new recording and once you reproduce the sound, stop the recording and trim it down then export audio to a ogg file.

    Harv and I have been experimenting in Surreal world type lately. That world is my guilty pleasure of world types. I love the amplification and it reminds me of the old artwork below of Ryan Bliss (Digital Blasphemy). The "fourth day" image was my regular background when I was in high school. Whenever the sun sets in Rising world as I'm high up in the mountains and the sky turns red, I wish I could see some lightning in the distance. I really look forward to whatever Red plans to do with this type. I love the amplifiction of the mountains but wish the rest were more normal such as grassy fields and oceans. perhaps oceans can have some amplification in the searock sub biome. That would look neat.

    Not sure if this is intentional or not but basically a row of beams can be placed only along a certain plane. In order to go the other plane you have to rotate the beam 90 degrees. At 33:30 is an example of this which Radio figured out the solution

    My only issue with TNT is that it completely destroys anything in its blast radius including ore. If I could recover rocks, ores, dirt, and sand from an explosion then yeah, gigantic TNT would be cool. Sulfur also needs to be easier to find. It used to be available on the surface of Earth before miners had to go deep so it would make sense if it eventually spawns on the surface. ... I guess I'll just wait for the new pickaxes to come along for faster mining.

    some recessed lighting for a modern house would look awesome. the light source should be directional instead of omni. There should be two types. One points down and the other points at an angle (30 degrees?)

    Here's an example below. They come in a variety of colors (white beige, and brushed aluminum are the most popular that I know of) and really light up a kitchen. Also... I noticed the big 321 smoker doesn't have a green arrow on the ground to show the front.

    I think there is going to be a mineshaft style dungeon once rails come along. If so, I would also like to see chests full of stone. It seems like it is easy to accumulate useless cobblestone in Minecraft but in Rising World the stone goes to better use. Here's an idea, mineshaft dungeons can be extensions of regular underground dungeons or be discoverable while spelunking. Mines for sure should have surface areas as well as underground entrances but clearly be visible unlike the Minecraft version.

    on a side note, I never understood why you would find horse armor in minecart chests in Minecraft.

    The thing about Final Fantasy 6 is that the story took place in its own Industrial Revolution with some rather incredible mix of steam-punk and petrol-powered machines like out of Wild Wild West. In that story, the knowledge of magic was lost but only recently rediscovered by the powerful Empire and they used their technology to fuse machinery and magic (magitek) which I'm sure is out of scope for the vanilla version of Rising World. Now the airships themselves were non-magical and likely steam powered although there might have been some electrical systems in the game but mainly supplemented rather than replace steam or petrol engines. Not sure how practical it is to lift essentially a heavy wooden boat (unless it was made of iron or steel) but they certainly would look neat.

    Anyways, there's probably a few main key events that led up to and occurred within the Industrial revolution. If I'm right then we will probably see much of it covered in the game. Ofcourse not sure if Red51 is planning watermill, and steam, and electrical powered machines (see below) but it would be neat. Here's what I'm envisioning.

    (1) Inventions of man-powered machines to simplify human labor: loom, cotton gin, spinning wheel, printing press
    (2) water mills convert water power to mechanical moveent to power textile factories
    (3) Steam engines lead to the first factories in places where water wheels cannot be utilized.
    (4) Industrial-scale powered versions of simple machines such as the loom and the cotton gin.
    (5) invention of interchangeable parts (maintainance and manufacturing costs drops. Blacksmith skill phases out). I guess Consumerism was invented around this time as it became easier to mass produce things.
    (6) Harnessing and transportation of electricity
    (7) Communication era
    (8) Computer Revolution
    (9) Information Age

    (1) So working our way down, we already have pretty much all the simple man-powered machines we could use. Perahps a kind of rope maker:…osts-of-a-bygone-age.html
    And Arctic, I'm pretty sure you posted something not too long about about wood pressing to make arches. That's another machine to make
    (2) Watermills could come now if we had rivers. Even if water is not yet dynamic, it could have a "flow" programmed in and water mills could be build next to them. Machines (powered versions of the machines we already have) could be powered and automatically produce goods like rope and cloth and paper as long as the water moves.
    (3 and 4) Probably when we get trains we might have steam engines to power the same powered machines. This will move factories from rivers to cities with Industrial sectors. Also will cause lots of air pollution. Possibly larger scale machines to be powered by more powerful steam engines.
    (5) Probably not really relevant to Rising World unless there's an economy plugin in place. In this way, if NPCs or players have jobs, then the factory will put the blacksmith out of work. Power production is centralized and factories upgrade to electrical powered machines. Pollution also centralized.
    (6-9) I'm pretty sure Red51 mentioned digital systems and electrical generation so that's covered.

    I hate to be the a-hole here but if you manage a server where several hundreds or even thousands of players have been on, then I don't see how this is practical. According to the source, the output goes straight to the chatwindow in what could be an extremely long string of space-separated player names. It seems more practical to run queries directly on the sql database and enter in your own parameters to list the result.

    if you are running a sql lite db and have console access, the sqlite3 command lets you view and manage the database and run queries. If you are using mysql then you can even connect remotely using programs like Workbench that lets you view the tables and do basic sort, filter, edit, and delete tasks without having to type SQL commands:

    Now if this could be outputted into a visual table on the screen in-game with search boxes above to perform some common filters (e.g. search by group name or by ban status) , then maybe it would be more useful. Perhaps Miwarre's rwgui plugin could be the basis for designing a nice little user interface.

    Zork, can you try again by mentioning what would be fitting for Rising World's airship medieval era design? or in general? Feedback, man. Feedback. Harv did it right :thumbup:

    Sorry (I'm not actually) my answer doesn't meet with your approval. I'd hope to see Steam power come to Rising World. That would probably fit somewhere between the Medieval and Modern era. Steam power was the key to economy and power in Final Fantasy 6. Probably why the airship designs in FF6 were a bit more practical than the more magical looking ones of the past games.