Posts by zfoxfire

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    And in the same video, an issue snapping scaffolding together. Floating scaffolding aside, it seems like scaffolding cannot rotate while snapped and if rotated freely, the rotation is lost when snapped. Seems like the only solution is to place a new scaffold next to the small one so it's close enough to walk across.

    Incidentally I replicated this in a creative world and took a few screenshots but was unable to upload anything from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\Screenshots ...
    I've noticed this happening a few times lately on this forum. One of the files is "RisingWorld 2017-06-04 01-54-02-165.jpg". When trying to attach, the file appears to be uploaded then "An unknown error occurred during the upload" shows up in red. The file is 1.28 mb in size

    In short, yes. Red even posted some screenshots of super far rendering that he was experimenting with. The draw distance was probably 2 or 3 times the distance. He said it caused performance issues so it probably needs an extra "level of detail" (currently there are only two) for super far. I hope he can pull off the type of distance rendering you see in 7D2D. I wish I had the link to share. it was onSteam somewhere. but here is a sample

    BTW, is this server open for public viewing? I'd love to fly around this one and admire the details. There's a Moria server that would be a very appropriate place for an Isengard and a Mordor! Seems like you guys should team up and make a middle earth :)

    I have a stack of stone and one slot letf in my hotbar. So I went to craft a stair type 1 block (material 215 if that matters). I crafted once to get 2 stairs and after it stopped because my "inventory is full" even though I could easily add to that new stair stack

    I will keep this request in the back!When the time comes, I'll think of a good and simple solution, I then need to know the exact requirements to make it right. :thumbup:

    I think that your responsibility would be to simply add a choice (popup gui window with yes/no buttons) to assign the animal to you or to your assigned group. Presumably the server owner will be managing groups effectively. Then if a player was to change groups, the animals would continue to belong to the same group. However whatever future tribe plugin would be responsible to detect whether this plugin is installed so that in the event a tribe leader merges with another tribe (group) then it would be responsible for calling an API function on your plugin to change group ownership on all animals in the old group.

    So after playing with this for a few days, I have a few suggestions:

    First, a way to designate a chest as a feeding trough. This will encourage animals you own to eat from the trowel when they are hungry. I think NPC objects have hunger meters as well and presumably that's what is used to determine if an animal wants to breed (full hunger meter means ready to mate). . If they can't get to a feeding trough or if its empty, they'll try to get to your crops instead. If no food is available then they try to escape. if that fails then they eventually die. i think that the use of a rolling pin to interact is a good idea for other animal related tasks such as assigning a chest. Another option is that if the feeding trough is empty that animals will go after any chest with food in them!! :-D

    Second, a way to trade animals with other players or set them free into the wild. I was thinking that maybe a paper certificate (assuming custom inventory objects are possible yet) for each animal you own will identify the animal and be what you use to update the name or trade with another player. The actual owner could be, whoever picked up the certificate last. So if, for example someone was to raid your home and steal the certificates then they would own the animals and be able to interact with them with their rolling pins. Or simply using the built in trading system would accomplish the same. Destroying a certificate (throwing into a trash bin) will make the animal wild again

    ArcticuKitsu and I re-created this issue yesterday except we both slept during the night period. He initially slept after sunset and messaged me to do the same. However, I missed the message so he eventually gave up waiting. A few minutes later I saw the message and slept while he was not. The night passed.

    Very good finding! I screwed up my git-config! (always LF)On the short way I appended both readme's for direct download until I release an update with minor bugfixes and text corrections!
    Thank you for this hint!

    (a bit offtopic: I recommend you to have a closer look at Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code, for a better "reading experience" :) )

    Oh yes that's a major headache at work. Most our developers use windows and the servers run Linux so we get developers checking in code with windows EOL characters which breaks things on the server side, depending on the language. I honestly don't even know how that even happens unless some developers are still using good-ol Notepad :(

    And yes, I use Notepad++, vim, and gedit as my editors of choice. However, Windows decided to default to Notepad for some reason.

    This looks very very cool!

    One very minor criticism before I test this, the readme files should probably be dos encoded rather than unix since sadly most of the world uses Notepad in Windows to look at text files. The readme is one continuous line of text because Notepad STILL cannot read unix end of line characters :(

    Anyways, i'm super excited to try this out. Really neat!