Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    "I love Rising World because it's like Minecraft on crack."

    I hear this analogy quite often but yeah, the feeling is the same. Istarted gaming over 20 years ago but lost interest between High School and Half Life 2 then lost interest again. It wasn't until Minecraft came around that my interest renewed. Then when I stumbled across Rising World I picked it up in a heardbeat as it satisfied my desire for a non-blocky type of Minecraft game. I'm really looking forward to seeing the game reach completion. And all the stuff Red mentioned above is going to be awesome once implemented.

    Lately I've been exploring the other world types and I noticed that the desert and the ocean sands are one block level below the grass. I thought it would be cool if a block layer of water would spawn as well as some plant life and dungeons. I did a mockup here. The searock sticking out looks neat. I'm wondering now what a beach would look like with a backdrop of a surreal mountainscape

    Hi mjminfo,

    At this time there's no active in-house effort to get the wiki up. It's basically low priority. However there is a wikimedia setup with plugins. Myself and another have put some volunteer work into it over the past year and have started to move some of the content off from the old unofficial wiki but it really needs serious effort from people who have a lot of free time. I've done a lot of fixes to the css on the new wiki to make it look nice and set up some templates for various categories but mostly the content is lacking right now. And I'm a litle scatterbrained on what the optimal way is to organize the information. I'd hate to set up a couple of things only to decide to redo it later. I have a few ideas of what I want the wiki to be but it would be nice to get a group together (on discord) who can put serious effort in. My personal web server is also available for staging any wiki changes and actually has a copy of the new css styling and scripting pages as well as some content. My biggest crux is that my current job and home life has me under a great deal of stress and I'm trying best to just unwind each night and over the weekend. I want so much to put a set amount of time into the wiki each week and it will eventually get done but everytime I look at it, it feels like a second job and I don't need that in my life right now but I'd glad to help guide efforts and contribute my own if anyone would be willing to pitch in some time. It would be fun if it felt less of a chore and more of an active group effort. :)

    My access to the wiki got locked out recently so I'm waiting on for Red51 to fix that before I can try again. Meanwhile I really want to put together a few extensive articles documenting the permission system as well as how to configure a server as well as thorough pages covering game config and the server config files. I've already done some work on a page covering console commands and texture data. I'm not sure I want to do actual content pages for stuff such as crafting stations and tools because I am suspecting that after the next few updates, most how those things are and work and the inventory system might become obsolete.

    Feel free to pester me on Discord and maybe we can make a serious effort to get this done.

    It would be cool to have a simplified set of beams that cannot be re-sized in width but can be adjusted in length or perhaps cut to a specific length. I think Red51 agreed a while ago to the need for measurement or cutting tools. I have some knowledge of how homes are constructed but I'd rather be able to select a 2"x4"x6' instead of eyeballing the size.

    I have no clue what EU standards are for construction pieces but in the USA, the common sizes for lumber and planks are here. the nominal column on the left is what is of interest. In real life, there's variation in lumber sizes depending on how well they are cut and possibly the type of wood itself but this is a game afterall. :)…on-lumber-dimensions.aspx

    Unfortunately the game was only able to allocate 1 GB of memory, which isn't sufficient in many situations... the standalone has no automatic memory assignment (unlike the Steam version), so you either have to assign more memory to it manually, or alternatively you can use the exe which is attached to this post (which assigns 6 GB to the game) ;)

    Thanks for the info. I was wondering why the performance was unusually low.

    This happened after trying to capture a massive set of dungeons underground. the game was freezing up frequently as I flew around the perimeter. the crash happened after setting a name. the blueprint had over 100,000 blocks. not sure how many construction objects (less I assume). I recall the theoretical limit being 1,000,000.

    Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_91 amd64
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz, X99-A/USB 3.1, 16284 MB (1037 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 20170209000000.000000-000
    Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[jME3 Main,10,main]
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at commons.util.Utils$ByteUtils.shortArrayToByteArray(SourceFile:1497)
    at commons.util.Utils$ConversionUtils.blocksToByteArray(SourceFile:1073)
    at commons.util.Utils$ConversionUtils.blueprintToByteArray(SourceFile:1227)
    at U.b.a(SourceFile:121)
    at u.c.onButtonReleaseEvent(SourceFile:1937)
    at de.jiw.gui.elements.Button.onMouseButtonEvent(
    at de.jiw.gui.core.Screen.onMouseButtonEvent(
    at com.jme3.input.InputManager.processQueue(
    at com.jme3.input.InputManager.update(
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:297)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(

    I just had a thought. you can place a temporary wood plank above your countertop and place countertop pieces ontop then remove the planks. Since some of them have storage, they would work fairly well. Some clever ceiling work would hide the top part of the counter top and leave you with nice looking and functional cabinets.

    you are correct. you don't always get ore when you hit ore and sometimes you get ore when you hit stone. the sound used to guarantee you'd get ore but after the last update i noticed that changed. It's probably a bug.
    It is good that we automatically drop stuff we can't hold. I was quickly harvesting in my garden and noticed saplings and vegetables sitting on the earth and realized what had happened. So much better than the old way where you just lose what you harvest :)

    Adjusting the sealevel height would be nice for anyone wanting to build Mega City One, or Los Angeles in 2019. Moving sealevel ( y=0 ) to around where y = -600 would give you far more room to build up.

    That would be a good tool. overall the ability to make a custom polygon plank or to cut a plank with a hand-held circular saw perhaps would be nice. also, we really need the woodplanktriangle to get implemented into the sawbench :/

    a new door type could be essentially a normal window frame that is placed like a door so it has a hinge. the frame can be resized before placing and then one placed, build directly onto the frame or insert a glass pane.