Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Red51, what can I say other then you're amazing! :)

    I might also suggest adding Player.isSitting and Player.isLaying booleans as well and appropriate PlayerEvents. I had this thought that in the future, we can sit down and lay down to recover stamina but like with any future plugins, they might find other uses as well. The isSitting will no doubt be useful for private group chats (e.g. people sitting around a table).

    I realize the the concept of laying is not in the game yet but might be an alternative to sitting and could be kinda like how we "sleep" in the tent in the daytime but not actually go to sleep because its a multiplayer server. Laying down could restore stamina at a rate different from sitting or might heal a splinted leg faster. Laying down to recover stamina might be helpful if you're mining deep and have no proper chair to sit on. Some ideas ArcticuKitsu and I are brewing here:…ns/12/133255708301019918/

    Miwarre brings up an excellent point about how sleeping through the night might potentially skip over future events. I guess something like this is ultimately up to Red51 but I still stand by implementing a isSleeping variable in Player or a PlayerSleep event. Night-skipping aside, the player's resting status could be used in future plugins that would, say, slowly restore health when a player is resting.

    I've noticed a lot of new players on youtube trying to sleep in their shelter in the daytime and just sit there for a while with eyes half-open wondering why it's taking so long to wake up. Perhaps a message could be added when you sleep in the daytime such as: "spawnpoint updated. You cannot sleep in the daytime"

    @12:05 for example (I love people's first reactions to this game):

    Not sure which Server you are playing on but my Server does not require a password. Must be a private one you enjoy playing on?

    Several severs are password protected. Servers can be both publicly visible and password protected at the same time. Anyways, I'd also like to see this implemented but I'm sure it would be low priority if it is even planned. Perhaps password authentication can retrieve a unique token from the server and save it locally for future authentication.

    As the game hoster, you could try opening the console with ~ and type the following:

    setplayergroup name admin

    where name is the name of the other player. This should set admin on the other player which should open up all permissions

    At present, crops grow on a fixed timer but I'd also love to see something where each sapling entity has a growth multiplier that changes based on weather conditions. Red51 mentioned in the last update that the ground now registers as wet (currently only used for making squishy sounds when walking) so that may be a factor in the near future.

    The commands are a bit cumbersome for me. Red51 recently mentioned some kind of gui is planned for construction. i'm really looking forward to this.

    Also, click the multiplayer button from the main game menu to find a list of all public servers.

    Yeah, I think for me the attraction is that the game is like a grown up version of Minecraft. I loved Minecraft but didnt like the block look. Regarding basements, i am not the best builder. i mostly build out of blocks. Radio is a really great builder but I have a guy on my server who did a really nice basement but it involves resizing and combining planks and beams to make unique shapes. too much work. if you wanna check it out, come onto "foxbox" and I'll show it to you.

    As far as my abilities go, i built a nice dock by my spawn point but that took so much time to do so that advanced building stuff is just not for me. I am waiting till the update comes that will let us freely rotate and scale blocks. then I can go to town building. :-D

    If you want some good starter videos, check out Safety Meeting on youtube. he made some great tutorials on the game and is mostly still up to date.

    Its odd that the group membership is not staying. try downloading a sql lite application and open the world database. It has the same name as the world and has a db extension.

    Check the Player table and look at the value of the Group column. That should be updated with owner after you log off. If its not saving then could be a problem with the game not writing the data, the server not shutting down properly, or a bug of some type. Are you hosting yourself or did you purchase a game server?

    Sorry. I haven't had a chance to look at these until now...

    Now that I think about it, I've noticed on my server as well that as an admin, my hunger/thirst/health can still deplete even with invulnerable and nohungerthirst set to true. However, I cannot die from health depletion or starvation. I'm not sure if this behavior is intended or not. But it seems like it should be improved so those items simply do not deplete.

    An issue I noticed in the admin.permissions file is that the creative section has entries invalid to it: "nohungerthirst" andd "infiniteitems" (also mis-spelled in your file) whichshould go under the general: section. Be very careful about these yaml files. one typo or a spacing issue can make the entire file ignored. You can check the current log file under Log to see if permission set or not. It took me several troubleshooting attempts before I got mine to finally work.

    Also, a word on explicitness, there is no reason to deny any specific items while * is listed. This is redundant. So under creative: deny:, you'll either deny * or deny specific items.

    Other than that, your settings appear correct.

    For details on the permision system, go here:
    Permission system

    And I have not had a chance to try admintools. You can try removing it and see what behavior changes.. i looked it over once but it does not offer me much benefit right now so i haven't tried installing it.