Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    there is a PlayerConnect event trigggered whenever a player connects to a server. You can then use Player.getLastTimeOnline to determine if the player is on for the first time ir not.

    As far as the Steam API functionality,I would assume its a matter of dropping some steam class files into the plugin jar and save a steam password into a config file. but if steam connectivity requires installing files onto the server like with steamCMD then you are probably out of luck unless you actually own your own server and have root access.

    So someone set up a giant flag and flagpole in their game. It made me realize that we really need some kind of spotlight with some adjustments for beam length, intensity, etc...
    If basic light objects (like the smoke effect) can be added via the API then that would work too. Someone can write a plugin to import the lamp model and write a control panel gui to adjust the light properties. Both directional and omni light types should be supported

    I'm curious about how the findbase command is going to work when we get the dungeons update. since findbase works by locating concentrations of blocks and construction objects, will this command results be saturated with dugeon locations as well as player built locations?

    I know I posted or asked Red51 about possibly making ownership of objects (if that is even a thing yet) for dungeon objects different from player placed objects so that way a dungeon cannot be scrapped for materials or maybe in this case not be detectable by the findbase command.

    So I'm just leaving this out here for others to speculate over or perhaps we will get an official response. :)

    How bout now are we there yet :D

    after watching that clip your probably right, red has no fingers hands arms left :cursing:

    You just cost Red51 another keyboard and hospital trip. We'll never see the dungeons at this rate, let alone this server stat list. ;-p

    And now to steer this conversation off-topic, this has to be the craziest typing game I've seen so far. This is up there with a zombie shooter typing game I've seen (I forget the name).

    Here's a new one. I swear I've never seen a game as buggy as the one in this guy's youtube series. I'm just bringing this up because I don't think enyone has ever had this happen before. The only animal NPC issues I'm aware of are still the underwater animals and falling through the world.

    At 3:30

    I just love to watch people go to Hell in Rising World! I consider it a honor to be told that and to accept the challenge of going there! Radioman03 is close at around -600. I cant wait to watch the next episode
    I am also suprised that I havent tried this yet but it looks like the flares are only so effective on finding the bottom of those massive open caverns which are that deep down. Maybe it doesn't show well on youtube but I could barely see the bottom even with the flares. I suppose when rope is finally added that this wont be a problem too much as we can just dangle in the darkness until we hit bottom.

    I also want to say that I get a bit spooked now when traveling deep, lighting flares, and hearing the new music and sounds. Gotta love when a game immerses you and Rising World is beginning to do just that. :)

    Anyways, the "journey in the dark" begins about 10 minutes till the end. Enjoy!

    Red51 has been very quiet on details of these dungeons and other generated structures. I can't begin to imagine how awesome they are going to be. I remember how impactful the water was. I imagine this is going to be just as insane! :-D

    Personally I hope that we have an option to control how many dungeons are generation (like with ore). I want to crank up the dungeons to maximum spawn setting and just want to spend an evening exploring dungeons with a friend.

    And sorry... more dungeon humor.....