Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Gravel pockets currently only exist just above Hell. With the water it is now possible to find gravel surrounding small watering holes. Still not good enough. Red51 did reply to that Steam thread earlier and said more gravel will be added to the world terrain once he gets around to improving that but he also confirmed a rock crusher tool.

    The form that it takes is anyone's guess. Tools in Rising World are likely to have primitive, middle-age, and modern varieties. Some examples of modern machines are shown here:

    Ofcourse rock crushing is a very old process and more labor intensive. You can manually hit rocks with a sledgehammer or pivot a large drop hammer on a fulcrum and pump it from the opposite end. There is a visual of such a machine at the top of this page:…ocess-primitive-and-basic

    Another good idea came up on the Steam forums to add a rock crusher to make various gravel varieties. I'm adding on this a little:

    • Gravel should be more common and there should be more gravel varieties, one or two in each biome depending on the surrounding materials. There should be more stone types such a limestone and if we ever get a mesa biome then lots of colorful stone and clay.
    • more gravel types would make nice roads and you can actually place gravel and dirt to paint the terrain by pressing PageDown to make the placement tool flush with the ground and simply change the texture instead of modifying the terrain (Radioman03 showed this in action in the beginning of this video
    • Gravel should auto generate like in above video. Seeing naturally occuring patches of dirt, stone, and gravel would make the world look more natural
    • Add limestone!
    • The rockcrusher will convert any stone into gravel and also any gravel into stone powder
    • Add a brick oven which can be used to smelt stone powder into a variety of brick depending on what powder was used.
    • On the blockbench, the stone powders can be combined with water to make pastel blocks. The gravel could be used to make various types of cobblestone. The bricks from the brick oven can make any of the brick patterns.
    • I'd like to see some hellstone be used as a crafting ingredient for making some unique block types using the same process as above of crushing it into gravel and powder.

    I'm sure something similar to all of this is already planned by Red51 but we haven't heard of it yet but I'm posting this here to start a discussion and see if we can improve on it. Maybe Red51 will respond with some of his own ideas :-)

    Original Thread:…ons/0/208684375428317706/

    I'm looking at the API right now and yes, it doesn't look like there is a specific method to get that information but there is a getAttribute() function in the player class. You can probably call that and pass in the string SpawnPointPrimary or SpawnPointSecondary. Both are columns in the player table in the world database. SpawnPointPrimary referres to the last tent you slept in, SpawnPointSecondary referrs to a bed. If these are not set, then getAttribute will return Null.

    I'm not 100% positive is this is the way to use getAttribute but its my best guess. I'm assuming custom attributes are added to this same table as well.

    oh man.. you said ribs and I got hungry :)

    There are clues scattered around this forum here as to what is coming but essentially yes, some bandits are planned as well as other NPCs. Some are friendly and helpful while others are hostile. The NPCs are dependant on the new player models since they will be customizable.

    Dungeons are supposed to have some kinds of enemies which is why time was spent recently to fix the animal AI. Pigs no longer fly but hell hasn't frozen over yet. When we get real lava down there then maybe we can make that happen. I've already made a swimming pool in hell. Unfortunately the lava is just a layer guaranteed to kill you instead of an actual liquid block like the water. Would be nice to have ice or obsidean in hell.

    I havent tried flares yet in water but they are perfect for spelunking when you run across one of those massive pits where you cannot see the bottom. Drop one down and you will see exactly how far down the bottom is. I hope sulfur makes its way to the surface spawning. Player models are customizable with craftable clothing and armor. I think we are going to get a mining hat as well (with a lamp).

    The dungeons update should be next. The last update did some prepwork (behind the scenes presumably) in addition to bringing the tnt and flare. The player models have been in development for some time now and are supposed to come after the dungeons. I hope we will get some previews of the player models soon. Lately Red51 has been offline for days at a time from what I can tell so he mist be really deep into the codw right now so I imagine the dungeons are so close. There is probably no point in revealing any more dungeon previews than what was already given a few months back.

    The anticipation is very real right now! :D

    The terrain data is stored in grid. I would think that it would be possible to achieve a 45 degree slope. I dont know how difficult this is to achieve with a rake but a sloped flattening tool might make this easier to achieve.

    If there's no way to paint an image into the gui then I guess no map yet. I hope that feature is added to the API soon. Using a GUILabel for each individual X,Z coordinate sounds painfully inefficient :(

    I was hoping to simply generate bitmap with size dependant on zoom level. We don't really need the textures themselves. Querying the texture ID and terrain height of each chunk could be used to generate a color with a certain tint/shade based on the surface height value.. A static table of color codes can represent all textures. It's all in the ChunkLOD class. the bitmap can be re-drawn on each PlayerEntersChunkEvent

    An official map feature is planned but I do not know when it will be added. It is likely possible to create a mod to add one now with the new API that we have. Not sure yet about showing unexplored areas but it would be possible to view the explored areas on a map

    To my knowledge, nobody is working on a mod for this. I considered doing it but there are not enough hours in the day and my job has me really feeling burned out most of the time. :\

    A user (drdr) on the Steam forum said he would like to see a diagonal slope/pathway on a mountainside. I think this is a terrific idea. Not sure how this could be worked into a rake but it would be a nice modification of the raise/lower or flattening terrain editing tools in creative mode.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this just minecraft with some mods? Castle Miners Z is another one that comes to mind. I really doubt the game was designed and build from the ground up yet look so similar to minecraft.

    Radioman just published a new video this morning where he's trying to create a market place and he built a custom crate and tried spawning a chicken inside of it. He eventually got it but I thougth it would be cool if eventually we could pick up and place chickens. So here's my suggestion

    1. A new craftable item on the sawbench for an animal crate
    2. animal crates can come in a few different sizes: one for chickens and other future small animals and another for larger ones, perahps for pigs.
    3. picking up a chicken is done with the interact key.
    4. active inventory item is suspended as you'd be holding the chicken with both hands ( I'd love to see this with the new player models otherwise you'd have a floating chicken infront of you )

    Also, it would be nice to place items on book shelves. It seems the individual shelves do not yet act as snap points. The workaround is to place a wood plank in with the shelf