Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    I'm thinking that in the future it would be nice to register something like this as a creative tool and insert it into creative mode. Instead of pressing an F key to select a tool, you click on one of many vanilla or 3rd party tool icons. Right now, this tool could be used by anyone on the server I'm assuming. It should be registerable as a creative tool so it could be limited by whoever has permissions to enter creative mode.

    Good idea. Actually the plugin API is in the game folder (in data/jiw/plugin-api.jar), just the javadoc is missing. Guess we will add it with the next update (or maybe put it into a separate folder in the game directory, we'll see) ;)

    Thanks! I'll update my IDE accordingly :)

    this should be bundled in the Rising World game download so we can reference the latest released version as its updated. Then we can simply point our IDE to the library and javadoc and not have to worry about downloading jars.

    nvm... i looked at the GPS plugin Miwarre just posted and figured out my problem. the main line in the yaml file has to point to the class file itself, not just the jar.

    I got the same error in game where the class could not be found

    name: atm
    main: net.zorkfoxden.risingworld.plugin.atm
    version: 1.0.0
    author: zfoxfire
    team: Java Foxes
    description: spawns an atm infront of you
    license: gpl

    I found the solution to class not found when attempting to build. As you can see, in the project properties, just specify your main class which is

    Now its not yet building a jar file however.

    This is a nice video that surfaced a few weeks ago. It compares similarities of Rising World and Minecraft. It's not meant to promote or show which is better but its nice to see the similarities. I also found myself as a decoration towards the end of the video O_o

    Not sure who this guy is but I imagine he must be on this forum too since he snagged my icon.

    yeah. It hit my computer already. No changelog yet. I see the game can now be paused. Other than that I dont think there is any content besides the API integration. Lumber can be crafted on the saw bench which was one of my requests. I think I see an improvement to distance rendering but I could be mistaken about that.

    This piece of music always pops in my mind whenever a Rising World update comes out. The music is from an inspiring montage scene in the Jobs (2013) movie where the first Macintosh computer is designed and tested. When that RW update hits, like this scene, we see the end result of all the thought and labor put into it. A job well done. :)