Market place does not allow you to display objects, yet it should. Basically small items you use in your hand, such as food & tools. Even planks, sticks, among other things. If it has to be placed down then that should be denied. I'm hoping we can eventually populate the market stand displays with the appropriate number of items (1:1 food quantity in displays), even at risk of lagging.
Book shelves also need to be able to be populated with books, as well as random display-type objects. Thinks like books, scrolls, figures, trophies, and whatever else. Who knows what you'll find in the world. Think Skyrim & you'll get the basic idea of it.
But I do still love the 'primitive' storage because you have to start somewhere. It would also work nice for display purposes, as well as creative also. Worthwhile to look into. I'd even welcome rope you could swing up to then climb. Would be used both on trees & in caves which would one-up Minecraft perfectly. Also, about the 'Toy Store' thought you had there would be nice to even have toy models & train models to display. Even various German WW2 vessels, and anything else. Red51 could tease us naval fans (those from KanCOlle, and the new 'Victory Belle' community) to join Rising World. That, and those that enjoyed Silent Hunter 3 from the past, and UBOOT from the future. I'd love to see Red51 having fun