Posts by red51

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Hi, welcome to the forum and thanks for your compliment! :)

    We're extremely sorry to hear that the game does not run on your machine :/ Can you provide us some more details about the error and your system? Is it a x64 or x86 system? If you're having a x64 system, is x64 java also installed (it often causes trouble if only x86 java is installed on a x64 machine^^)?

    About the error: Does the game crash when creating a world, or when entering the menu, or already during the initial loading screen?

    The next update is available :) It mainly introduces - as announced previously - a new effect: Screenspace ambient occlusion. Please note that we're still working on this effect, so if you find any inconsistencies, it's helpful for us if you report it. You should also note that the effect is a heavy weight on the performance, so you probably have to disable it on weaker systems (btw., the effect is disabled by default, you have to enable it in the settings).

    Apart from that the update also contains new objects, especially some kitchenettes: Each element has a size of 1.5 blocks, so you're generally able to place them seamless next to each other (using the grid for objects [press G] is very useful in this case).
    In addition, this update also contains some smaller tables, a desk and a new type of bed. In the future, you'll be also able to interact with some of the kitchenettes and the desk.

    Here is, as usual, the full changelog:

    • [New] Screenspace Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) which creates a simple form of shadows
    • [New] New Objects: Kitchenettes, small tables, desk, metal bed
    • [Change] Changed crafting category of a few items
    • [Change] Static lights have much less influence on daytime (avoiding "overexposed" scenes)
    • [Change] Item picking now fully works when flying
    • [Change] Higher tolerance when digging terrain, i.e. digging does not abort when cursor moves a little bit
    • [Bugfix] Fixed looping previous animation when flying or interacting with objects
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused blockforms like ramps, stairs, cylinders etc. not to be craftable
    • [Bugfix] Fixed physics related errors when returning to main menu an reloading a world
    • [Bugfix] Fixed erroneous 3D model preview in crafting menu when returning to main menu and reloading a world
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a bug when crating clientside panels on the player's screen with lua
    • [Bugfix] Fixed inverted textures of penlight and flashlight
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing collision of marketstand

    I understand the difficulty and i wouldn't take my ideas at face value, i would say just do what you can within your power and take it as far as it will go :)

    Yeah, that's exactly the background of this forum, to gather ideas ;) If they can't be implemented exactly in this way, or if they will just be implemented in a later stage of development, it's good to discuss them here anyway. And even if they don't find their way into the game, they might serve as an inspiration for other features at least :)

    This sounds interesting, but there are some problems coming with it: When every player creates unique items, and a server is commonly visited, there will be a lot of unique items and accordingly a huge amount of data the server has to transfer to the players.
    Apart from that, we have to define how much freedom the player has when creating an object. If you get a lot of freedom (what makes an ingameeditor also more complicated to use), there will definitely be some players creating some very strange items 8|
    Another question is how some parameters like the amount of damage a sword deals are defined. It would be strange, when a "block" blade deals more damage than a sharp one.

    Where an editor definitely makes sense is when it comes down to objects respectively furniture. As mentioned, you'll be able to create individual furniture and objects with the extended construction system, and it might be useful if you're able to save your constructed object into a blueprint or something similar, so that you can recreate it easily without doing a precision job everytime.

    Blueprints in general are also planned for houses: You'll be able to "save" your house into a blueprint, to rebuild exactly the same house also on other servers.

    But anyway: Every form of an editor, irrespective of what you create with it, will take a while until it's available ;)

    About fire: Yes, when there is an uncontrolled fire, it will spread and burn down plants and wood constructions. "Controlled" fires like torches, candles etc. wont spread; it would be possible to implement something like that (in reallife a scrub also takes fire when you place a torch inside it ^^), but due to gameplay reasons I think it would be better if those fires are "safe".

    And yes, you will also be able to create thatches in the future ;)

    Yes, I remember the editor in Spore. We have to think about it whether and to what extent we can implement something like that :)
    Thanks again for your nice words! :) If you have any further suggestions or ideas: Simply tell us :)

    Thanks for your question!

    Of course, the decision is yours. You have to keep in mind, that the game is currently in alpha state, i.e. a lot of important features are still missing. We're tirelessly working on new content and updates, so we do our best to bring all missing features as fast as possible into the game. But you also have to keep in mind, that you directly support the development of the game when purchasing it. We didn't go to kickstarter or something similar, so we've payed all development costs and current server running costs out of our own pocket.

    The main thing that's currently missing is survival gameplay. The main thing that you can currently do is building stuff. The game has a working multiplayer, this was a main area of focus from the very start of development. And saving - if you're talking about the fact, that changes to your world (you can create as many worlds as you want) will be saved - does work of course. Apart from that there are some other more specific features like the ability to create custom lua gamemodes, but that's mainly relevant for multiplayer ;) Or other smaller features, like a fully working piano you can play on ^^

    When buying the game, you'll receive all future updates free of charge up to the final version.

    Hi Dethorath,

    thanks for your suggestions! :)

    1. This sounds really cool, but is a little bit complicated to implement. We have to split this into several aspects: On the one hand, things like custom house styles, furniture etc. won't be a problem, since we're implementing an extended construction system anyway, which enables you to build very detailed constructions with high precision. So if you don't like - for example - the standard chair objects, you can simply build your own (with the limitation, that you cannot interact with them like with the provided objects, so they're just decoration). The extended construction system is not only useful for custom furniture, but also for building a house with it (e.g. a small wood shack), or to extent your current building with details.
    Things like custom markings are already possible, since you're able to upload custom images from your harddrive. This feature is useful to put posters, signs or markings into the world, which other players can see in multiplayer. Images with transparency - like PNG and GIF - are supported, that should be very suitable for any kind of markings.
    On the other hand, things like tools or weapons are not that easy to implement, since they require animations (at least a gun should have adequate reload animations), and that's complicated when the player fully designs the model on his own. But at least it should be possible that the server replaces existing models with custom models (see point 2) ;)

    2. Thanks for your nice words and your positive attitude ^^ We will continuously extend the lua functionality, so that it really becomes a "light version of modding". That means that you have a lot of possibilities to influence the gameplay and individualize the expirience on your server. As mentioned, we're also planning that a serverowner can offer custom models (like a modelpack) and perhaps also custom sounds, which were downloaded automatically when a player connects and which replaces the original ones.
    Another big aspect is the creative mode: It will be a mixture of the Minecraft creative mode and an editor. That means that you can not only design the world, but also create custom quests or breath life into your towns etc. You will get everything you need to place NPCs in the world (monsters, animals, and also humans), define their behaviour (e.g. if a monster is hostile, or if a human serves as a guard, or a trader, or if it's just someone who tells you the server rules or any custom dialog), create markings and triggers in the world and much more. This is a very user-friendly and comfortable way to create custom maps/worlds without any programming skills. But if you combine the creative mode with lua scripts, you have an extremely powerful instrument in your hands ;)
    So your scenarios like the fantasy server or the WWI server won't be a problem.

    There is only one catch: It'll take some time until this all is implemented, since there are currently still some core features missing ;) But it's coming step by step.

    Hello folks,

    I want to show you the new crafting gui, which is much clearer and offers a lot more options than the previous one ;)

    Generally, there are currently three different types of things you can craft: Items, objects and blocks. Items (like the pickaxe) have no options you can set when crafting, but objects and blocks have different variations or shapes that can be defined in the crafting menu.

    Lets begin with blocks, as they are a special case: Instead of having a list of all available blocks, you see a material preview. When you select a material, the 3D preview model of the block on the right side adapts this material. There you're also able to change the form of the block to a cylinder, ramp, stair etc., simply by clicking the left and right arrows next to the model. You also see the name, a description and the required materials of the block (and also for items/objects). If you don't have all required ingredients, you cannot craft.

    Apart from that you're able to change to amount of items/block/objects you want to craft. You can change the amount with the + and -, or by using your mousewheel when hovering the countlabel.

    Blocks have an extra feature: You can add materials to your favorites, to offer you quick access to commonly used materials. Simply click the small star in the top right corner of the 3D model to add the material to your favorites, and click the star again to remove it from your favorites again.

    Next, let's talk about objects: Instead of changing the shape, you change the variation of the object when clicking the left and right arrows.

    There is also another feature, that works for objects, items and blocks: Double-clicking the 3D model gives you a fullscreen preview of the model, that you can also rotate by dragging it with your mouse.

    We hope you enjoy the new crafting menu and the new objects as well as the new blocktypes :) Have fun!

    Finally, it's there! The new update is available. It took a long time, definitely too long, but better late than never ;)

    This update introduces several new objects, two new blocktypes and especially a polished GUI, including a fully reworked crafting menu. Find more information here.
    SSAO (ambient occlusion) comes together with the next update, it still needs some fine-tuning, and we thought it would be better to release this update without the new effect, instead of delaying it more.

    We have also another announcement to make: We're going to change the name of the game, since "Concept" may be misleading and is not very distinguishable :/ We'll inform you about the change in the next time and tell you the possible new names ;)

    Here is the full changelog:

    • [New] New craftingGUI, which is much clearer now and offers 3D previews of the target
    • [New] Ability to change variation of most objects (i.e. different wood texture etc.)
    • [New] New Blocktypes:

      • Ramp, which can also be flipped upside-down
      • Slope (can be combined with the ramp in a future update)
    • [New] New Objects:

      • Several big torches, bambootorch, 2 new modern lamps, 4 new tables, 1 new chair, 1 new medieval door, 1 new torchmount, new marketstand
    • [New] Reworked objects to offer sharper textures
    • [New] Helptexts when placing objects or blocks
    • [Change] Polished inventory and imageselector gui to fit to the new crafting menu
    • [Change] Non-wood items no longer have a "breaking wood" sound when destroyed (adequate sounds still missing)
    • [Change] Equipped items follow the camera now when flying
    • [Change] Usage of DDS Fonts to decrease memory consumption
    • [Bugfix] Falling through the floor when spawning should be fixed now
    • [Bugfix] Unable-to-move-when-spawn bug has been fixed
    • [Bugfix] No longer possible to hit other players with a melee weapon when fast clicking the mousebutton
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong sorting of available resolutions in settings menu (problem only occured on some systems)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed tooltips that stay visible when (for example) the inventory has been closed

    Thank a lot for the kind words and the hint about the name :) The name is indeed misleading, and hard to find via google or youtube. We already discussed that matter, and I think it's inevitable to change the name. We'll do it the next time, perhaps we first start a public vote to discuss a few possible names.

    We are also planning to release a demo version (many people at JGO asked for it), at the same time we're going to revive the thread at JGO, and a new, polished and distinguishable name would be very helpful for that ;)

    Unforuntately, the update requires a few more days until it can be released. We therefore ask for your patience.

    As a small compensation we're working on a new effect :) Since "real" shadows are complex and limited (they don't work for static lights), we offer you a kind of substitute: Ambient occlusion, which will make the scene look more realistic. Take a look (the same room from the previous screenshots):

    Before (screenspace ambient occlusion disabled):

    After (screenspace ambient occlusion enabled):

    Apart from that, the important features of the next update will be of course - as mentioned before - a fully reworked crafting menu, several new objects (torches, furniture, doors etc.) and two new blocktypes.

    The next update will bring a lot of new stuff: First of all, we made the objects look more detailed, i.e. the textures are much more sharper than before.

    At the same time, the update will bring new objects, especially some light-spending objects, among other new torches, lamps etc. Most objects will be available in different materials.

    Apart from that, we're going to polish the current GUI, since especially the crafting menu currently needs to be reworked. The new crafting menu will be much more user-friendly: All recipes are sorted by category, and you will also be able to mark a recipe as a "favorite" for quicker access (this is useful for blocks, since there are nearly 200 different materials).

    Speaking about blocks, the next update gives you new blockforms: Ramps and a special shape for roofs (like a slanting slab). This will increase your possibilities when building a house.

    Expect the next update after the coming weekend :)

    Last but not least, a few screenshots, showing some of the new objects and the new materials.

    Some of the new wood textures

    One of the new objects: A big torch

    Here is a new update, it's the first part of several changes we're currently working on (see announcement).

    Since this update contains many smaller changes and a lot of bugfixes, there is no real feature to focus on. The changelog should be more meaningful ;)


    Full changelog:

    • [New] Ingame filebrowser for selecting images (no longer causes alt-tabbing to desktop)
    • [New] New vegetations: Flowers and ferns
    • [New] Triplanar textureblending for LOD chunks (avoid stretched textures on cliffs)
    • [New] Admincommand to query information from multiplayerserver (e.g. memory consumption etc.)
    • [Change] Worldgeneration updated to create bigger cave entrances
    • [Change] Flames of torches are now visible over greater distances
    • [Change] When cutting grass, a larger area is affected
    • [Change] Adjusted transitions between normal chunks and LOD chunks, almost no more gaps
    • [Change] Adjusted lightintensity of torches
    • [Change] Reduced the amount of trees outside of forests
    • [Change] Updated startscreen, no longer "black screen" for the first seconds
    • [Change] Checkbox in settings menu for triplanar blending for LOD chunks
    • [Change] Changed appearance of tooltips
    • [Bugfix] Grass cutting has been reworked, works much better now
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing parts of grass
    • [Bugfix] Fixed the startscript of the linux version (game installs to correct folder now)
    • [Bugfix] Reduced "flying plants" near cave entrances to a minimum (or did they vanish completely?)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed sometimes missing flames of torches
    • [Bugfix] Fixed sometimes wrong doorcollision
    • [Bugfix] Fixed error when remapping controls during runtime
    • [Bugfix] World entries in singleplayermenu are now always clickable
    • [Bugfix] Fixed itemcount for crafting menu
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong collision of some objects
    • [Bugfix] Custom images correctly use alphavalue of imagefile (e.g. .png) now

    I think the best way is some kind of repository for free available scripts. So players can create and publish scripts. If you have enough player there will be scripts for almost everthing.

    I think that's a good idea! We should definitely offer such a thing :thumbup:

    Alright :)
    No, there will be no loading time, the full world can be explored without the need of any loadingscreen ^^

    The biome size has nothing to do with the view distance, it's just because we want to avoid too small biomes. Currently every chunk has to be an individual mesh, since there would be nearly no identical chunks that could be reused, so there are no tricks about texturemanagement ;) The only "trick" is the usage of texture arrays instead of atlases.

    1. This size per biome is currently 2x2 worldparts, that is 128x128 chunks, that is 2048x2048 "blocks". Perhaps we will double it's size. But it's possible that two biomes of the same type will be directly next to each other. And yes, it's a "fixed form", but you probably won't notice ingame, since they have frayed transitions.
    2. Yes, each biome has an individual set of plants, with individual density.
    3. Yes, they will. There will be animals for dry regions (desert, savanna, steppe), for "normal" regions (grasslands, forests), and for cold regions (tundra, taiga, polar) ;)
    4. Currently it's planned that the biome will stay and can't be changed that easily. If you cut all trees and grass, they'll regrow.
    5. All chunks that are already stored (only thoses that were already modified) on your disk won't change. But around those chunks there will be new biomes of course.

    But remember that you won't see too much of the biomes in the next update (only the new grasslands), most of them will be implemented afterwards ;)

    I personally don't need that feature. if you really implement it, please give us the ability to disable it :saint: I like the feeling of "being alone in the world", some kind of "stranded" there :whistling: Mp is something completely different of course, I like the idea of spawning NPC that can fill all sorts of roles

    That sounds fair to me. I know what you're talking about, this "feeling of being alone in the world" ;) But as mentioned, it's not even sure if we add the travelling trader for singleplayer at all...

    [...]@devs: can't you provide such a script out of the box?

    Well... this is a very "specific" thing you're talking about. We will think about it, but in principle, we want to offer more general scripts. Those scripts can be extended easily then.
    Just wait until the wiki arrives, it gives an overview about all functions with descriptions and examples. That makes scripting quite an easy task :)