Posts by red51

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    An sich schon, das Flackern selbst würde auf diese Weise umgesetzt werden (das Flackern berechnet ohnehin die Grafikkarte), allerdings bringt eine globale Einstellung das Problem mit sich, dass es die gesamte Spielwelt betreffen würde, da sich alle Chunks dasselbe Material teilen.
    Selbst wenn pro Chunk ein individuelles Material definiert wäre, würde diese "globale" Einstellung trotzdem noch alle statischen Lichtquellen innerhalb des Chunks betreffen, also würden auch alle normalen Lampen flackern :D Sprich wenn neben einer Fackel eine normale, moderne Lampe platziert wird, würden beide flackern.

    Die Schwierigkeit ist also, dass für jeden einzelnen Vertex separat entschieden werden muss, ob an dieser Stelle geflackert werden soll oder nicht (die Prüfung also, ob die diesen Vertex erreichende Lichtquelle flackerndes Licht abgibt, wie die Fackel, oder normales konstantes Licht, wie eine moderne Lampe) ;) Und da ist die einzige vertretbare Lösung eigentlich ein eigener Buffer...

    Danke! :)

    Der Radius sowie Lichtfarbe sind komplett variabel. Momentan entspricht der Radius der platzierten Fackeln dem Radius der "in Händen gehaltenen" Fackel ;)

    Lichtflackern ist erstmal noch nicht drin, weil das diverse Schwierigkeiten mit sich bringt: Momentan wird das statische Licht (sowohl künstliches als auch natürliches) als VertexBuffer an den Shader übergeben (Vector4, rgb für die künstliche Lichtfarbe, a für den Anteil des natürlichen Lichts). Für sowas wie Flackern bräuchten wir einen weiteren Indikator (schließlich sollen ja nicht alle Lichtquellen flackern), leider ist der VertexBuffer wie man sieht komplett ausgebucht, und einen weiteren Buffer wollen wir nicht extra dafür verwenden :| Wir müssen mal schauen, ob sich irgendwann mal die Möglichkeit auftut, so einen Wert (der ja pro Vertex gesetzt sein muss) möglichst optimal den den Shader zu geben (vll i.V.m Texturkoordinaten, allerdings wird dann auch der "Berechnungsaufwand" des statischen Lichts [was ja die CPU erledigen muss] größer).

    Beim dynamischen Licht wäre das hingegen kein Problem, all dessen Daten werden als Uniforms an den Shader gegeben, und bei Punktlichtern haben wir noch einen Parameter frei ;) Allerdings wäre auch das wahrscheinlich suboptimal, wenn die Fackel flackert, während sie in der Hand gehalten wird, aber ganz ruhig ist, sobald sie an der Wand klebt :D

    The next update gives you the ability to place torches and lamps in the world, to illuminate the environment. You can place as many torches or lamps as you want. You can also pickup a placed torch at any time and hold it in your hand, while it still spends light.

    We're also preparing more "light-spending items", for example flares and chemlights.

    The update will be available within the next days, so stay tuned! :)

    Thanks for your suggestions and your feedback! :) It's always good to receive positive feedback, we're pleased to hear that you like it!

    About your suggestions:


    1: advertising. LOADS of people would be trying this game out if they knew about it. And I'm sure that on indiedb alone many people have clicked on it. But the one thing that people dont want to risk is $15. If there is one thing people aren't lenient with its money. I suggest maybe somehow releasing a free version of the game? I know the money helps a lot, but this game would have plenty of youtube videos and downloads if it was free during the alpha stage. I feel I've definitely got my money's worth, but many wouldn't risk it.

    Yeah, advertising is quite important and still lacking at the moment. Many people are hesitant, and the majority does not even know about this game. Making the game for free now won't be a good solution, since it's a little bit a slap in the face for all current customers. But we already thought about something like a free demo, with reduced content, maybe a restricted playable area or something like this. We need to discuss that topic.


    2: Have you guys ever thought of adding a little horror aspect to it? The first time I entered a cave with a torch I was really hoping you guys hadn't added any hostile mobs, because it would have scared the heck out of me! But all in all, this would be a great horror game: no planned jumpscares, monsters jumping out when you least expect it, everything is random. Wouldn't be any other horror game like it. And horror games are kind of trendy right now. It would add an extra spark to an already innovative game in my opinion.

    That's an interesting idea. Admittedly we never really thought about that, but to a certain extent, it could be a thrilling aspect. The good thing is, we're not able to do anything "pre-scripted", so of course everything would be random. We'll discuss which of our planned monsters fit into a horror sheme, and in what manner. Thanks for this hot tip! :thumbup:
    But obviously, we need to bring any monsters or animals into the game as soon as possible ;)

    Exactly, this feature mainly focuses on multiplayer ;)

    Of course factions or jobs are possible, those things can be easily done with scripts. You can define whatever you want, for example set different colors, or define a territory for each faction.

    To create a new script, go to the "scripts" folder inside your game folder (if it does not exist, simply create it). Now create a new folder named as your script (for example "MyScript"), and create the following files which are required:

    • A file called "definition.xml" which contains all information about the script (template: definition.xml)
    • The scriptfile itself (must be a .lua file)

    The script must contain the event "onEnable()" (see below, of course the comment is not necessary):

    function onEnable()
    -- this event is triggered when the script is loaded

    Finally, one more hint: If using this feature in singleplayer, it's recommended to enable the debug console (open the "" in your game folder and change the line "game_debug_console" to true). The reason is, that if any error in your script occurs, it will give an output to the console pointing to the erroneous line in your lua script. This is extremely helpful when developing a script.

    Happy scripting! :thumbup:

    Since you find an application example in the recent changelog, here just some main information about the new Lua scripting functionality:

    This feature allows you to take control of the game flow. You write external scripts in Lua, a powerful and easy to learn script language (more information:, and load them into the game (when starting the server). Your script gets notified of all relevant events, for example when a player dies, or destroys a block, or changes his position. Generally you receive further information with every event, so you know which block the player has destroyed, or which is the new position of the player. You're also able to cancel most events, preventing them from execution, i.e. the block won't get destroyed, or the player stays alive, or the player gets teleported back to his previous position.

    You're also able to call different functions, e.g. change the player health, or spawn an item. One special feature is the ability to create own GUI elements for the player, so you can display some texts on the players screen (useful to provide him some information, or simply to advertise your homepage). You can currently create labels and panels. Of course you can freely determine the position, color and size of those elements, among some more properties (e.g. border etc.).

    Another special case is the chat: When a players writes something into the chat, beginning with a "/", it's recognized as command and won't be shown in the global chat, but send as a "command"-event to your script. So you can - for example - create a command called "/changetime" to change the current time, or "/rules" to display your serverrules.

    It should also be noted that this feature has full sqlite support, allowing you to store some data in a database.

    We will provide something a documentation and an example script as quick as possible. Watch the new section "Lua Scripting":…p/Board/18-Lua-Scripting/

    Finally, a few screenshots. Since it's not easy to show screenshots of this new feature, I guess it's the best to give you some screenshots related to the application example in the changelog thread ;)

    Here you see how an area is created during runtime. The selector has been enabled with a simple command. Now another command saves the selected area in the database with the provided name:

    Now when entering this area, a small text is displayed in the left bottom of your screen, showing the name of the current area (in this case the area is called "Kitchen"):

    This is what it might look like when having several areas, especially in a hotel. It is intended that you can slightly see other areas through walls. Every area you see is saved in a database, and can be displayed with a simple command (please keep in mind that everything is done by a script):

    As promised, here is the new update! :)

    It gives you the ability to write custom gamemodes in Lua. You can compare this feature a little bit to the scripting functionality of Garry's Mod, or SA:MP or MTA.
    A typical use case: You create a multiplayerserver and build a hotel. Now you want to make sure that nobody destroys the building, so you can write a script that protects everything within a specified area from destruction. Maybe you bind this to different groups, so that players assigned to a group "admins" still can modify the hotel (just as an example). Next, players should be able to rent a room in your hotel; they are not allowed to destroy the room, but they're allowed to place own objects (like furniture) in the room. So you define more areas in your script, according to your hotel's rooms, and specify that the player who rented a room can place objects, but cannot destroy walls for example.

    It's also possible to show elements on the player's gui, for example labels. So when entering an area, you can display the according roomnumber, or the name of the owner etc.
    In addition, commands are also supported (i.e. everything you type in your chat, beginning with "/"), so a lot can be defined during runtime (e.g. specify the owner of an area etc.).

    This is mainly a multiplayer feature, but works also in singleplayer.

    Find more information here: Lua Scripting

    A few other changes were also done, for example you're now able to sleep in your bed or in a tent to skip the night.

    Here is the full changelog (looks quite short, but the scripting feature should compensate that).



    • [New] Added Lua scripting functionality to the game which allows you to write custom gamemodes

      • Notification about different events, e.g. when a player places a block, or a player dies, or changes his position etc.
      • Cancel an event to prevent it to be executed. For example: Cancel the "place block" event, so the block won't be placed, or cancel the "player die" event, so the player won't die
      • Ability to receive every input a players types in his chat beginning with "/" (commands)
      • You can split your script into several files (to keep your code clear and good readable)
      • You can load as many scripts as you want
      • Ability to create own GUI elements individually for each player (currently labels and panels)
    • [New] You're now able to interact with beds and tents
    • [New] Ability to sleep to skip the night
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a problem when returning to main menu (not all elements have been reset)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that did not let you press the "respawn" button after your death

    Glad to hear that everything works now! :)

    And you may ask as many questions as you want, that's absolutely no problem ^^ Unfortunetely, torches are currently disabled. At least you cannot place them, but you can hold them in your hand (then they also spend light, as well as the lightstick and flashlight).
    For debugging purposes, you can also press L at the moment to create a lightsource that follows you. Of course this function will be disabled as soon as torches are working again.
    Expect them to be working soon ;)

    Hi folks,

    today another short preview of the next update 8)

    With the next update, Lua scripting will be available in Concept. You can create your own custom gamemodes, which will influence the gameplay. There are several events and functions to get the current status of the gameworld or change any current parameters (for example change player health or position, spawn an item, create an object etc).
    Database features are also available.

    This feature is especially interesting for multiplayer: For example you can write a simple area protection script to determine which player can create or destroy structures in a specified area (compare it to the Towny plugin for Minecraft)...

    ...or introduce something like factions or jobs...

    ...or create an arena where players can fight each other to win a prize...

    ...or create just something like Deathmatch or Capture-The-Flag, even if this is not originally intended by the game.

    You see, there are many possibilities ;)

    The update is nearly done and will probably be available within this week.

    Ja, vorerst noch. Das wird demnächst im gleichen Zuge behoben, wenn auch Gras nicht mehr durch Objekte hindurchscheinen wird.

    Wir hatten die Priorität erstmal darauf gelegt, Gras überhaupt schneiden zu können, und auch, dass es nicht mehr durch Blöcke hindurchguckt ;)

    Hallo Leute,

    hier ein paar Informationen zu den neuen Möglichkeiten hinsichtlich des Schneidens von Gras, und ebenso auch zur neuen Weltgenerierung ;)

    Es kann nun eine Sichel an der Werkbank gecrafted werden, womit das Gras geschnitten werden kann. Momentan wird das Gras komplett entfernt, wenn man es schneidet, in den nächsten Updates werden wir das noch abändern, sodass Gras nur gekürzt wird und auch ebenfalls nachwachsen kann.
    Gras verschwindet außerdem automatisch, sobald Blöcke platziert werden. Gras verschwindet hingegen noch nicht, wenn Objekte platziert werden, das ist leider noch nicht implementiert.

    Die nächste große Änderung ist die neue Weltgenerierung. Es ermöglicht detailliertere Strukturen und ebenso strukturiertere Texturen. Die Höhlengenerierung ist davon ebenfalls betroffen, d.h. Höhlen treten nun häufiger auf und haben vor allem auch tiefere Gänge.
    Ein weiterer Aspekt ist die Fähigkeit, Löcher mit viel größerer Präzision zu graben. Der Vorteil daran ist, dass das sehr hilfreich sein kann wenn bspw. eine Baugrube ausgehoben werden soll. Der Nachteil ist, dass Löcher nun etwas "künstlicher" aussehen.

    Sagt uns, was ihr von der neuen Weltgenerierung haltet. Wenn ihr sie nicht mögt, könnt ihr das hier im Forum diskutieren ;)

    Zu guter Letzt ein paar Screenshots.

    Hier eine Baugrube (was haben wir damit gemeint, als wir sagten "mit größerer Präzision graben"):

    Hier die gleiche Grube, allerdings mit hochgezogenen Wänden. Beachtet, dass die Wände und das Gelände bündig sind:

    Hier zwei weitere Screenshots bzgl. der "Bündigkeit":

    Zum Schluss noch ein Resultat vom "Grasschneiden" ;)

    Hi folks,

    here are some information about the new ability to cut grass and especially the new worldgeneration algorithm ;)

    You can now craft a sickle at the workbench, that enables you to cut grass wherever you want. Currently you completly remove grass when cutting it, the next updates will introduce the ability for grass to regrow.
    Grass also automatically disappears when placing a block. It still does not disappear when placing an objects, that's not implemented yet.

    The next major improvement is the new worldgeneration algorithm. It allows more sharp features and a more structured texturing. Cavegeneration is also influenced by that, i.e. caves are more frequent and especially deeper now.
    Another aspect is the ability to dig holes with a higher precision now. The good thing is, that this helps you when excavating a construction pit. The bad thing is, that holes looks a little bit more "artificial" now.

    Tell us what you thing about the new worldgeneration. If you don't like it, discuss it here ;)

    Last but not least, a few screenshots.

    A construction pit (this we meant with "higher precision when digging"):

    Here is the same pit, but with walls. Notice that the walls are flush with the terrain:

    Two more screenshots about the flushness:

    Finally the result of cutting grass ;)

    Here it is, the new update! :)

    As we already talked about, it changes the worldgeneration and introduces the ability to cut grass. Find more information here: Cutting grass and new worldgeneration

    Note: Due to the changes in worldgeneration, your current world needs to be converted (of course creating a new world is not affected by this). This happens automatically (you see a notification while loading), but maybe it's required to manually adapt the world at certain places (conversion may lead to flying rocks etc.).



    • [New] Ability to cut grass
    • [New] New tool to cut grass, a sickle (can be crafted at the workbench)
    • [New] Objectselector is now transparent, to make it easier to distinguish it from placed objects
    • [New] Rudimentary ability to fill holes in the terrain, simply right click when holding a stone or clod of earth etc.
    • [Changed] New worldgeneration algorithm:

      • Caves are more frequent and deeper now
      • You're now able to dig holes with higher precision
      • World contains sharper features
      • World generation is faster now
    • [Changed] Blocks no longer influences the terrain
    • [Changed] 'Cracks' when hitting a block are now restricted to the block you actually hit
    • [Changed] Lightscattering effect has been adjusted a little bit
    • [Bugfix] Flickering selectors (see Bugtracker) when placing objects or blocks should be fixed now
    • [Bugfix] Audio settings can be changed now correctly
    • [Bugfix] Fixed an erroneous sound when placing blocks