Posts by ZaCormyr

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    I do wish there was more of a fantasy style in the game. But it's pretty real world...

    Lingering stinker! lol... I know where you got the inspiration for that one hehe :P Those are some good mushrooms for potions... not for omelets haha

    Good stuff! I like how you have randomly sized wood pieces in your crafting area as if woodworking has actually been done there. It's those little details that make the difference!

    yeah I don't care if people are religious, just shouldn't be part of a game that's all.

    Ideas only seem odd because they are different then the norm. This is not a bad thing. No idea is bad really, it is just part of brainstorming. We can only find out what works by throwing all ideas on the table and hashing them out. ;)

    Interesting idea. Might be a bit too religious for my taste haha.. just the word bless seems religious. I doubt that is your intent haha :P Anyway I like the idea of unlocking a secret area. Not sure how that would work in a randomly generated world though. I like the idea of gathering something from each biome in order to do something like crafting a special item and/or accessing a special place.

    No for teleports haha. That has been discussed. Your idea is an interesting take on teleports though. What would be nice to have the camera for would be the journal. Learn about a plant, new journal entry is made with info you learned about it, take a pic and the pic is used to identify the plant later.. or animal etc.. simple in game photography might even be interesting and fun to do.

    @Meltron Just being silly dude. Teasing ya.

    I'm sure the devs can figure out what is best if they want to provide a trial of some sort.

    Regarding RW player base, well to be honest I think we won't see real numbers until the game is released.. meaning it is at least near completed.

    I would just call it a sink. Wash basin isn't used for every day talk... well at least here in North America, maybe in Britian they say wash basin or something like that haha Maybe to be specific, washroom sink and kitchen sink. This is the issue with English, there is British English and North American English. They overlap of course but certain things are used in Britian which just aren't used over here. I doubt the Brits would say sink... could be wrong though haha

    I'm actually in the middle of creating my own imaginary world. It has about 12 languages, and about 7 countries at the moment.

    I've done this myself years ago. Came up with a game idea which I wrote loads of ideas for, drew maps etc.. character profiles and all that haha.. still have it all. Feel free to PM me stuff, would be interesting to read.

    Keep throwing concept art at the devs.. never know when something might inspire them. ;)

    Usually we would also limit the stacksize for blocks and resources, but that would - on the other hand - make building too complicated in our opinion (especially since you need a lot of blocks to build something).

    That is why I suggested using carts etc.. for that stuff. :P

    so your worried about it only been once a month now so this is really about you wanting them to push them out as fast as they can, in a way we all do but at the same time they cannot keep doing this or they will just burn out and also users are much happier when they know the date of updates this has been proven over and over with other software, Microsoft don't do this and that's why you get shitty when you keep getting updates at random times dont you wish they did the update on the same day of each month lol i just hate it when you go to do some work turn on the computer and bam its updating and you end up waiting 30min for it to complete hahaha

    yahgiggle, don't allow your computer to automatically update. Set it to inform you of updates, then you can update it once the work is done while the computer will just sit there anyways. Take the power back! :P

    You could be right. But nearly a week this thread has existed and only us two have responded haha. Anyways, IMO this idea would add a lot of immersion and reasons for more content to exist in the game. And I like games where you can have a journal which acts like a field guild kind of encyclopedia. As you learn about stuff, new entries are added. Would give us more reasons to explore etc.. The more I think about it.. the more I want it so.. moving on now haha

    I would love such a thing. But I doubt it will be done since most people would have no interest and it would take a lot of effort to add all this. But we can hope I suppose.

    Good list of content there. I appreciate it when someone takes the time to put the effort in like this. Sure some things have been mentioned etc... anyways, I am all for having more content and options.

    One good part of another game is that you can capture and breed any animal. Keep them in pens, feed them etc... people play the game just for that. But, that would limit what usable stuffs you can get from them or eliminate it completely. Don't want things OP right? So not sure about it although it would be great.

    No bug spray... promotes insecticide use. Got bugs like aphids? Breed or collect ladybugs (because ladybugs eat aphids). Got a slug problem? Bring in some ducks. Too many grasshoppers? Chickens be your friend... etc etc

    37 and a dude despite the long hair in the avatar hehe. Although recently I got in a fight with a weed eater so it's all gone.... I might have gotten wiser, but in my head I'm still 25 lol but don't tell my body that!!

    Come on Geneo.. no point commenting at all if you won't say how much of an old fart you are eh :P