gleiches szenario bei mir
Posts by COHIBA
The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
Pease if you have a good idea for my situation i would rly apreciate.
Achtung :
Seit dem heutigen Update gibt es Probleme mit dem Word Editor.ZB. Wird beim Löschen nicht nur der makierte Bereich gelöscht, sondern mehr. Auch beim setzen kann es passieren das mehr Blöcke gesetzt werden als man möchte.
Also Vorsicht bei der Benutzung des Editor
Du hast recht!!! ich hab den Thread gerade erst gelesen.! zu spät!! ca. 1 Tag Arbeit futsch...
hier der Thread dazu.
Attention! Im not 100% shure but i think it could have something to do with the update... im having heavy problems with World Edit.
heres the link to the thread (i posted it in serverhelp as im not shure if it has somthing to do with the update)
Hey guys.. Is just using World edit - filling a rather small area with ... air... /we fill air
but (see picture) thats what happened.. !?! the hole there is now is like 20 times bigger than the area i marked..
now i have to look what i can doo.. but just for you to know. caution.
and yes.. maybe it is possible to reload the map (seed) in this particular area..? i dont know what im going to do about it. because its on the server im preparing to open soon.. and its in a Main Area.. =) not too fancy
Update: UFFF.. i just found that there are even more holes which defenetly where not planed.. see 2 more printscreens with the holes and in the last one you can see the hole that was "selected area" 0.o"
UPDATE 2: i tryed to cut that cake again. and now my building is demolished!!! almost 1 day of work... HELP
bienvenue dans notre communauté. Je suis pas français mais je parle.. (un peut) donc il n y a pas beaucoup de joueour françaises.
Quelque question ou problème, vous pouvez demander et je peut essayer de aider.Salut
haha.. That would be so awedooome! I will defenetly do something like that too. Imagine how easy moving your town will be
:)))Well besides... If we can connect commands with timesettings that would open so many doors.. uff
Hey yesterday i was looking through all those cool BPs youve allready uploaded. I hope im bringing you something usefull.. for me it is. =) its my flying workstation i take everywhere i have to build something.
its made from wood and so fully rotatable. note: as you can see in the pictures i have placed water so it gets some kind of "flying" look. to do this i used World Edit - /we fill water thats the easiest way.
Posters i used - also attachedHave fun!
Im Speak German, spanish, french, and a bit english. So 4. (if you count swiss german as a seperate language 6)
... No metters if were calling it clever or not.
do i have to do smth with my server after the update. Got it on Nitrado
haha.. Well a we have somthing else in common. Were both just getting into this admin stuff. I also newly having a server since like 4 days trying to add a gamemode to the vanilla because i was missing it so bad. But step by step i start getting why i didnt happen till now. Its quiet timeconsuming and tricky.
Aah PS: im Swiss
true words. That would be really cool.
bin noch bis um ca 15 Uhr heute da. Passt das evtl. Grad?
Thats cool thx. Sry for asking but im new to all this. Im setting up a ClanWar Server. (or trying to)
Can i also set whole Group groups.
I.e. I have a Clan A and BCan i say Clan A (Group) is "shopper" in Clan Bs Basecamp (Area)? Or do i have to do this for every single player?
Is it possible to add or remove the right to ATK (PVP) within Areas?
Thx for your help
haha.. Entonces hablamos edpañol! Jaja.
Lol allthought im really bad at your business "Computer n stuff" i allso have touchpoints. Haha. The spanish (lived one year in Cuba)
And right now im involved in the development of an analysis and crm Tool for Insurance-Brokers in Switzerland. As freelance consultant. I totaly love to Work with computergeeks (mine take it as a compliment) beecause if never before worked with a team so passionate about what they do. Haha.@Rydecker Welcome to the community!!
hmmm. Ok but the existing files they refere to groups. No to a zone. How can i set up permissions for one player to be able to build in his lot limitless and in the camp streets they have no rights exept of pvping and looting bodies. and in other clanmembers lot they have absolutely no rights. Then in other clans camp they have no rights exept of pvp and looting. So i have 1 player that has 4 different types of permissionsets in at least 5 or 6 different zones.. Thats my major problem in this case. i think
Ich denk ich brauch demnächst mal ein bisschen aktive unterstützung betreffend Permission.skripts in kombination mit AreaProtection.
Wenn da jemand mal Bock und Zeit hat wär ich froh um eine PN
Das wär echt nice wenn wir da mal was ausmachen könnten. Du musst mir halt einfach Bescheid geben wanns dir passt... =)
nice.! jaa niemals hätte ich von jemandem erwartet, dass er seinen Server fallen lässt. uff... =) es gieng hier mehr darum als community einen server zu konzipieren.
Dass die Bautüftler einzelne Projekte am Server untersützen würden. Dass erfahrene Spieler sich am Aufbau, Konzept und Plan des Servers in Form von Ideen beteiligen.
Es gibt halt viel zu tun und mein Know-How hält sich bis heute in Grenzen. =)Aber das wird sich ändern.. Wenn ich denn mal soweit bin, dass ich was zeigen / vorstellen kann werd ich mich hier wieder bemerkbar machen. vorher macht das denk ich nicht viel Sinn.
Aber es ist gut zu wissen, dass es schon solche Projekte gab