Yes. I am a fool!
I do hope Kryssi79 can help! Otherwise I guess I have a chair in the garden.
Yes. I am a fool!
I do hope Kryssi79 can help! Otherwise I guess I have a chair in the garden.
You have been so helpful. I did try to scale the chair as you suggested to .002. The chair now places, but the center point is now way off. Since I didn't create the object I don't know how to fix that. I also see that the jpg I chose for the texture covers the whole chair. If there is more than one texture to be applied I don't know how I would do it. I have put a video here that shows how this is very odd when trying to place the object.
And I have linked to my object files so that you can download them if you want.
But the bigger problem now is HOW DO I DELETE the chair from my world???? I fist placed it in my practice world, but then I decided to try in my real build. Mistake! How can I remove the chair???
I should probably leave this fancy object placing to the big boys.
link to a video of chair placement
Chair Files
Can you help me remove the chair?
Also this is what is in the .mtl file: (I wonder what it does?)
# 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - (c)2007 guruware
# File Created: 22.09.2014 10:18:17
newmtl wire_153185228
Ns 32
d 1
Tr 0
Tf 1 1 1
illum 2
Ka 0.6000 0.7255 0.8941
Kd 0.6000 0.7255 0.8941
Ks 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500
newmtl wire_223086086
Ns 32
d 1
Tr 0
Tf 1 1 1
illum 2
Ka 0.8745 0.3373 0.3373
Kd 0.8745 0.3373 0.3373
Ks 0.3500 0.3500 0.3500
your .model file is correct, this objects are away to big - you need to scale down 0.001 - 0.002,
(couch: verts:88.000 faces:88.000 Tris: 177.000 - thats as much or more than your whole Wollaton Hall )
Ah. So much for complex furniture, huh? Oh well. Maybe someday. The flat square couch is just not very appropriate to my build. Too bad. I guess I can try building them in game. (Laughs)
I know this isn't a building but I want to show it off anyway. I am building Wollaton Hall (in Nottingham, UK) and it's a huge project, for me. Bored with building, so tackled this decorative pond and fountain. I hope we get water lilies some day! (and moving water of course)
I tried Minotorius's suggestion and wrote the .model doc for my chair object.
Hopefully I did that right:
model:Volpi Matilde Chair.obj
texture:Volpi Matilde Chair.jpg
My object has that name and I replace the .mtl texture file with my jpg. It does show up in the dialogbox list! But when I try to place the object I get this message:
Nu kannest du deine 3D objekte laden.
So, I guess it doesn't like the object. The chair file is 5mb. Which is large, I guess, but I don't know what else may be wrong. Oh well, I will try again some later day.
Today however the Commode and Buch I placed did not stay in the game after I closed and reopened the game. This game world is set up in Survival, but I change it to Creative to build. I guess the placed object just won't work in a survival world? However they do stay in another game (set up in creative). I can't change the game permanently to creative if I first set it up in survival.
Oh my!!! That is fantastic. Love it. Let's see Hobbiton and Mordor next!
@MommaT Does the plugin work? do you need help ?
Hi Kryssi!
Yes. I did get the plugin to work. Thank you! I cannot imagine how hard it is to program this sort of thing. I have no knowledge of programming.
I found the placement of the object to be a bit weird. But I did figure it out. The only thing I could not do was to rotate the objects. Is this not possible?
The object you provided (commode and buch) both were still in place after I quit the game and restarted. So, good job!
As a test, I tried to put a downloaded chair.obj in the assets folder but this file doe not show up in the list in the dialogbox. So, it must be that only .model and .dds files will work. I have never tried Blender, but that may be in my future.
I am sure everyone is right that very complex object would break the game. Too bad. I would love some very complex antique furniture in my game!
Good work, and THANK YOU!
Thanks. I am very interested in trying this. I have downloaded the 3.1 version and have just placed everything in the .jar file into the Plugins folder.
I don't know it that's right. Also I don't know what the chat command is to type to get the plugin to open.
I have found some very nice furniture objects for free download on I can get .obj files and they come with .obj and .mtl (materials?)
But I see in the assets with the plugin the files are .model and .dds. Is there a converter for these file types? Curious. I know nothing really about 3d. I can open the .obj in Photoshop and it looks nice but without the skins. I'll keep looking around to learn more.
Gibt es diesen Thread auf dem englischen Forum? Sorry, ich lese kein deutsch, also verwende ich Google Translate. ICH HABE VIEL WOLLEN dieses Plugin! Ich spiele im Einzelspieler. Ich habe Fragen!
Funktioniert das Plugin auf einem Singleplayer? Gibt es Anweisungen für die Installation?
Welches Programm verwenden Sie, um die Objekte zu erstellen? (Freie Open Source?) Das wäre noch eine Sache zu lernen, aber ich würde mich freuen, es zu versuchen.
Gibt es da oder gibt es hier einen Platz in den Foren, um spielerische Gegenstände auszutauschen? Wie sind Gegenstände in das Spiel geladen ... oder macht das Plugin das für dich? (Ich nehme an, das ist der Zweck davon.)
Könnte diese Art von Plugin für Benutzer gemacht Objekte immer in der Vanille-Version des Spiels enthalten sein?
Vielen Dank!
Does this thread exist on the English forum? Sorry I don't read German so I am using Google Translate. I SO MUCH WANT this plugin! I play in singleplayer. I have questions!
Does the plugin work on a singleplayer install? Are there instructions for installation?
What program are you using to create the objects? (free open source?) That would be one more thing to learn but I would be excited to try.
Are there or could there be a place here on the forums to exchange player-made objects? How are objects load into the game... or does the plugin do that for you? (I assume that is the purpose of it.)
Might this type of plugin for user made objects ever be included in the vanilla version of the game?
Just started up today on The flickering of the plank element is gone, though now there are some seams visible when you look at them from different positions. That's OK, way better! The posters also are much improved. They don't flicker much only a few flickers when moving around but it's 95% better! So GREAT! Massive improvement there—and I didn't have change anything.
Rotation control key glitch also fixed perfectly! Thanks!!!!
Yes. I am having the same rotation issue. I have made a short video of this and of a flickering problem with planks and with posters. This is after the latest hot fix. As of late April 28th. 6 pm MST (USA Mountain time).
Video here:
First part shows the flickering issue. This is planks applied over a block wall, and then posters also flicker whenever you move. Second part shows the control key rotation issue.
Yes. I am having the same rotation issue. I have made a short video of this and of a flickering problem with planks and with posters. This is after the latest hot fix. As of late April 28th. 6 pm MST (USA Mountain time).
Video here:
First part shows the flickering issue. This is planks applied over a block wall, and then posters also flicker whenever you move. Second part shows the control key rotation issue.
Well this is exciting! A map! How does one place a marker? Haven't figured that out. Though It's cool. I like it so far. And I don't know if it's the "improved biome arrangement" but i found a beach straight away! Yay. And corn! And weeds!
"PS: a compass can only have 0-359 degrees that distance is in blocks i.e. you have travelled a straight distance of 37774 blocks from your spawn."
Of course! You're right. I wasn't sure what to call it. but Blocks make perfect sense. I will give your idea a try.
I have a world that I think I seeded by typing Lake in the seed field. It has mountains, forests, temperate grasslands, and yes, lakes. It also has at least one snow biome. It does not appear to have any savannas, deserts or beaches. I have flown due east for more than 3 game days, what must be the equivalent of thousands(?) of miles. I haven't seen anything but the above forests and mountains. I am convinced the world has only these biomes. Is that possible?
I though when you generated a world it will make one with all possible biomes, but place you nearest the biome you typed in the seed field. Am I mistaken?
If I need glass, and I do, I guess I will have to "cheat" and just make it in creative. No sand for me.
I should add that this is furthest I have been from base. the further I go the more it seems to lag. Is this common also? I am 37,774 (degrees?) east of my base. So, pretty far.
I agree. I love it that we HAVE weather, but it does seem to rain at least everyday in game days. Sometimes more. Maybe randomized to just 1/3 of days or less? Also fog is pretty darn thick at times, comically so, but I believe this is noted and will be fixed.
Mining sand with a pick. LOL. I'm trying to imagine how this would work in real life. Maybe it's time to add that pictured shovel to Rising World.
I'm trying to make white trim (woodbeam). The whitest white I have found in game is the the marble 143. But compared to the white door it looks very gray. Is there a WHITE white color I could apply to woodbeams and planks?
I just haven't found it.