Noice Update
Posts by ffflo1993
A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
hehe nette story @Prof741 und @Heiner_65
i am really trying hard to not say to much oO this is pissing me off!!! red and his small team are awesome and they help users far more than they should i mean how meany times have you seen other dev's goto this extreme to help the users??? i think all you guys bitching should take a good look at your selfs yeah you paid 10 or 15 dollars for a unfinished game, but what sort of help are you doing by bitching about what you don't yet have???
sehs von der guten seite: von so einer großen karotte wird man wenigstens lange satt
der drache ist wirklich mal genial!
Maybe you're new around here... But it should of been obvious that this is nothing like blockscape.
no you get me wrong, I just compared it to blockscape because blockscape is one of the very few games I know that are in the same genre (minecraft ist block game, creativerse is block game, and games like forest, stranded deep, salt are completely different). but update frequency cannot be compared between rising world and blockscape, there are no updates for blockscape (and a silent developer), but regular updates for rising world (and communicative developer) -
Maybe he did not buy the game on steam though. Not sure if it says something like this when you get the game via the website.
Maybe he did not buy the game on steam though. Not sure if it says something like this when you get the game via the website.
I think xdeft only wanted to say it is what he was told in the blockscape forums when he complained about it (and seriously, he is totally right when he complains about bs). the main problem was the dev who did actually not talk to the community, no infos on steam, nothing. nearly a year without communication. a few months ago he suddenly said he will change the engine and look of the game now it looks like minecraft (you feel scammed if you buyed the game for the realistic look). well blockscape is probably one of the worst examples for early access out there, so much potential thrown away, but there are no alternatives except rising world (and RW has done a awesome job so far!!)by the way, on the homepage the game is sold as "Alpha" as far as I remember (it is already more than 1 year ago since I buyed the game)
wow das ist ja mal erste sahne! kann man ja das spiel fast schon als grafikprogramm benutzen xD wobei ich mir wünschen würde wenn man das auch so irgendwan mal im spiel finden kann
Sieht richtig geil aus! freue mich schon darauf in der wüste zu verdursten
müssen die welten denn dann neu angefangen werden oder kann man auch die alten weiter benutzen? obwohl ich bei meiner welt eh nicht viel zu verlieren habe
Ich dachte eine sekunde lang ich hätte irgendein wichtiges update verpasst
Super video! Auf die idee die kisten so zu beschriften bin ich noch gar nicht gekommen
OMG hab das erst jetzt gesehen OMG OMG das sieht einfach so genial aus!!!! -
tolles update, endlich gibt es erze! biome hören sich auch klasse an
lad das video doch auf youtube hoch und markiere es als privat, dann können es nur die leute sehen die den link davon haben
sieht echt klasse aus!!
looks great! really nice drawings, and I like Mr. Pumpkin Head especially
nice work!! the stair leads directly down to the hell?