
A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • i mean would you ask for a donation back that funded the research of cancer ?

    In my opinion you can't compare that with a donation ^^ (At least not with donating to a cancer study 8| )
    I mean he paid money hopeing to get a good game. And the alpha status states that there will be at least a few updates. But of course you are right with what has been said before about games in alpha status and I also think that red is doing the best he can.

  • In my opinion you can't compare that with a donation ^^ (At least not with donating to a cancer study 8| )
    I mean he paid money hopeing to get a good game. And the alpha status states that there will be at least a few updates. But of course you are right with what has been said before about games in alpha status and I also think that red is doing the best he can.

    hows it any different when people donate to cancer they expect it to be spent on some research even when that research may lead no where Alpha games are much the same they are just concepts that your donation helps fund till they become at a stage they can be released as beta that's much like research the only difference is most people think developers are making a killing so expect much more back in return for there donation or they want there donation back, but the sad true fact is most developers work long into the night everyday with very little sleep and don't earn enough to even pay all the bills then there's the stress of users like this ass who feel the need to demand far more for his 15 dollar donation then anyone could produce, he does he not know for games like GTA theres a team of 100s of people and sill it takes them 2 or more years to build. sorry this topic gets me mad lol but i just cant stand it and i feel for red and his team.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • [quote='red51',''][quote='rajkox',''
    Expect a preview of the biomes update this weekend, from that point on, it requires a few weeks until the update goes live ;) Definitely will be available in September.[/quote]

    Are you going to just post screenshots red , or what kind of preview. Perhaps a video :)

  • All things considered, and I know I'm new to Rising World, but the development cycle seems fine to me. I mean, yes, everyone wants more stuff - content, things to do, crafting, items, etc... Maybe even some prefabs to explore. I don't know how long RW has been around - according to Steam it became available in December 2014? At any rate, looking at how much you can actually do, and how big the world is, and the fact that it's random / procedural generation and by the looks of it pretty much infinite - I'd say the pace for a very small team is about right. I mean, this isn't my first early access game, nor is it my first alpha (I used to do alpha / beta testing starting back in 2000 and for several years), so I kinda know what to expect.

    Is it perfect? No. Is it coming along quickly? No. But it's also not really that buggy compared to other currently-available titles. I love the whole voxel / destructible world thing, but I hate blocky worlds. So I've never played Minecraft or any other similar games. I do have 7 Days to Die (for my zombie killing fix), and Space Engineers (for my building / flying fix), but Rising World fills another niche, for me anyway. And that's pure exploration with building.

    Sure, I look forward to more content, more things to do, and more to explore. But the game isn't broken. At least not for me. I played for about a week straight with my son, and we both enjoyed ourselves (he's a bit mischievous so he enjoyed hitting me with his axe / pickaxe then running away). We built a small base, then started working on a much larger structure - a mansion of sorts. We didn't run into any serious bugs other than I couldn't see the animals he aggro'd. But that's minor, and there were no crashes.

    So, Red, keep on keeping on. It's coming along - slowly but cleanly. All things considered, I made the mistake of buying into The Dead Linger, and have watched from the sidelines as they went through 2 major engine changes, and 2 years later that game is pretty much a waste of hard drive space - even to the point where its current state is actually much worse and far less filled out than it was 2 years ago.

    Anyway, I'll stick around and be patient, and I look forward to the new biomes coming soon.

  • Well I'm getting destroyed here by seemingly smart people so it's time to admit my post was stupid to begin with.

    Or I could still yell out about "lack of progress" but then I would be the guy from this one joke ... how was it ..

    "A man turned on the car radio. On the radio there was a dire warning : ATTENTION! On highway 3, one driver drives on the wrong lane! -"ONE DRIVER!??!" yelled out the man. "MORE LIKE A THOUSAND!!"

  • Well I'm getting destroyed here by seemingly smart people so it's time to admit my post was stupid to begin with.

    Or I could still yell out about "lack of progress" but then I would be the guy from this one joke ... how was it ..

    "A man turned on the car radio. On the radio there was a dire warning : ATTENTION! On highway 3, one driver drives on the wrong lane! -"ONE DRIVER!??!" yelled out the man. "MORE LIKE A THOUSAND!!"

    Avenger, you`re not alone... I also think that game is is very slow progressing, and get used of blaming and flaming, because I think there is whole Reds family here on forum :), but as I will always say what is on my mind, so should everybody, everybody has its opinion, in civilized world its called "free speech"...

  • Avenger, you`re not alone... I also think that game is is very slow progressing, and get used of blaming and flaming, because I think there is whole Reds family here on forum :), but as I will always say what is on my mind, so should everybody, everybody has its opinion, in civilized world its called "free speech"...

    some people can't read it seems:Early Access Game Get instant access and start playing; get involved with this game as it develops.
    Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further.
    If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.
    Read: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further.
    but if you didn't want to take the risk you shouldn't have bought it.
    as the first thing stated on the page is, MAY OR MAY NOT CHANGE IN THE FUTURE.
    I agree that he should keep his promise of good communication towards the community. But if you want to complain that the game isn't being updated etc. then you obviously didn't read the big note saying Early Acces Game. :S

    keep up the good work red51

    someone posted this to me because i was complaining about blockscape (last update june 2014 )
    that is slow

  • Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further.
    If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.

    Maybe he did not buy the game on steam though. Not sure if it says something like this when you get the game via the website.

  • Maybe he did not buy the game on steam though. Not sure if it says something like this when you get the game via the website.

    Maybe he did not buy the game on steam though. Not sure if it says something like this when you get the game via the website.

    I think xdeft only wanted to say it is what he was told in the blockscape forums when he complained about it (and seriously, he is totally right when he complains about bs). the main problem was the dev who did actually not talk to the community, no infos on steam, nothing. nearly a year without communication. a few months ago he suddenly said he will change the engine and look of the game now it looks like minecraft (you feel scammed if you buyed the game for the realistic look). well blockscape is probably one of the worst examples for early access out there, so much potential thrown away, but there are no alternatives except rising world (and RW has done a awesome job so far!!)

    by the way, on the homepage the game is sold as "Alpha" as far as I remember (it is already more than 1 year ago since I buyed the game)

  • every looked at Blockscape? it is very much like rising world was a very promising game, but latest update was in july 2014, and it was only a bugfix :thumbdown: so much about slow progress... X/

    OMG You're overreacting. blockscapes development progress is in no way the same as Rising world.

    Every update here brings in new features ( besides the quick bug fixes "hotfixes" which usually come right after a big update ) blockscape had practically none of that and total silence from the developer.
    Here with rising world Red is here and quick with responding to any questions. Maybe you're new around here... But it should of been obvious that this is nothing like blockscape.

  • Ya, at this point I view this second page as "over-reacting". With what I'm used to in the gaming community + with Mojang, Red is basically spoiling us rotten with what we're getting in each update. Everything else is pretty much 'decoration' in text. Even my novel-sized postings.

    Nothing to complain about. We're going to get the biome update + the water update + dungeons after that so that's something to look forward to. Blockscape is a mess so it's left to fix itself. Mojang also has issues to tend to by still having to fix boat de-sync issues that they're purposely ignoring. Red's game is one of the few/many games on the block. The small updates Red pushes out is still just as important as the big ones that fixes floating ores, among other things. :P

  • Maybe you're new around here... But it should of been obvious that this is nothing like blockscape.

    no you get me wrong, I just compared it to blockscape because blockscape is one of the very few games I know that are in the same genre (minecraft ist block game, creativerse is block game, and games like forest, stranded deep, salt are completely different). but update frequency cannot be compared between rising world and blockscape, there are no updates for blockscape (and a silent developer), but regular updates for rising world (and communicative developer) :whistling:

  • i am really trying hard to not say to much oO this is pissing me off!!! red and his small team are awesome and they help users far more than they should i mean how meany times have you seen other dev's goto this extreme to help the users??? i think all you guys bitching should take a good look at your selfs yeah you paid 10 or 15 dollars for a unfinished game, but what sort of help are you doing by bitching about what you don't yet have???

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • i am really trying hard to not say to much oO this is pissing me off!!! red and his small team are awesome and they help users far more than they should i mean how meany times have you seen other dev's goto this extreme to help the users??? i think all you guys bitching should take a good look at your selfs yeah you paid 10 or 15 dollars for a unfinished game, but what sort of help are you doing by bitching about what you don't yet have???

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