Posts by Minotorious

    glad to hear you got it to work :)

    signs do have a definition no matter if they have text on them or not, the definition is what holds all the information about signs, e.g. they object ID, their variations, etc.

    can I see the snippet of the code causing the null pointer exception?

    Thanks though.. I have it working now. The Timer was needed to be in the public static statement not in the event. Starting in the execution statement works but if you define it in the execution it stops when the event if cancelled. That aspect was not understood by me, as I expected it to run independent of the statement by the system once launched.

    Timers are indeed independent and cancelling the event shouldn't affect them. Probably something else is going on in there :/ If I could see the source code maybe I could help more with that :)

    Here is a basic timer example, hope it helps:

    ok ok come on guys relax, you have a different opinion no reason to be mean to each other about it. As I see it after reading this thread there are 3 options:

    • Option 1: We stay with the current system. i.e. Text of signs is not visible through posters placed on them. That means that in order to make a custom sign you would need to add your text on the poster when you create it on an external program. Then to change your text you would need to edit the poster outside the game and reupload it after. It is a hassle but doable.
    • Option 2: We revert to the old system. i.e. Text on signs is visible through posters placed on them. That means that to make a custom sign you only need to upload the background image and type your text on the sign itself. But you can also leave the sign blank and post your poster with the text already on it if you prefer a different font. The disadvantage of such a system is that you cannot have text on the sign and a poster on it and avoid the sign text showing through unless you move the sign slightly behind the poster.
    • Option 3: An Alpha Channel is introduced to the sign text such that you can have text on a sign but with an Alpha value of 0 making it invisible. This way I think everyone is accommodated to do whatever they want with signs and posters.

    @red51 how hard would it be for an Alpha channel to be introduced to signs without destroying all already existing signs?

    Since we're here, do you actually know if they changed the command to change the gamemode or if it was removed? I was trying to make my game creative to get those back without having to waste any more resources, but the "gamemode" command says it's unknown now...

    as far as I know it has always been their setgamemode 0/1 or gm 0/1 (0 = survival, 1 = creative)

    I think I might have done that. I actually went into creative for a moment to check something real quick, and I also logged out the last time I was just done cooking the meat cause I was just waiting for that to be done to go to bed. Is this the cause?

    yes the SP world is auto-saved in small intervals of time so if you log out before the changes (i.e. you putting the items in a chest) are saved the items disappear. They also will not be on your inventory because the inventory is saved more frequently from my understanding so it will record them being removed from it.

    Am liebsten würde ich schon alles in onEnable definieren, nur ist der jewaliege Player noch nicht da. Ich brauche ja nur einmal ne Initialisierung. PlayerSpawnEvent klingt für mich als würde er auch beim respawn ausgeführt wird. ( keine Ahnung, ob dann Probleme entstehen, wenn z.B. die Bilder erneut initialisiert werden)

    nein nein PlayerRespawnEvent kommt nach dem tod, PlayerSpawnEvent kommt nur wenn der Spieler erstmal im Welt spawnt ;)

    Vielleicht macht das Sinn noch ein, zwei Events einzufügt, einen zum Player initialiesieren(Bilder usw )der nicht sichtbar ist(auf blinkende Bilder beim Inizialiesieren) und wenn der Player sich bewegen kann (nach dem Beitreten) z.b. Text einblenden, Area Prüfen, oder sowas.
    Weil beide Funktionen PlayerSpawnEvent & PlayerConnectEvent werden ausgeführt, bevor das Spiel Sicht bar ist. Quasi ne Yallmsg sieht man nicht mehr, die ist dann abgelaufen.

    PlayerSpawnEvent kommt nach der Spieler den Welt sieht aber während die Umgebung geladet ist. d.h. wenn du player.sendTextMessage() oder player.sendYellMessage() nutzt der spieler sieht das ;)

    if you see red text in the chat this same text is written to the current server log in the Logs folder on the server, there is just no way this doesn't happen. You might need to search a bit in the log especially if the server doesn't restart often they tend to get really long but you will 100% find it, there is just no way it is not in there :/

    But if you say you know it is a problem with the plugin then the creator in this case Patrick is the only one who can fix it and if he will do so anyway in a month all good :)

    If you want to see what is causing the error you can download a java decompiler and run the plugin jar through it, then you will be able to see a big portion of the source code and possibly find the problem. ;)

    So I am fine until then I just was looking into the DE thing and wanted to know. It shows up as a cross reference in the plug in file for iConomy. That I supposed was for developers to try to interface with. You can look at it in the javadoc file with that plugin.

    I have no idea what the DE thing is but it probably is part of the name of the plugin package Patrick has made his plugin in. No clue why he named it that but if it is convenient for him then that's it. I usually name my packages something simple like the name of the plugin or so :D

    ein bischen spät in der Diskussion aber ich würde sagen dass es sollte wie es ist bleiben.

    Im ConnectEvent der Spieler laded den Welt und andere Server sachen wichtiger als ein Plugin. Wenn ein Plugin zu viel im ConnectEvent macht dann der Spieler braucht zu viel Zeit in der Server einzuloggen.

    Ich finde ein plugin sollte im SpawnEvent alles machen nach der Spieler sicher und völlig im Server verbunden ist. :/

    (replacing "I am a rw player" by "I_am_a_rw_player" looks better than "Iamarwplayer")^^

    oh that is what I meant by the trim command not remove the spaces but replace them with underscores:

    e.g. player.trimName() that automatically changes spaces to underscores so that it is safer for everyone players and plugin creators?

    Maybe we have to look for other solutions. If changing the player name isn't a good idea, maybe it makes sense to restrict whitespaces by the game again (so they will be replaced by underlines or something like that automatically).

    That would indeed make sense so when you type your character's name in the profile menu, when you press space an unerscore is written instead.

    Or maybe a new function for the PlayerCommandEvent which returns the individual arguments of the command (so you don't have to use "split()" anymore), but takes characters like " or ' into account (so you could use sth like "/command 'I am a rw player' param1 param2").

    I am not sure if this will fully work as a solution as in some keyboards when you press the: '/" key this character is written instead: `

    not an error log, the normal server log, will contain it. An error log is only created if the server crashes due to the error, if the server doesn't crash the error is noted in the normal server log (Logs directory) and the server keeps working like nothing happened.

    Not a problem at all @Miwarre and you raise some really valid concerns on the topic, tbh I would prefer the suggested version of player.trimName() (or some similar command that automates the process so that I as a plugin creator don't have access to a player's name at all) as it is fully abuse free.