What is the DE.pbplugins tool?

  • I get errors from iCononmy routine and it fails to initialize the database. The javascript with the routine has this DE. PBplugin. tools in the zip file. WHen i look it up on the Rising World API is says not useage what is it or what was it?

  • upload the server log with the error, there must be a line above that with the method from the iConomy that caused the problem :)

  • not an error log, the normal server log, will contain it. An error log is only created if the server crashes due to the error, if the server doesn't crash the error is noted in the normal server log (Logs directory) and the server keeps working like nothing happened.

  • This is just the registration of the event listener there is no error in this pic you uploaded :/

  • This is just the registration of the event listener there is no error in this pic you uploaded :/

    because everytime someone logs into my server for the first time java errors flash across the screen as this thing tries to find a unknown database there is no errors in the log. Then I edit the database by hand and i no longer get an error when they log in and they have iMoney to use. It is a bug in the plugin program that Patrick says he will fix next month. So I am fine until then I just was looking into the DE thing and wanted to know. It shows up as a cross reference in the plug in file for iConomy. That I supposed was for developers to try to interface with. You can look at it in the javadoc file with that plugin.

  • if you see red text in the chat this same text is written to the current server log in the Logs folder on the server, there is just no way this doesn't happen. You might need to search a bit in the log especially if the server doesn't restart often they tend to get really long but you will 100% find it, there is just no way it is not in there :/

    But if you say you know it is a problem with the plugin then the creator in this case Patrick is the only one who can fix it and if he will do so anyway in a month all good :)

    If you want to see what is causing the error you can download a java decompiler and run the plugin jar through it, then you will be able to see a big portion of the source code and possibly find the problem. ;)

    So I am fine until then I just was looking into the DE thing and wanted to know. It shows up as a cross reference in the plug in file for iConomy. That I supposed was for developers to try to interface with. You can look at it in the javadoc file with that plugin.

    I have no idea what the DE thing is but it probably is part of the name of the plugin package Patrick has made his plugin in. No clue why he named it that but if it is convenient for him then that's it. I usually name my packages something simple like the name of the plugin or so :D

  • That was the ticket.. sort of feel seedy to the decompile.. You are exactly correct. He names his stuff with the de. thing. One thing that is interesting is he has his own API Class tool that is compiled in the code.

    It is the on logon that is the issue so I will look at that Thanks

  • The error is no such field error if someone logs on new to my server

    PLUGIN EXCEPTION (iConomy, 1.1.0, PatrickBronke) ---->
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: sysConfig
    at de.pbplugins.icListener.onPlayerConnect(icListener.java:358)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:206)
    at D.l.execute(SourceFile:99)
    at z.b.run(SourceFile:24)

    358 is the first float Start_Cash line

    catch (SQLException localSQLException1) {}
    if (uid != player.getUID())
    float Start_Cash = Float.parseFloat(this.plugin.sysConfig.getValue("Start_Cash"));
    float Start_Bank = Float.parseFloat(this.plugin.sysConfig.getValue("Start_Bank"));
    float Start_BankMin = Float.parseFloat(this.plugin.sysConfig.getValue("Start_BankMin"));
    pstmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Money (UID, Cash, Bank, BankMin) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
    pstmt.setLong(1, player.getUID());
    pstmt.setFloat(2, Start_Cash);
    pstmt.setFloat(3, Start_Bank);
    pstmt.setFloat(4, Start_BankMin);
    catch (SQLException ex)

  • That was the ticket.. sort of feel seedy to the decompile.. You are exactly correct. He names his stuff with the de. thing. One thing that is interesting is he has his own API Class tool that is compiled in the code.

    It is the on logon that is the issue so I will look at that Thanks

    Hi @red51,

    wie kann man sein jar-Datei richtig Verschlüsseln, damit nicht jeder den Code sehen kann?
    Weil so wie es aussieht, kann angriff mein Code losen. :whistling:

    Zur Information: Wenn Ihr selbst was am Code ändert, dann macht nicht mich dafür schuldig, wenn etwas nicht geht.
    For information: If you yourself will change what the code, does not make me guilty for if something does not work.

    Zum Code sage ich nur eins: Ich halte das eigentliche Plugin und zusätzliche Tools getrennt.
    Ich kann einfach die Tools kopieren und sie in andere Plugins einfügen. Der Code ist nicht an dieses Plugin gebunden.
    To the code, I say only one thing: I keep the actual plugin and additional tools separate.
    I can simply copy the tools and paste them into other plugins. The code is not tied to this plugin.

  • don't worry I was not able to fix it so waited until your revision.. it works now thanks :rolleyes:

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