Posts by Minotorious

    type ban in the console and you will get the full instructions, if i remember it right it is "ban playername time" time=-1 for permanent ban

    but it doesn't work atm due to the SteamUID update red will fix it in the next update, for now edit the banlist.txt manually on your server ;)

    yep currently biomes spawn completely at random based on your world seed, I would recommend using F2 (fly mode) to find the biome you want faster, then you can land and continue playing in survival mode if you so wish :)

    As @Avanar said every world should in theory have at least one of each biome but some may appear less than others :/

    red said that there may be a way to control the starting biomes (i.e. around the spawn point) at least in the future but it is not certain yet, have a look here: Customisable or better Predefined World Generation

    did you have the debug console on at the time? If not please have it on from now on just in case it happens again. Without a log it is almost impossible to know what happened :/

    This is one strange bug, I am thinking that something in your world has gotten corrupt and is defaulting the spawn back to that point :/

    You could try sending the world via email to red51 to check out :) email:

    you could add a permission group for each rank and then switch them whenever you need to, they could all have the same exact permission but a different name thus rendering them purely visual and reflecting what you want instead of actually being different permission groups.

    Use the player.setPermissionGroup() method to change them where something that you are monitoring through your plugin happens. (If I remember correctly you are monitoring survival time on your server right?)

    Then you can use these permissions to set up your name tags:

    shownametagDetermines if the nametag of this player should be visibletrue
    nametagcolorColor of the player's nametag[#FFFFFF]
    nametagprefixPrefix for the player's nametag
    nametagsuffixSuffix for the player's nametag
    nametagprefixcolorColor for the nametag prefix[#FFFFFF]
    nametagsuffixcolorColor for the nametag suffix[#FFFFFF]

    - Ability to fly around faster in F2 mode.

    have you tried using Shift and the mousewheel? maximum speed is 400% which is really fast (i.e. you move faster than the world is generated) unless you have a supercomputer that loads the world instantly :/

    - GM command to clear out the fog of war on map

    unfortunately I think this is impossible at least for the areas that you haven't been in yet to since they haven't been generated but for the already generated areas this would be a nice feature :)

    - Colored glass

    This is planned as far as I remember :)

    yeah probably is a bit too much for the average user :/

    Well the map will be moved server side at some point (hope soonish) so until then just don't change the server name, not the best solution but oh well for now :/

    just thought of it, you could write a small script doing:

    mv old_map_folder_name new_map_folder_name

    not sure if the mv command works on windows though :/

    then send the script to all players through discord or sthing :D

    did you change your server server-list display name, world seed, ip address, or port? the map is named after these 4 parameters if any change then a new map will be created, to keep your old map you can just copy the contents of the old map folder in the new one ;)

    But well ofc once these items are added to the game they will be available on servers too ;)

    I don't think there is any item in the game that is only available in SP and not on a server, well unless you have blocked access to it ofc :D

    But that is also one of the reasons for you to use the PnB plugin for now since it allows access to the items and even subtracts the required resources if you are not in creative mode at least :)

    I should have added that. I thought it would go without saying "without console commands". This is a suggestion for the base game.

    Well sorry for jumping the gun here, but usually most people don't know that the console even exists let alone that there are commands to spawn items so whenever this suggestion comes up (and it does at least once per month or so :D ) the first thing we always suggest is for them to have a look at the console and most people are satisfied with this way of obtaining such items for now, but indeed this is something that should be added to the base game at some point. :)

    As far as I remember electricity/some form of minecraft's redstone is planned for the game, not sure in which form and how it will work but we will just have to wait until it is time for it :D

    can you post the actual permission file since indentation is important for it to work and I cannot see it here :)

    but i think quite a few people have had problems in the past with the keepinventory: true permission, maybe @red51 could check if something is bugged with it on his side of things :/

    When calling


    in PlayerChatEvent will cancel the event totally in rcon from chat even being registered at all. It doesn't matter if you add date or whatever, any modification at all will not show up. In the server logs and game chat itself everything shows up fine. I did a simple test with no date prefixed at the start like the following:

    public void onPlayerChatEvent(PlayerChatEvent event){
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    player.sendTextMessage(event.getPlayerChatName()+": "+event.getChatMessage());

    rcon ignores it entirely.

    That is why red51 added this method a few weeks ago: public void setChatMessage(java.lang.String message). This way you can alter chat messages without cancelling the event and sending your custom message instead as a result all messages appear in RCON too ;)