Posts by Minotorious

    7zip is a compressed file extension as well as a file compression/decompression program it has nothing to do with the properties file which is a simple text file you can open with notepad, wordpad, gedit, vim, or any other freeware text editor widely available.

    Then to get pnb free on creative mode you only need to change the setting: freeForCreative from 0 to 1 in the properties file.

    yes steam workshop would be the best solution in my opinion too, it will make it easy to subscribe to blueprints and then steam would automatically download them and place them in your blueprints folder.

    In my experience so far it takes a huge amount of time to build a proper nice/realistic looking medieval house thus when I want to build a village of them I have to either create 2-3 and then BP them multiple times over and over again or build 6-7 of them and then take 2-3 blueprints from the forum to fill my village :)

    jetzt kann man Dinge teleportieren aber nur von einem Spieler nach ein anderem Spieler bzw. im Inventar.

    Mit der nächste Update wird das Java API Box Inhalt methoden beeinhalten, dann könnte man Dinge von einem Box nach ein anderem Box teleportieren.

    Was genau meinst du und wie willst du Dinge teleportieren?

    yes I know and again dynamite has nothing to do with full creative mode which is the topic of this thread...As I said dynamite is banned on most servers because it doesn't follow the areaprotection permissions.

    The thing with dynamite is that once you throw it, it has no owner so the areaprotection script cannot know who threw it and in which area it landed, you could tbh do some fancy calculation but that is a waste of computing power imo so most servers just ban dynamite and problem solved. Also you don't really need dynamite for anything, it wastes resources when it blows the ground up, if you could gather the resources then that would make me rethink dynamite as a viable resource gathering tool and figure out a way to restrict it to player areas.

    Full protection doesn't necessarily have to be part of the game, it just has to be done smartly to safeguard against all threats. For instance there is a known flaw on the areaprotection script but i will not say anything more in public since it can be exploited to mess up other people's builds on servers that use it.

    Yes blueprinting is the best safeguard and I get that huge builds need multiple of them and then stitching together when placed but I would rather do that than start over. I usually blueprint each house separately and then the roads or squares or walls I rebuild from scratch.

    But you shouldn't be afraid of losing any building progress for now red has said that he will convert our worlds to handle all updates and will leave the updates that will require a world reset for the end of the development process.

    yes this is how it looks on everyone's screen @migdyn has to set his game to a lower field of view value for it to look ok and not distorted.

    I can help but not atm, I will be home in a few hours then I can post here a screenshot showing which setting he has to change

    it is not the screenshot format that is the problem here it is the field of view number you have the game set at, this is not the default setting and thus looks very distorted

    Yes that is true we have now changed our ranking system and at 6 days (if I remember it right atm) of playtime every player gets access to the F5/F6 tools as well as to the item/object/spawnnpc console commands.

    Now on your question, the area protection script is not part of the game it is a lua script made by players (yahgiggle if I am not mistaken). We run that script on our server but I believe Silver took that script and changed it to fit his needs for your server so for any more specific questions you should ask him on how it is implemented on your server. The Java API does not yet fully support areaprotection thus no plugin has been created as of yet, this should be fixed with the next update I was told by red.

    Red has said that he might include areaprotection as part of the core game but I think it is low on his priority list for now.

    There are only a few things that can bypass the current areaprotection script, dynamite, the F5/F6 tools, and the blocks when you place blueprints. On our server we haven't had problems so far and considering you need 6 days or so of playtime to gain access to these tools you will think twice before destroying something resulting in a ban.

    Our server has usually 6-10 players online, I am very happy with that and wouldn't consider it a lonesome server :D

    thanks graysilk hope it goes well and we get many people to come vote on our builds :D , in fact I am just advertising our events two players from Landmark told us about them and are organising it (FelonyMelanie and MissBehaven hope I spelled both correctly XD )

    On the actual thread topic:

    hmm yes I know your server's restricts plugin use but maybe an admin can use the commands if they code it in, not sure how you would go about creating that kind of area clear in RW but maybe there is a way and I haven't seen it in the API yet