Posts by Minotorious

    So you did try relogging and it didn't fix it or you didn't try it at all? Also could other people see the glitch or were you the only one who saw it in game?

    If that didn't work a good solution is to destroy 1-2 blocks and place them back or pickaxe the ground near your glitched voxel.

    I don't understand what process the area clear command you are referring to should carry out. There exists an cleararea command in RW (through the plugin API) that removes all objects/items/terrain/etc. from an area but I doubt that is what you meant.

    this is just a visual glitch that occurs with many items, namely planks, beams, torches, etc. when placing other items next to them. If you relog the problem should be fixed.

    Dear Rising World Community, @red51, and the rest of the development team,

    You are all herewith cordially invited to attend the Autumn Rising Festival hosted by the Artisan's Realm Rising World Server (IP:port 85:190:158:239:12600)

    The Event will be on October 25th 17:00 EDT (22:00 BST, 23:00 CEST) and October 26th 19:00 EDT (00:00 BST, 01:00 CEST). This is an early Halloween celebration for all of Rising World to enjoy, socialise, meet new people, exchange building techniques, etc.

    The main attraction of the event will be Artisan's Realm player builds in three distinct categories, namely "Building Facades", "Floats", and "Billboards", which all of you and yes we mean all of you players from other servers will have the chance to vote on. So as you all probably realised by now this is a contest between Artisan's Realm builders and you get to decide on who the winner will be. As in every contest there should be a prize so the player owning the winning entry in each category will be awarded a Razer gift-card to use at will.

    A video showcasing the event site and providing more information on the event itself can be found HERE

    You will be able to watch the event via a live-stream if you cannot come online to join us. Link will be provided in due time.

    The event will also involve:

    • a live DJ aka @SaMu_Bm at THIS link.

    • a corn maze

    • a lot of socialising

    • and above all a Halloween inspired spooky vibe

    We look forward to welcoming every single one of you in our server, and above all please do not forget that your vote counts! :D

    And of course stay in touch as more events are just around the corner ;)

    this is not much of a blueprints being interactive matter (since blueprints could contain a whole building) as to being able to define construction items (or a set thereof) as benches/stools/chairs etc. An addition like that to the game would be great.

    For now the only thing you can do is hide a chair or a bench inside your blueprint to make it interactive.

    where did you find money 3D models in game files? I have been through all of them and didn't find any reference to money :/

    ok I will need some clarifications to be able to answer your question.

    What do you mean by reset blueprint? I am not aware of any way to reset a blueprint you can always just create a new one.

    What do you mean by model? Blueprints are .blueprint files and are not models in the broad sense of the word (which would mean .obj or .blend etc. files). Blueprints are just a collection of in game construction items (blocks/beams/planks/logs etc.) that can be easily placed over and over again and again for no resource cost.

    Ich habe keine Erfarung in LUA so kann dir nicht so viel helfen. Aber hier gibt's ein Beispiel in Java:

    There is no option to do that from the permission system side.

    area protection is a script atm not a plugin but anyway you can allow a group to open doors (though they need to be added to the area as that group first unless you are changing the default group "Guest") by changing ChangeObjectStatus=false to true (open the file with a text editor to do that)

    I was panning to create a converter but then work happened XD basically it is not that hard to do but you need to know how to code.

    This post explains how to decompress the image data (ignore the rest info just look at the "Compression Information" part): Blueprint format/API?

    This thread explains how to piece the map together based on the numbers the map files have as names: Map image data and file names

    I am sorry but I don't understand the problem here :/ RW is a product sold to the public, once you own the product you can do whatever you please with it. Of course not republish it by yourself or rip its assets off or something but publishing screenshots or videos of it shouldn't be a matter the developer has any power over. It is not like hosting a closed alpha/beta with non-disclosure agreements with the participants.

    there is no restart command yet just a shutdown one (called shutdown)

    for the others just type "kick" or "ban" in the console w/o any input arguments and you will get instructions on how to use them

    god stop being so pushy to the poor guy, he has enough pressure dealing with his contractors etc. he doesn't need any more of that. When the update is finished it will be finished there is nothing we/you can do to speed up the process so just sit back, relax, forget about it, and when it comes it will be a surprise :)