Posts by Minotorious

    For LAN you don't need any port-forwarding you should be able to press Connect to IP then type the internal IP of the PC that started the LAN game and connect.

    you also need to port-forward port number 4254 for the dedicated server to work properly but that error means that the your IP is already in use by another server so make sure you are not trying to run the server on both PC's at the same time.

    Also except for port forwarding some routers require also "port-triggering" to be set up in order to open the ports to other clients

    yes that is correct the file system for all plugins should look like this:

    hmm weird I think @yahgiggle would have to try to help you out from here on, I checked his code and everything seems correct (though a bit more complex than it has to be :P ) in order to protect blocks no idea why it is not doing it for your server. Tbh I haven't tried it with non-admin players in MP yet myself.

    yes as dagoline said you can blueprint any in game item and then free rotate/place it without restrictions (e.g. ceiling lanterns upside down on the floor and such)

    did you test it on blocks that were individually (i.e. one at a time) placed? or on blocks placed by dragging a block line and placing it?

    Also by everyone do you mean server admins or did you also try it with non-admin players?

    How does it work ? i get a message every block i place, but i can remove , destroy blocks from others... with a message in the chat but it is possible.

    I thought this plug in prevents such destroying...

    @yahgiggle would have to confirm but I believe this plugin only protects blocks placed after its installation and also blocks that have been placed individually so not with left click drag and right click place block line. (this is a fault at the API and as mentioned in the first post will be fixed by red51 in the next update)

    i installed it on the server... is it recommended to install it on the client too ?

    It doesn't matter as the server doesn't care if the client has ant plugin installed, in RW only the server needs the plugins and every player can join, it is not like other games where both the client and the server have to have the plugins/mods installed.

    oh you can change the rotation angle by typing setr X in the console where X the number in degrees (I use 5 usually but it can be any number up to 180 I think)
    also there are the setl and setp commands setl for resizing precision and setp for positioning precision (i.e. once you press 0 on numpad to RCtrl how much it moves with the arrow keys)

    ok so it seems there is a workaround to manually add RW (or any game in fact) to the NVIDIA share list of games. Then you can record like you do in any officially compatible game.

    1) Open NVIDIA control panel
    2) click on Manage 3D settings
    3) click on Program Settings
    4) click on Add
    5) navigate to your game's folder and select the risingwoldx64.exe file (that is the name of the .exe in a 64 bit system, probably it has a 32 instead of a 64 in the 32 bit ones)
    6) click ok
    7) click Apply (at the bottom of the NVIDIA control panel an apply button should have appeared now)
    8) you can record RW with NVIDIA share (the alt+Z menu may not show up in game properly so alt-tab if you need to change some setting

    ok that is beyond complex in terms of graphics/game design especially more in voxel games and more so in a game where even light is not yet blocked by construction elements

    To clarify, I would like to see this happen but it would need a tonne of work in getting a model with every possible configuration for the trees and making sure the texture can follow all of those configurations and if not creating a new texture for each configuration the current one cannot follow.

    for the chests being accessible through walls and animals walking through them I agree, these need fixing at some point....think red said some time back that there will be an AI update at some point after player models.

    For the trees, well don't plant them close to walls, the model has a set size you cannot make part of it disappear if it touches a wall :/

    @Boing----Peng-Bumm- The game works perfectly after doing this and the map seems to have no issue whatsoever, though yes after a while all you see is red....even your pickaxe disappears after quite some depth (even though it still is in your hand you cannot see it in front of you :D )

    You can do anything you want with planks and beams ;)
    blocks are really nice to make walls or bulky surfaces that you don't care too much about then all the detail is done using planks and beams :)
    Here is a screenshot of a house I finished a few days ago, the roof is wholly made of planks and beams.

    oh that roof, that is made of planks and beams you have to make it on your own unfortunately....what I find useful in such a case is to place beams using the grid first like a roof-support and then place planks on top of them either manually or using the grid again

    A) take an image of a house from another game or the internet and implement features of that house in your build, that way it will look more real.
    B) depends what kind of a roof you are looking for, a block roof based on block ramps and ramp corners or a plank and beam roof?

    PS: for heaven's sake remove that video from your post....I almost threw up....

    For anyone else who wants to go down there just put this plugin up on your SP worlds and fly down to hell and beyond :P

    All it does is make you immune to any form of damage even in survival mode, but your bones will still break and you will start bleeding if you fall from high enough. That is why there is one command /lw that heals bones and removes the bleeding effect from your character.

    enjoy :)

    PS: @red51 I am really sorry we are trying to break your game (we really like it in fact and we are trying to test its limits) :P but in my defence I was asked to make this "deep diving" happen. Is there any plan from your side for all this space under the lava in fact?
