Posts by Minotorious

    Here is a screenshot of my general server list:

    and here is a screenshot of my favourites server list:

    How is it possible that the servers in my favourites list do not show up in the general server list? and further to that usually there are tens of servers in the general list, how come and only 11 show up? (me and a few other players are having the same problem so thought I should ask here)

    hmm that way we can also claim the shack chests :D hahaha

    on a more serious note now, I think on a server that could be very very dangerous. Just imagine the owner uploading in and then someone going around claiming all the chests before the other players had a chance to log in and claim them. :/

    Could you maybe add a small scan in the OnEnable() method to register all existing chests and then cross reference with the area ownership database? and then of course all chests not in areas should be ignored.

    I think you don't need a plugin for that, you just need to create the textures and then add them as a custom texture pack by opening the file and setting the path in the specific property for custom textures (custom_texturepack=PATH_TO_CUSTOM_TEXTURE_PACK)

    For a server I would assume you need to do the same with the file (and upload the texture pack somewhere where the server can find them)

    to add to what fox said, the more you explore the bigger the size of the world files so it can really fast get from few MB to a lot of GB if you run around aimlessly :D

    I did some experimenting and I wanted you to confirm a few things for me @red51 if you can.

    each gunzip decompressed mt_* file consists of 262144bytes.
    Now each image pixel takes up 3 bytes of space (hex colour) and a 4th FF byte defining the end of the hex colour code correct?
    If yes then that means that each image consists of 65536 pixels, which is nothing else that a 256x256 pixel image.

    how does the game know which square goes next to which? I assume it has to do with the way they are named, since looking inside the files there are no "excess" bytes to hold map position data, but could you provide some more information please?
    My thought was something like the following (i.e. the first number means left/right position and the second number top/bottom with positive numbers towards top and right and negative towards bottom and left) but could you confirm it if I am correct or correct me if I am wrong?


    Hello everyone :) I present you with the first release of the Blueprint Texture Editor. It still needs a few tweaks but since it is in a functional state I thought I should release a first version for you all to test out and edit any blueprints you want.
    The current version cannot yet edit blocks (since the block data structure in the blueprint file will soonish change I didn't want to implement them yet and then have to rewrite the code from scratch, also replacing blocks in game is much easier than the other construction elements)
    The program has a short in-built documentation in PDF form (press F1 to open it).
    I tried to make it as idiot-proof as possible but if anyone can find a way to break it please let me know and I will try to fix it asap :D
    I have tested it on Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 16.04 and it works no idea about any other operating systems but I would assume it works on most linux based systems.
    Here is a screenshot from the documentation with all the details about the editor.

    Hallo zusammen :) Ich präsentiere euch mit der ersten Version vom BlueprintTexture Editor.
    Es kann noch Texturen von Blöcke nichtändern (weil die Blöcke Data-struktur wird vom Red51 geändert sein)
    Mit dem Blueprint Texture Editor gibt’s eine kleine PDF Dokumentation (drückF1)
    Ich hab versucht, es so idiotensicher wie möglich zu machen, aber wennjemand eine Art finden kann, ihn zu brechen, lass es mich wissen und ich werdeversuchen, es so schnell wie möglich zu beheben :D
    Ich hab es auf Windows 8.1 und Ubuntu 16.04 getestet, aber ich glaube es an alle Linux basierte Systeme funktioniert.
    Hier gibt’s ein Screenshot von der Dokumentation des Blueprint TextureEditors mit mehreren Informationen.

    After discussing it with a fellow player the other day I thought it was a good idea to make a new forum thread and ask if and when these issues will be addressed:

    1) blocks not blocking light

    2) animal collision with construction elements, blocks

    3) fires (i.e. torches, campfire, etc.) not visible though glasspanes. (with logarithmic rendering on, haven't tried it with it off)

    Thank you for the update and good to hear we finally have a fully functional worldedit plugin :P A small suggestion, would you consider adding a small prefix to your commands like /bp or /blockplacer just in case commands like /select or /place are used by other plugins scripts? (see text below)

    Short question again @red51 I saw that at the end of every blueprint file, after the image byte[] data there are six 00 bytes, are these 0s needed (i.e. signify the "end" of the blueprint) or are they not necessary?