My screenshots show my memory went to 92% but that is because my computer only has 4 GIG of memory. With the 16 Gig you should not be having memory going to 100% like you are.
With your issue with the black screen and having to shut down and restart your computer...... I had a similar issue when I purchased a game called Project Hospital a few weeks ago. Started the game, got to the menu , put in my option selections and ran the game. The screen went black. I tried a computer restart and nothing.... computer did not restart. It took 30 minutes and then my computer came back on. In my case I believe my computer is not powerful enough to run Project Hospital though the graphics are not anything like Rising World. I believe my screen went black because my video card can not handle Project Hospital and it took my video card 30 minutes to recover.
Last week I moved my laptop slightly which put a little extra pressure on the power cable going into the side. My screen went black. I moved the laptop back and the screen back to normal and windows was still running. I have never seen that happen before.
With your issues I am wondering if you have a hardware issue . If I can run Rising World on a not very powerful pc you should be able to as well.
I would get your husband to look at the Reliability Monitor reports for your computer which may tell if you have hardware issues. He also needs to look at the windows event logs which may also tell you what is happening.
I assume your husband has his own computer running Rising World..... is he having the same issues as you are with your computer?