New Texture Pack For Rising World Completed Today
- English
- RunAndHideGamer
The new textures will be seen on the new Rising World videos on my channel from tomorrow
This is what the trees look like at night time with my texture pack. I have scheduled Premiere episodes of the Snow Biome challenge which should appear at 7:15pm CST if anyone wants to watch how I survive in the snow biome for 30 days.
My youtube channel with the videos is here
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi7sHS4Lzp6Lh3p0xu0WQdQ/videos -
We are on Day 3 living in the Snow Biome!!!!
The 3rd video of the Snow Biome Challenge on the Run And Hide Gamer channel has us searching for water........ and then we get attacked by two polar bears.
So far we have survived 2 days in the snow biome.... will we survive Day 3?
We do 2 Premiere Rising World Episodes on Youtube each day
How can myself or someone else get the updated mod?
How can myself or someone else get the updated mod?
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