Posts by RunAndHideGamer
Someone had left a message on the steam forum saying.......
"It's not an RPG, it doesn't have thousands of texts! no need for other languages, perhaps, for oriental languages; My English is horrible and I still manage to translate anything; in English (considered an international language); it is an object-oriented game and not long text missions with "elder scrolls"......
I just wanted to point out that not everyone learns English and that each language file in Rising World is over 5200 lines long each meaning what I am doing currently in the last 4 weeks with 15 languages is going through more than 78,000 lines of text.
This is not a quick and easy project.
Once I go through the first round I release an early version of the translation for those 15 languages for you guys to use..
Then I have to review them again and do manual translations where needed. Hopefully at this stage the next update is released.
This is when I then need to update each of the language files again with whatever is added by the new update.
Next version of the languages released.
Then adjusting the languages with any issues pointed out to me and patches released.
Once these 15 are completed it is on to the next group of languages until all requested languages are in Rising World.
And of course with each update of Rising World scanning to see if the language files were updated, then looking for what was updated and then releasing an update for whatever was changed or added.
Rising World may not be Elder Scrolls but there is a lot of language in it to be translated.
I have about 15 languages being worked on at the moment to add to Rising World.