Posts by Graysilk13

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Thanks for reply Red. I appreciate the information.

    I agree that installing a new graphics driver is not always a good option. But in this case, Nvidia recommended upgrading the new driver for my GeF 970 gtx, and also patching a hotfix for, what I thought was a Java problem fix.

    I did follow their advice and it improved my game on the multiple player server-but only if I play it on my Steam account. If I play the multiple player through the stand alone version, I have very bad lag and occasional total freeze and lucky if I get 40 fps.
    I've never had any problems on the single players: either through Steam or with my standalone version of RW. With high to med settings, I get from 90-120 fps and no lag or freezing.
    I've got Alienware liquid cooled 7i Windows10 20 Gram Gef 970 gtx with 4g I have a good steady connection.

    I no longer worry about improving play on my stand alone multiple. As long as its alpha, it is going to continue to change as it's optimisesd- so I will wait before adj. on my end.

    Thank you All.
    I do not personally want space travel-I'm asking because someone is into our Discord channel carrying on about the coming space travel, ships, etc. I wanted clarification as to the truth of the rumor :) And here is the place to get it, not on Steam.

    Red, as far as I'm concerned space travel, here in RW, is not a needed option. There is so much to do here, to explore and see and build that I don't really need It, personally.

    I just wanted to know, from the source, if it would be happening. Thank you for clearing the record.

    Glad to hear that we will be traveling from planet to planet though.

    I hesitate to ask this question, because I know how rumors start on alpha chats. But, I have searched to see if any mention may be found here, in any of the chats so I can see for myself what is truth or speculation. I haven't found anything.

    The question is: has Red promised space ships, other planets, or anything remotely similar to this, in this game world?

    A player on my server this week has major discussions going on our fourms because of the statements that other planets and space travel will be loaded to the game after the character updates. Supposedly this is a major topic on Steam. I don't use Steam. However, I believe Red would post this news here before anywhere else.

    Rather than basing anything on what i hear/read I'm checking this at the source. I have no opinion as to wanting this or not. All is wait and see as it develops :).

    I apologize for double posts. Somehow I thought that the pined ss tread was separate from the general, so I posted twice and then posted to apologize, good grief. No more ss posting for awhile.

    While checking to see if I had to update my Nvidia drive I found that I did need to update. which I did.
    Also this: apparently Java based games (such as MC, etc) have been having problems with the Nvidea cards. The game experience gives shortcut to a hot patch to fix the problem. It works well.

    Voxel Farm and Landmarkthegame worked more than 3 years attempting to create voxel dynamic water, neither really succeeded. Voxels do not follow the same rules as pixels do. With 24 points of contact on each voxel the points of contact with other objects can present some wonderful effects or some major disasters.

    This is the full length shot of the entire site from across the road and a shot of the Keep from the side view. There are several more ss of the site on the gen. discussion because I posted wrong place. I apologize.

    I agree. And I have kept journals of my characters on each game I play, starting with Everquest in 1999. Yes, fun to read after 10 years go by, but sometimes wonder if worth it although it seemed to be at the time and did help me learn to play the characters better.
    I do not check the forums more than every couple of weeks, I'd make myself crazy :S

    This is a work in progress, building it since April. My server is a survival one, which prohibits flying and unlimited summoning of materials. So, builds take a bit longer. There possibilities are endless. I love the game world here. Fine work Red.

    This is front view of the build: walled city fortress based on Medevial style.
    right side front view

    Entry Gates

    Keep viewed from top walk of the front gates. Throne room visible thru the opening.

    Ground floor entry to the keep

    Side view of Keep

    Top of wall and tower with view of animal pens below

    Throne room

    Wooden floor inlay detail

    Inside gate tower

    There are 7 rooms in the keep and none are furnished yet. below the walled city is an area that will be a small Medevial style village, built around this lake.

    Sometimes it is crazy how animals can escape.
    I could observe that they seem to have problems with adjacent buildings and mountains.
    When the area around the enclosure is open, they also seem to be happy.
    But it is only a guess...

    I agree that the surrounding area may affect the caged animals. My enclosure backs up against a wall. There is 7 units of space on one side, about 70 on the other. And about 30 on the last side.
    However, I have a well about 4 units away from the wall opposite the walled side. When the enclosure on that side had only a single walls thickness, the cows got into the well often. Thru the wall and ground somehow. I made the wall 3 blocks thick and that seems to have stopped the disappearances. That site is still a wip and that well will be moved soon.
    I think they like the tree by the small hill in the center. They take turns clustering around the tree or atop the hill.
    Like you, I say, this is only a guess....:)

    Cows, pigs, sheep @ 4, 5, 5.
    Enclosure = 38 x 4 x 19 [4 x 2 non opening grids] This is the final revision of enclosure, after a total of 4 times.

    I started with 20 and 6 escaped leaving 14. Within a time span of a game day and night.
    I replaced 4, for a total of 18. And 2 escaped - repeatedly. Within the time span of a day and night or less.
    I left the total at 14. These 14 have stayed in the pen and seem quite happy. This is the 3rd 'real-life' day and night, no escapes.
    The sheep never escaped.

    This makes me think that it is possible that the number of animals that stay enclosed is dependent on how happy they are in the space provided. crowed them and they leave.

    Amazing, just amazing. I like the models. And I love that we now will no longer look like crash test dummies (although it is good we had them for place holders)
    I like these models, and that we can customize them and change outfits, this was more than I expected on a first model release.

    Ah, new tools, excited to see these.

    Range weapons are my favorite type of melee weapon. I used the bow in EQ, Lotro and anywhere given the choice to do so.

    We can change the characters basic appearance in the main menu profile? Amazing again, games I've played don't allow that, if you want a totally different look, you create another character.

    Question: it appears that there is a miners helmet with mounted light on one model? Is that a working lamp? (silly question, I'm sure it is, but gotta ask).

    Question: will we have any magic casters in game, or we it be strictly true to RL? I don't really expect it, just curious. Medieval areas had their soothsayers and such, while not true magic casters they had their 'auras'. And kings had their advisers.

    Thank you for the good screenshots and the update. Getting these in several updates is fine with me, as long as they are in the tube.

    I need to apologize to LucTheHunter on our server. He supplied the information on feeding the animals and what the cows and pigs eat, and the process of feeding to get them to breed. Sorry Luc, it was not intentional.

    Update on the cages so far.

    The 2x4 grates (not the doors) make a fine cage for the cows. So far the 4 of them seem happy with their home.

    However the pigs are escape artists. They lean against the bars, or even go to sleep against them and eventually they just sort of melt through until they are on the other side of the bars.
    I tried putting a block wall, 2 blocks high around the cage, just slows them down: 2 of my 3 pigs have escaped.
    When I go into game today I'm going to try digging the floor level down so that it is at least above their heads and leave the grates in place

    Not sure what I'm going to do with the chicken and bunnies , they will walk right through the bars. This is fun.

    Update: the pigs kept walking out of the cage that is the same type the cows are in-lost 3 of 4. I think this is because the one wall of cage was close to the well, about 4 blocks from my well. I found a pig in the well, alive and kicking. Put the pig back and 5 minutes later he's out again, underground by the well. I moved the pigs into a farther away cage, until I can move the well.

    Has anyone had any problems lining up the 2x4 grating - not the doors - this grating can't be opened. I use it for the animal cages.

    I noticed that it was not setting down evenly on my stone block floor.
    Some of the grate sections vertical bars set evenly on the stone. But some of the grates sank down into the stone up to the first horizontal bar.
    I noticed this along the top when I tried to set the second layer of section along the top.

    This happened close to the border of my stone/grass base.

    Picking them up and replacing them usually fixed the problem.

    "Leaking updates" can end up biting you in the behind, especially in cons such as E3. While it is true that many teasers can serve a game well, they can also bring down a lot of heat on developers if the updates are delayed for ANY reason whatsoever.
    Two recent games I had high hopes for were damaged fatally by a combination of delayed updates because of internal company changes, impatient players demands, and finally trolls. That was Landmarkthegame and EQN. There have been more. Games like Pantheon and StarCitizen are following the close to the chest pattern of old, and I am very much watching them. It does not seem to be hurting either of them.

    I came into gaming in 1999 when I was introduced to Everquest. EQ was the basic game fantasy mmolrpg standard used for developing games such as WoW and Lotro. At that time period, these games took approx. 3 years in development and went into alpha/beta in the forth year, launched in the fifth. We were used to this time needed to dev. a game.

    Experienced players were invited into these game to test them and signed an NDA, which if they violated it, got them banned. There were no leaks of internal details. The web sites went up when they went into alpha and were not open to comment, just basic news.

    Changing these standards has not done the gaming world any good turns. Too many developers have given up in frustration after constant bombardment by inexperienced players, and the trolls, as they watch their game being trashed before its even launched.

    I personally love that Red is playing it close to the chest, releasing small amounts of information, and building a beautiful, most bug free alpha gaming world I've had the pleasure to play on. Not only do we have the world itself, but the choice of different multi-player and personal choice single player worlds to experiment with. The building system is genius. The community great.

    That said, I can't wait to see the character updates, the armor, the crafting station changes, and mounts. I can't wait, but I will :rolleyes:

    I don't know if this helps or not, but I changed the number of blocks I can see in the game by using the number of blocks being viewed -in the settings menu. I changed it from 15 to 20 and it extended my viewing range nicely. Going higher than that resulted in lag. But, we are still not optimized so I'm guessing it may increase as the game keeps progressing. Remarkably well imo.

    I used the 2x4 grates to build my cages. They don't open, they are not the grated doors. So far my cows and pigs have stayed in the cages fine. They also bred there. I put a breeding tutorial under the tutorial section today. It is not complete but gives a starting point.

    Opps this was supposed to be a reply not a new tread, sorry.