I agree to what the others say For me, Rising World was the best experience in survival games. It is true that some aspects are still under construction, but the developer is intensively working on it. Yes, he is alone working on it, but hey, the developer of the game called "Real World" where we live in was creating it alone, too
My recommendation is to buy it now and if you dont like it, KEEP it and check later if you like it better then! It is very very cheap for what it offers now.
If you like to build buildings, you will LOVE Rising World! People share very often what they build in the section "Blueprints" of this forum. Take a look at what they did. You can use those blueprints freely and do changes or adaptions whatever you like. Or start building from scratch. If you do it in creative mode, you can fly around and above the buildings to see all details you need.
Or do it like I did - wander around, find ores, find abandoned huts, dig into the ground until you find the hell (yes, a hell really exists here). Or stop at the next dungeon which you will find wandering or digging. Explore the dungeons, find the treasure chests.
Fiddle with animals if you like hunting ... or ... or ... or! There is so much you can do in an endless world. You can play alone (Singleplayer mode) or with others (select one of the player-made servers or check them all)
I cannot compare with minecraft or Life is Feudal, never played one of them.
So play Rising World, YES!