Posts by Arakara

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    I ASSUME that it might not have been clear enough that this was a SUGGESTION for use of the INGAME hemp. If I remember correctly, this post was in the suggestion folder, thus being at the correct place.

    Sometimes I got the impression that you made advertisement for your own company, where you produce industrial hemp. But then I always recalled to my mind that it is in the suggestion folder. Might have been that someone else has not realized this so clearly.

    But this is an assumption only, the try of an explanation, until the one who removed it can give a statement.

    Well ... if the update had come earlier, how many things would never have been created? One of the many examples are the human figures built by @dagoline.

    Such a creativeness shown by so many users - would we have seen them in a more developed game?

    Hä? ?(

    Sorry, ich meinte natürlich "Wie bitte?!?"

    Hatte gerade meine Antwort auf einen Beitrag geschrieben, drückte den "Pfeil zurück" links oben und bekam untenstehende Mitteilung. Hat Norton einen Schluckauf gehabt oder ist mit der Seite tatsächlich was nicht in Ordnung?

    Looks really nice! :thumbup:

    Do you know that you could build it yourself? Collect stone and snow from different biomes, and put them where and how you want to have them.

    Jemand anderem Items ins Inventar schicken? Doch hoffentlich nur dann, wenn der Empfänger zustimmt. =O

    Ich sehe schon jetzt irgendwelche ... ähm ... ihr wisst schon ... die dann pausenlos einen Empfänger mit Items zumüllen, nur um ihn zu ärgern. Selbst wenn der Empfänger zustimmen muss, könnte der ähm-Typ ihn trollen und mit Zustimm-Wünschen vollmüllen.

    Mein Vorschlag wäre, diese Funktion nur einem Server-Admin zu geben.

    Did you meant

    :D:D:P:P:evil: sneaking in, stealing a "t", sneaking out, leaving the words as "Did you mean"* :evil::P:D:D

    @migdyn I remember that in the beginning of my forum active life I also thought "Why don't people check their sentences for correctness?". I got used to the fact that today's world is hectic, quick and full of mistakes. As long as I understand the sentence, fine. I've got rid of my "correctness" wishes. For me, it is much more important that there is a base on which I can read and write the content of a post. I've learned English in many years of school and business life, but I am sure that I happen to make mistakes, too. So what? Enjoy the content, ignore mistakes. :)

    it is not the screenshot format that is the problem here it is the field of view number you have the game set at, this is not the default setting and thus looks very distorted

    Ah, someone who knows the reason, thank you @Minotorious. Could you please help @migdyn to get to the correct setting? What does he have to change and where exactly?

    it is difficult to decide, the images are extremely distorted. Can you do the screenshots from a different perspective?

    Did you insert the .png or was it the .jpg ?? Maybe save it on your pc in a different kind and try it again?

    He wrote that this fits, as there is Halloween on October 31 :)

    However, he answered in German because all other entries were in German, too ... ... ...

    Diese Resozialisierungs-Idee gefällt mir sehr gut! :thumbsup:

    Drei Negativ-Meldungen, damit eine Warnung rausgeht, und drei Positiv-Meldungen, damit der Eintrag wieder gelöscht wird. Ansonsten eine Wartezeit ... *grins* wieso denke ich gerade an Flensburg? :whistling:

    Unfortunately, this handicap is permanent, so no chance for any event. If I stay away, everything (mostly) is well for me. If I join, nothing (for me) is well. But this is all I am willing to say. Sounds very mysterious, I know ... 8| ... I've learned to live with it. So, currently is well :)