Posts by reydelreyes

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Trees take roughly 8 hours to grow? Give or take a few hours. Probably mentions it somewhere in the config file?

    Also wanted to post that sitting on the chair from the player's perspective is too high that it should be lowered for sitting. I say this when noting the wooden chair, yet would apply this to all chairs.

    that we are sitting to high is not new.
    Im waiting for 6 month now that would get fixed.
    But its not that big problem but for release it should be better for sure :D

    No rush to Red51, yet can't wait for the Player Foundation update to hit the vanilla side of things. There's just so much to do in this update that I can't wait to apply it onto my main world to unlock the mining drill, test out the new 'Custom sound' API, as well as finally have my cotton building deal with crafting clothing, and such. We won't be using the guns much, unless with Breedmaster plugin, until we gain bandits, pirates, and raiders to deal with. It'll just be a protective weapon for when you go scouting. Once things are properly polished it'll give us many more things to do. I could finally also finish off the roadway I was making + prep for underground train tunnels, and such heh.

    The new food appearances are awesome, as well as the reworked tools. I'm also going to have to build a monument to the old player model for old times heh. Also, I seem to be happy with the walking and running. I haven't once griped about it. Only the constant choppy lagspikes that Red51 and myself suspect to be related to the sound....

    Once everything is fixed and polished it's going to send an actual shockwave through the game we could last another 5 months 8o

    i just generated a new world with 0.9 and i just played and played like 5 hours now.
    i have all new weapons now and i used the mining drill.
    i can say... its awesome.
    i went to a hunt with the bow and got a tiger
    then i crafted a gun and got a bear and almost died and went home with broken bones, and a bearpelt (walked like 15 minutes with broken bones)
    and then i died to get rid of the broken leg and crafted a rifle
    and now i have all done, except the clothes, cause i dont wanna cheat something in, i wanna craft them
    but i can say, its a powerfull updateand its so much fun
    cant wait to my next hunt with the repeaterGun :D
    gonna have so much fun :D
    just shooting bears, no passive creatures, only bad ones :D


    Es scheint aber noch Probleme zu geben, Wasser mit dem Eimer in die Papierpresse zu füllen Wird schleunigst gefixed!

    jetzt wo dus sagst rich ichs auch :D
    dem Wasser will da nicht rein, aber alles cool.
    was du da ablieferst is hammer und wie du dich reinhängst ist nen dicken Daumen hoch wert.
    die Problemchen sind halt da und du kümmerst dich da echt mehr als vorbildlich.
    hast du da jetzt echt die Nacht durchgemacht?
    gönn dir ne Pause, die problemchen können problemlos bis morgen warten.
    wer unbedingt weiterspielen will wie bisher, ohne bugs, kann auf die letzte stable zurückgreifen,
    ansonsten liefern dir genug beseelte user genug rückmeldungen für Error fixing.
    aber hau dich aufs Ohr bevor du so umkippst :D

    gleiches problem hier
    kein eimer zum Wasser in die Papierpresse zu kippen
    keine Hoe um Felder zu pflügen

    hab jetzt alle werkbänkle beisammen und alles durchgecheckt, keine Rezepte für eimer und hoe :)

    Aber sonst funzt bis jetzt alles prächtig.
    hab auch schon paar tiere erschossen xD

    zwar bis jetzt nur mit der Armbrust, aber es klappt ;)
    Leder läuft,
    aber auch mit der Feldflasche und der Lederflasche bekomm ich kein Wasser in die Papierpresse und ohne karte kann ich nicht reisen :D

    edit, is ja schon gefixed, hammer geile sache Red
    also ich bin baff was du da für ein geniales Game ablieferst
    war ich vorher schon, aber ich werd immer baffer :D