Posts by angriff

    You can hear other players digging. You just cant hear their footsteps. Also, stop mining for a sec every now and then to listen for players digging. :)

    Well I actually don't mine or rarely do at all anymore excepting maybe to flatten the surface for my building. I have my own server but I dont like the mining and stuff falling sounds .. sometimes it spooks me as my server is PVP. Peeps can still kill me.

    Get rid of the ambient digging sounds. I want to hear other players digging. If they are digging a mine to blow up my walls I want to countermine and close theirs or surprise them and kill them.... LOL

    Also this game needs Wine or Port Grog to craft so you can take away the tedious hours of placing planks just in the right place to make a curve.

    Here is another interesting twist the game has done to me in the middle of making my ship's forward section the means to create an angle change along the grain with the cntrl page up and page down changed to cntrl up and down arrow. If I rotated the part to change the axis then the arrow keys became the same command with cntrl. That is when trying to rotate the angle along the axis i lost that ability and either set of up-down or left-right arrows rotated the plank exactly the same. I had to change the angle of the board until the grain of the wood no longer lined up to previously set planks. Totally weirds me out :S

    This may be a bug. I am not sure. But it does this duplication of arrows if I dont hit the return key before placing the ghost beam for setting then hit Right CNTRL

    Yes that is the funny thing I use right cntrl it works great. I get it all lined up and it looks great with a small angle off the other log in the ghost mode. I click it jumps about half a log down or away off center and the ghost for the next log is in the correct place. If I click again it just puts a log in the spot where the first one jumped too. No other piece of wood beam or plank does this in freespace. It is probably a bug that moves the log along its centerpoint instead of the endpoints.

    I feel for you on the hull planks. They are unfortunately curved in real life and a a continuously changing curve along the beam of the vessel. You cannot do curves in this game very efficiently without making very small planks over and over. The midships is easy as these are mostly straight with changing angles. As you move the bow or stern in these old vessel types the curves are compounded with angle and you cannot do this without very small sections. I have recently found that plank overlap as was done in real seems to help hide the continuous joining mismatches needed to approximate this compound curve and angle structure.

    At some point you have to use the engineer's approach that it is close enough for all practical purposes and functions. It may not be scientifically or mathematically explainable but it works and can be manufactured with empirical data much like the wing of a plane.

    Also at some point maybe the devs will put in better ways to create curves in wood planks or beams than thousands of tiny little sections cluttering up everyone's servers. It sounds simple but probably not so for a building game based on blocks. If that is not possible then the current smaller vertical structures that look like they are running horizontally may have to suffice.

    I already looked in my commons directory. I cannot find any definitions. I might be my service because there are some special files in some of the directories for them that have their name on them. Unfortunately the online routine to look at the files does not have a search routine that I could do on my own computer/server.

    My hats off to you ship builders. This is harder than making my Amphitheater round seats. Hours of work to line up one friggin log.. then it moves everytime you click to place it. Really this ALPHA game will chase more people away before it is complete. Complete frustration .. I should make a move it of how it is all set visually then you click and BOOM it is offset by half the log :cursing:

    What I am trying to do is angle the ends thirds a bit to mimic the yard arm is drooping on an Ancient Greek Merchant Vessel. It is crazy how it does not stay in the correct place and shows the next one being laid in the correct place.. If you click again they all algin offset the same little bit despite where they are visually ghosted. I dont have this problem with beam or planks just logs.

    Here is a question does the program store groups in anyplace? I started up the Autolevel early without any permissions change just so guys that log on could book time. I set up the levels and then restarted my server. The next time one of the guys that has days on my server was the lowest level ...hmmm? ?( Can I bump him manally? The routine does not have this in the help.

    Hmm that may be it afterall since I added a mod and changed the name to let people know. Luckily everyone is on your server so I impact fewer than you did. :love:

    They should put in a text file that you can change when you hover over the server.. Sort of an advert from the server.

    Ok since this is a routine that is sort of a character builder. It would be nice to have different classes so you could create a class that goes up one tree for military reason and one that provides a better world by building and since this game is so obsessive with digging to the center of the earth in the dark then maybe a mining class. Privileges and rights and equipment go up with effort. Just a suggestion. :|

    Getting a little worried ... :/ I installed this after making four classes and set it up on my server. When I restarted my server and tried to log in I got 3 times the inability to authenticate error when I was trying to log in. Then finally I was able to log in. I was hoping that it was just the service taking time to restart since I have since been able to get on. It seems to be working normally.

    However, I have a new server. I have not set it up with allot of special places to see yet and i dont get allot of visitors but a couple that do visit and are building significant structures to match my Large Ancient Structures. Anyway can anyone test and see if they cant get on. If not I will have to uninstall and hope I have not installed this and chased my few visitors away with unable to authenticate Steam log on errors.

    Angriff's Lair

    Thanks for the help.. Teleport is installed so you can type /tp list and click on the place you will zoom there. If it gives you an error just type /tp0 and it will work after you move there. [this is not advert real help is needed]

    have you tried using Shift and the mousewheel? maximum speed is 400% which is really fast (i.e. you move faster than the world is generated) unless you have a supercomputer that loads the world instantly :/

    Thanks for that tip on speeding up movement flymode. The only trouble I have seen if you go 400% the computer can stay up with it but the map will not. X/ So you can travel fast but have no record of the map you traveled over. If you stop it will render on the map the squares around you as if you Teleported there. Also at travel of 200% you only see a little line on the map not a larger block if you go slower or stop