Posts by angriff

    Is there a way to edit a group? If I add a group, I might want to shift the times of other groups to get an alignment. Now all I think I can do is delete the group and any above and relist each one again. Any chance there is an edit group time thingie? :huh:

    ok what is the water called so you can build with it as in fill large structures without have to bring a pail back and forth for 3000 trips ?( As in the command item water 33 33 or such

    Ooh you can fill the bottom of the large contain with salt water and put a few blocks of fresh on top and you can drink from it. Though if you get to the salt water you cant anymore. 8o

    Ok I am trying to set up group commands and I do not understand the command itemgive. Does this allow the command line like "item block 54 33"?

    It would be nice to have a line by line explanation for each command. The permissions thread is good but this item in particular is ambiguous

    Ok now I have it installed on the server and it will not let me log into my own server. It says kicked from server authentication procedure. I look at the directory and it is set up ok. I installed Sprach-API in its own directory with a - between like the name. I got errors for nearly 3 to 5 minutes and had to do two restarts of my server.

    It renamed the Sprach-API jar back to it original with the double parenthasis and readded (1). I thought it was just a duplicate file on my computer. Once I restarted after that it is now working. With English Help screen.

    IT IS WORKING IS THE FINAL REPORT. I think the restart was needed as my paid server renames databases so there must have been some resetting while that was being done. When I could not get on for longer than usual instead of unloading the files I decided to just do a restart and that seemed to fix it.

    Well no errors it just did not respond at all to any chat command instructions as in did not tell me my balance. I do not know if the Sprach API is installed probably not if it is not automatic. I would be nice if you just created a zip file that did all that together, name the file folder and all. But I learned that you needed to do that from another thread for a plugin I installed that did not work.

    I will try determine how to install the API that you mentioned and get back with you later today. The API for languages seems complicated but I will fiddle through it when I get back 8|

    Hey I wanted to add that this Plugin is on my server and it appears to provide english responses or in numbers. So it is completely usable on english only services but possibly not the code or it's notes for developers. The ability to manage money appears to be usable on both language servers. If you just want to move fake money between players it will work.

    It is not tied to things on the server like Economy plug-in is so it is meaningless unless you want to have prizes or money hoarded for items, rights or privileges from the Admins. You could charge for setting up a protection area for example or for a type of sword. I don't know how they would earn money unless Admins gave them money for certain events or actions or other players exchange it with them for the same.

    I can see a sign on the server that says Admin services fees :D

    It is running on my server if you wish to take a look. (Angriff's Lair You should start with $1000 (ICD) iconomy dollars.

    Commands above work in english text and I dont see any special German Characters.

    • /money- Zeigt das Geld auf der Bank / Cash | Shows the money of the bank and cash
    • /money help - Zeigt die Kommandos | Show the Commands
    • /money send <cash> <Player> <amounth> - Sendet Cash an Player | Send cash to player
    • /money send <bank> <Player> <amounth> - Sendet Geld von der Bank an eine andere | Send money from your bank to an other

    • /money getbankmin - Zeigt den Mindestbetrag auf deiner Bank | Shows the minimum amount on the bank


    • /money get <Player>
      Zeigt das Geld einer anderen Person | Shows the Money of an other player
    • /money set <cash|bank> <Player> <amounth>
      Überschreibt den Betrag in der Datenbank | Change the amounth in the database
    • /money add <cash|bank> <Player> <amounth>
      Gibt jemanden Geld, ohne selbst zu zahlen | Gives someone money without paying
    • /money take <cash|bank> <Player> <amounth>
      Zieht jemanden Geld ab (man erhält aber nichts) | Takes someone's money off (you get nothing)

    • /money setbankmin <Player> <amounth>
      Setzt den Mindestbetrag auf der Bank | Sets the minimum amount on the bank

    • /money setbankmin <true|false>
      Aktiviert Mindestbetrag auf der Bank | Activates minimum amount on the bank

    Perfect if it uses the UID then bad actors cannot steal the money.. Great Work.. now we need a script for having to pay to pick up out of a special box or set selected area so we can have a true market. If you want to buy and dont have one, you cant right now. You can only duplicate something in your hand. But for a market type economy if we can select an area in that area to pick up you must pay would simulate the market and allow you to get things that you dont have or have not crafted yet. You know sell your corn and buy a sword. :thumbsup:

    Many thanks for your effort! I'll wait for an English version. :)

    Hey this is in english. All the commands are in english ... not sure about the source code notes, I did not look at them.

    /ebalance - checkwallet balance.<br>
    /eprice - checkprice of item held.<br>
    /ebuy <amount>- buy item held. <amount> is optional. If no amount is specified, onewill be bought.<br>
    /esell<amount> - sell stack held. <amount> is optional. If no amount isspecified, whole stack will be sold.<br>
    /egivecoins<playername> <amount> - give specified player coins. All commandoptions required.<br>
    /economy set<amount> - set price of item held. <amount> is required.<br>
    /economy export -export pricelist table to csv file in plugin folder.<br>
    /economy import -import pricelist.csv from plugin folder.<br>

    This must have been built on the old economy from the other thread as the above english commands for that plugin work with this one.


    I had a typo.. so Operator Error <XX/ I did find the database and my server operator renames all the databases .. but they are in the right directories

    Also I edit the database to correct the Groups for the players.. my server still works... knock on wood!

    Hey thanks.. I might have to try this. There needs to be something in the game to create a need to approach other players and cooperate besides who can dig to the middle of the earth first. I am not a programmer though I tell myself I need to learn. At least your iconomy is upto date. Now just need a script so you can rob other players if they are carrying money in their pockets to satiate the PVP players.

    German Google 8o

    Hey danke .. Ich muss das vielleicht versuchen. Es muss etwas im Spiel sein, um die Notwendigkeit zu schaffen, sich anderen Spielern zu nähern und mit anderen zu kooperieren, die zuerst in die Mitte der Welt graben können. Ich bin kein Programmierer, obwohl ich mir sage, dass ich lernen muss. Zumindest dein Iconomy ist aktuell. Jetzt brauchen Sie nur ein Skript, damit Sie andere Spieler ausrauben können, wenn sie Geld in ihren Taschen haben, um die PVP-Spieler zu sättigen.