Posts by angriff

    also a tell was I had show areas on when I selected the last one because it was close to some other areas. When I created it went from red to blackframe only. The frame went away when I hide areas. I did not notice the issue with names but I have admin rights everywhere and when the owner came on he could not get into his doors.. and the names of the areas were all the last one I made.

    I was using this on my server and it is great. But is there a maximum amount of areas? Suddenly all the areas are the same name and the permissions are all messed up?

    I looked that database before this and it looked like the database was intact but the last place I protected was not entered in the database. Deleting the last area I made then restarting my server fixed it.

    I know it is not supported because of LUA but I really really like this type of routine rather than chest protection and autoarea. Is there a Java that mimics this?

    This is really nice. The details are amazing with the upper chamber and all (assume it was there for building. I put it in my server to start a medieval area.....some work the fix flooring as it is meant for flattened loam but not bad was just in a hurry at the time. After I put it in it is a little out of place but I will get used to it. It dwarfs my other structure in the area that I thought was big. :thumbup:


    Some servers have character building that gives you better weapons and movement capabilities like Wild Frontiers. Mine has rights and privileges level up so you can build easier. (because I like the building aspect with a touch of PVP risk)

    Ok buy the way I call your money units ICD$ on my server. Area protection costs 20 ICD$.. I have Economy working to so I will ask for 4000 coins from that for exchange rates to ICD$... unless the speculators run the coin rate down with inflation ?(8):thumbsup:

    Hey what is the difference again between BANK and MONEY? Is Bank the maximum money they can have or what?

    That stuff would be nice to have but I'd prioritize ton of other stuff before we get to small but important points like that.

    Ok but from my point of view clothes are a artist task while much of the the other stuff is programmer related.. albeit not each without the other something for the artist to do while the mechanics are worked on. ;)

    I really love this in-game mail system. It is a great way to communicate with players that log on from different time zones. If there is one thing I would suggest is that it would be nice to send mail to permission groups. This way you can let those groups know of any changes to rights, permissions or item availabilities. Also some groups are sub Admins that help run a server so you could communicate with them or the Admins

    OK I had to rename the Sprache API directory to the entire name with all the parenthesis. Now it shows the correct money and bank min. Will have to see how to use this now.

    But I have German players on my server and I was wondering if the routine showed them german commands? If not do you have the so called translation file that would show both German and English? Am I imagining things and this is not needed? X/:S

    yes that happens because you are using the default rotation method i.e. legacy, if you change it to local (type in the console: rotation local) that problem shouldn't be there any longer.

    What you describe is not really a bug, let's get that out of the way, it is all about geometry and vectors.

    Using the legacy rotation system (i.e. a combination of the local and global coordinate systems) if you rotate in some specific ways then some of the axes become the same and the only way to untangle them is by resetting the position with numpad 5 or by undoing the rotation steps you took.

    Can I do this in permissions or setup on my server so that it is correct for everyone?

    Water is really weird right now. You can mix saltwater and freshwater in the same pool and they will stay separate in every aspects such as ability to drink or not.

    Water clings to walls. You can make a waterfall by throwing water against a block wall and climbing up it as you throw water from pails. In the picture below I am in the middle of a pool of water that was built hitting the sides. If I move left or right I will start to drown but I can stay in this parting of the Red Sea portion forever. However if you do this it is hard to fill in the blanks as the water does not stick to itself and flows to bottom. It appears if you throw it into an already existing block of water it will not stack at all to me not all but not very well. You cant see it until you get into it. Filling in the middle takes more trips with a pail than it seems. I think the water just goes through the ground but I cant comfirm it.

    Ok but if it takes you that much of an effort to explain it then it certainly will reduce the amount of players we have in this game. I am sure you are well schooled in the subtle effects of the vectors and geometry of the game but if it takes 39 different rules to place one block it is quite something to just get out of the way. 8| Just where again in the online manual did it explain two different coordinate systems?

    The process is quite simple and always works for me.

    1) press RCtrl or 0 on numpad to fix the beam in place
    2) only after the beam is fixed in place but still in ghost form (i.e. you can walk around freely without it moving with your cursor) use Ctrl and arrow keys to rotate it about the fixed mid point (you can use local rotation to make it simpler to rotate even if your view point is not perfect)
    3) right click while the rotation is taking place to place the beams in a circle
    4) place new beams at the end of the circle beams to make the arc using the Enter/Return key

    yes most of the time until it does not. Besides the very fact that you have to do this creates huge amounts of tracking data for everyones computer.

    The Medieval armor stuff making me think this is just a Reign of Kings knockoff. Don't get me wrong I enjoy that fact that people have Medieval only servers but I would love some earlier period clothes and weaponry. Maybe even some later or Napoleonic era stuff too.

    Sometimes this game is really really really really frustrating. The only way to generate curves is to make a flower pattern with beams inlaid into themselves and change angles. Then you have to add another piece of textured wood on the edge to attach your circle parts. But sometimes beams and planks and logs not even at all will ghost into the previous drop even without touching the mouse.. if you accidently move the mouse you are done and you can never get back into. Either it works from the beginning or your doomed to hours of frustration.

    What needs to be put in will someday I am sure but maybe something that could force the beams to align inside themselves like a spot on them that helps you align the mouse so they do.

    It seems to me we could save huge issues in rendering in this game if everyone was able to build curves without thousand and I mean thousands of vertical small segments. I looked at the little row boat someone did and there were over 100 items just to generate an oar. There were 6 or so ores in the blueprint. The ropes and other things had huge numbers of vertical items. The hull was hundreds and hundreds more items. This must bring some computers to their knees especially at the high pings people in Europe or Australia want to play on US servers. This is probably one of the biggest reasons people give up on this game. :huh:||