Thanks guys not knowing that there is a difference in the number ranges between the types was not the issue but rather, the notation to declare them with in statement notation ( ie. the f and d ), The API clearly says that the parameter argument s in public void setBackgroundColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) are floats. The problem was not even the calculation of the 0 to 1 requirement which is the desired RGB number (0 to 255) divided by 255.
The fact that any number between 0 and 1 was giving the same pink background results led to a further confusion. It was my error making the assumption that the Constructor would recognize the decimal form 0.62 (160/255) as in of itself a legitimate float. It requires the input to declare the decimal form number as f (Float), Further NETBEANS does not have the information to know the parameter argument can only be a valid float and determines that the decimal number can be either a float or double and assumes a double then flags a lossy conversion error and will not compile.
panel.setBackgroundColor(0.2f,1f,0.62f,0.8f); has no ERROR Flag
panel.setBackgroundColor(0.2,1,0.62,0.8); has an incompatible types: possible lossy conversion error from double to float. ERROR Flag
So NetBeans took the decimal numbers to be ,as default, doubles and would try to convert them to float during compile. I can only imagine at this point had NetBeans not assumed the decimals numbers are Double as default that this valuable reinforcement would not have been available on using notation and its requirement importance.
<posted this as clarification of the next person searching the forums for help on a UI panel background.>