Posts by james1bow

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    I planted a couple of lions in a Colosseum to eat Christians so to speak. I noticed if I spawned in and got near the lions they roared and charged me. If I ran away and came back they were docile and never targeted me again for attack. I even hit them with a hammer and they ran away like cows. Is this a bug or is there some way we can keep the aggression on? I logged out and immediately relogged in and they began the same sequence of attack when they saw me and docile if I left and returned.

    if your admin they will run away, if your using the api to place them you can make them alerted and stay that way.

    Has anyone tested the in game command ~ setofflineplayergroup? I tried it but it did not modify the player database group ?

    how are you looking at the db? remote desktop to the server or copying from the server to another pc? i ask as if you try to copy the database from the server to another pc the data is not correct.

    Just ran into an issue. I have visitor permissions for people to look around but not destroy things. When I gave someone area ownership they could do all kind of things but when they dug out of their area they could not dig anymore. They reverted back to visitor group. I will have to figure something out.

    thats because area permission trump playergroups.

    I think setting up several permission files and assigning permissions based on group will work if they are named in the files. The area switching will be necessary evil that may just take duplicated permissions files. We will see.

    if your wanting to do something like was doable in java just ignore the area permissions . make a playergroup for each one. miner1 miner2 farmer1 farmer2. then its as simple ass assigning the group at the right time. use the api to control when they change to the next group.

    A lot of code lines to determine what people can do and not do.

    lol yeah, but the default playergroup is pve so this code also changes their player group to pvp when they enter a pvp area and to pve when they leave a pvp area as well as letting they player know when they are in and have left a pvp area

    It seems to obsolete the ability to provide for an permission rank that lets people have more as they progress. In the concept a miner1 could not mine precious metals but basic metals such as iron. The permission group could be used to turn it on.

    this should be doable already tho ive not tested it. groups miner1, miner2 and miner3. in the plugin do something like use

    playerdestroyterrainevent if(terrainid==goldoreidhere){

    if(player.getPlayerGroup().equals"miner1") {event.setCancelled}

    using an sqlite browser goto the worlds/worldname folder and open events.db go to the general area where it happen and press f3 twice to get the areas x and y coordinates now look in the events database and find the columns posx and posy to narrow it down. this will give you all the info you need to ban them.



    Determines the "group name" that should be shown in the player list. Other than that, this permission has no relevance

    Question is the group is just the group name not the (Default or Default.json)?

    the playergroup is the players permissions when 1. not in an area or 2. in an area that the player is not assigned to or said area has no default permission set.

    i would stay away from the default permissions file in the base of the permissions folder. this file is for when there is a player on the server that has no assigned permission. in the server config you want to set the Permissions_DefaultNewPlayerPermissionGroup= to an actual group you have created. in my case its Permissions_DefaultNewPlayerPermissionGroup=Pve.

    when getting playergroup() this returns either the name from the json or the actual name of the file (Pve,json returns Pve) im not 100% as i set the filename and the name setting the same.

    when a player is assigned to an area (in my case "Owner") the permission you want Area.getPlayerPermission(player) this returns the string of the assigned group in the area.

    from my understanding when a player is in an area where the default area permissions is set and the player is not assigned to the are you want to use Area.getActivePlayerPermission(player). for some reason this currently always returns null(maybe im doing something wrong or its not implemented yet). for this reason im setting the area's default permissions name as an attribute. this permission can also be found in the the rights table of the areas database.

    Player getActiveAreaPermission() gets the area permission permission of someone assigned to the area (from permissions/areas)

    Player getPlayerGroup() gets the players permission(from permissions)

    Area getPlayerPermission() should get a players default permissions to an area( from permissions/area the permissions set as an areas default permission. for some reason always returns null)

    they all return a string of the permission name.

    also, when a player spawns the area and its permissions will return null until the player has moved. i get around this buy on spawn adding .05f to the spawn position. gets just enogh movement to get the info

    String playerGroup = player.getPermissionGroup();

    they should show automatically. i believe to set chat color it would be something like


    im not sure if you can use color(int) for text in chat. if your setting font color to a UIElement i do

    UILabel.setFontColor(0xffffffff);//white color

    if you use an rgba to hex color picker it will show as #ffffffff but you can remove the # and add 0x to get your color.

    Hmm ok I will study that. Seems a little different. My simple routine was to not react to a sign that had other text. But interestingly the erroneous plugin will stop all plugins from working which I do not remember occurring in the Java version.

    So do you or do you not have to use the override?

    if your referring to the onEneable() and onDisable() yes they have to be overridden.

    hope this can help.

    From my understanding, the recipe has been changed in the game for other players....just they do not see the new graphic as shown in the below image showing that they need to have grass to build a camp fire... all they are seeing is the image for the default game which is stones and logs only...not grass.....

    recipes changed via the database will work fine in single player. in multiplayer they get their recipes from the local database(on their machine) this is then checked by the server when they craft it.

    quot from red "

    When changing crafting recipes, it's a bit tricky: the actual crafting is handled serverside (so the server checks the recipe and verifies that the client has all required ingredients etc), however, the crafting UI is shown clientside (obviously). The client also checks if all ingredients are in inventory before sending a crafting request to the server (this is done to prevent the client from spamming the server with useless requests).
