Posts by AlphaGodith

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    i think i mentioned this already over on steam, but it just occurred to me again how good this would be, and i've got my thoughts more in order now, so i think it bears repeating.

    a lot of us like to build furniture and decorative objects out of blocks, but i haven't actually used any of mine in my survival game because of how difficult it is to rearrange and move them once they are placed, especially compared to pre-made, actual furniture objects.

    for example, a chair that i crafted at the work bench is one solid piece, so i can easily pick it up and move it around as i get more things/get better at decorating/move around the map. but if i make a chair out of blocks, the only way to 'move' it is to tear it apart block by block, or risk deleting part of the house it's in to delete it in a chunk via creative mode, and then re-place it as a blueprint.

    it's pretty annoying/immersion breaking and i think it's a real shame that blueprints/player-made objects are basically limited to permanent fixtures like buildings rather than also being practical for use as objects in the world.

    suggestions i came up with for fixing this;

    - a moving dolly 'tool' item that, when equipped, allows you to select an area of blocks to then move all at once. operates like a blueprint but without leaving a copy behind that then has to be deleted. (unfortunately this still risks including unwanted nearby objects in the selection area... and having to use a dolly for something as small as a bottle or book is kinda silly.)

    - a glue 'tool' item that lets you 'fuse' blocks permanently by clicking each individual block in sequence, rather than selecting an entire area(or perhaps you can toggle between either method). a single bottle of glue would only cover so many blocks, so you would need to craft multiple and then glue already glued chunks together for especially complex builds. the glued blocks would then act as a single object from then on, so if you sledgehammered it, it would break into a single pick-up-able object (this would then need to have an icon/name, but i think just a generic moving box symbol would be fine). i'd still like it best if it then had the pickup option in the radial menu, but even without that this would still be a vast improvement over having to deconstruct things one block at a time.

    - a blueprint 'mode' you can select when you get a blueprint from the table that makes the blueprint act as a single object (like it does when you initially place it) forever, allowing it to be picked back up/reverted to blueprint form after it has already been placed in the world. this would be an additional option, so you could still choose to generate modifiable structures with the same blueprints too. unfortunately this would not work for blueprints that have already been placed before the new mode was added.

    1. i've recently noticed this as well. i was digging a very long diagonal tunnel down and at some point it turned horizontal without me realizing it. i think this could be helped with visible feet that adjust to the terrain. the best example of this i can think of off the top of my head is the creatures in 'black and white 2'.

    2. you can get more info by looking at an object while holding a similar one. so for example if you are holding a sapling, and look at one, it should tell you in the lower left what kind of sapling it is. i do agree tho, i think it would be nice if there was a piece of equipment, like a magnifying glass, that you could have on your person to always show that extra info for all objects.

    3. agree, some sort of indication that you can interact with water would be good.

    - eighth spheres (and especially hollow eighth spheres) would be extremely useful i feel (in no small part for ship building), and are very difficult to build from scratch, especially if you want to stretch them in one direction.

    - quarter spheres would also be useful (the ones i made for this image are not accurate, they turned out slanted on the side closest to us, where they should be straight), but since it would only take two eighth spheres to make them, i don't care as much.

    - curves in general are difficult to make which is why i'm also requesting half spheres. they're doable as-is with cylinders, but being able to squash and stretch them and not have to craft them by hand every time would be very handy.

    - the inverted cylinder is easy enough to make as-is, but i think it's also used frequently enough that it's worth adding as its own element, unless there are already plans to add some sort of 'hole punch' tool.

    i'd also very much like 'hollow' versions of all currently available curved blocks (cones, half cones, etc) and for glass blocks to have access to all the same shapes as other materials (currently to get a half cylinder of glass, you have to make it in a different material and then use the console to edit it).

    - another addition i'd like to see would be quarter cylinders. so i realized that this is exactly what the 'arc' block is (tho i think that's a bad name), but i still think a hollow counterpart would be useful.

    I find building animals quite difficult (for me) but here you can clearly see that it is a raptor. well done ;)

    thanks! it's my first try at an organic form in rising world, so i am just happy it's recognizable, but i'm hoping the next critter i make will look better.

    the pupil is a proper hole, so these eyes really appear to be looking somewhere, and the clear lens gives them a nice shine.

    some glass (and one plaster) bottles. you can re-paint the "liquid" inside(it's gold, for shine), remove the corks, add labels, and put whatever objects you like inside them.

    the 'fallen bottle of blue liquid' in particular is ideal for adding miniature ships to.

    my first contributions, just some simple little shinies for decorating, made mostly as practice to get used to building with more than just basic cubes.