Posts by CursedXistence

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    I was just thinking today that a transparent cube with just the outlines solid would be so useful. Sort of a wireframe view. OR the ability to apply a texture to one or more sides for the cube--or not.

    As for other shapes we kinda need ... a quarter circle (hollow not solid) is top of the list for me. A hollow half-sphere would also be very useful. Thinner walls to the hollow cylinders (all variations) would be sweet. Very hard to create a realistic vessel as is.

    Holy crap a wireframe view option for building objects (especially small ones) would be amazeballs.

    Ooorrr... You build the stuff with bigger parts and later shrink it via blueprint

    Somethings you can do that for, all depends on how accurate you need sizing, etc. to be. Shrinking via blueprint definitely comes in handy when you need pieces to be smaller than the 0.01 that you can normally scale down to.

    Incense Bowl With Lit Incense

    Incense Bowl

    Incense Holder

    Incense Stick / Lit Incense Stick









    NOTE: Individual incense sticks are oversized so they can easily be scaled for purpose.

    I have some furniture and blueprints that seems to have kept these colorful additions from JAVA. But if I build a new structure I can no longer use these colors in for walls or floors. I assume they will be placed in the game in the standard, in the next patch coming in "two weeks".

    Paint brush, roller, hire professional painters, learn to loam err love the brown?? lol :P

    Well then maybe Red should just get rid of the last pivot point along that edge and make it f'ed for everyone, you know since you're one case point is more important that people being able to line that piece up right in 99.9% other usages. lol :P

    And yes, I was being a sarcastic smartass. lol

    In all seriousness though, when you're working with tiny scale it's way too hard to align the pieces by hand so you really need to be able to use the manual pivot points, which obviously you can't do with those two outer pivot points with them missing.

    and I guess you cannot turn that part off? Problem is that things you want to delete are not built or placed in the matter of blueprints in the direction aligned with the grid. So if you have a building that has inbuilt items you want to delete then you have to do it piecemeal. This is true long after you lose the ability to undo a blueprint.

    Nope can't do it, tied to the grid.

    And yeah I've had many cases like what you described. Actually had to deal with one earlier when trying to redo my meditation / tea house down at my lake....ended up just blueprinting the whole thing so I can work on it somewhere else because it's off grid rotated.

    Wow we are not worthy of your greatness.

    On the squinting .. i know, I know and I have a big screen but it does not help. The dam thing is 2d.

    Yeah 42" TV used as a pc monitor and still have to squint like a mofo for the tiny. lol

    Oh and that Oh-Wah-Ree one, yeah that was before I got my first cup of an idea in my head of how to do it and next thing I knew a couple of hours had passed. lol

    Whelp only took two hours to figure it out and make, not bad and figured out a couple of new tricks making it as well.

    The green pivot marker from hell still needs to die a terrible excruciatingly painful death... after it pays for the eye surgery I'm going to need now from all the squinting. lol

    Alright I am going to have to think of new games for you to do so you don't get bored. What about Oh Wah Ree. ;) Everyone does Cribbage.

    Alright, let me peel my eyes open and get some coffee in me and I'll get to work on it. Never heard of that one before.

    OK great I got those green indicators and it just obscured my vision of the part completely. So it would be great to toggle them off and on. (actually I have never used the green indicators but they came on inexplicably last night when I was working on something.

    I did have to blue print what I as doing and scale it down to place it and stop if from looking out of place so thanks for confirming that technique.

    Yeah sometimes being able to blueprint and then scale down is a real life saver and then other times you wish you could use that trick but can't. The Reversi board for example the line between the squares is already 0.01 so to get the squares down to the size needed for the Go board it would have made the lines too small to continue to build off of using blueprint scaling, that's why I had to do it from scratch.

    That green marker is from the manual pivot mode and definitely agree it blocks the view too much when working tiny. I usually have to rotate a piece to the proper rotation I want and then scale it down because otherwise you can't see it once you get to .10 or under.

    So how do you, One,see the dam little's to align them? I cannot seem to get close enough and have to keep switching back and forth in views to assure lining them up. They look lined up then I switch positions and realize that it is a 2d optic and it is not lined up.

    Second, how to you get the smalls lined up because the 0.01 resolution depends on where the part is placed to move it and get it lined up? I typically start with a 'snap' so it aligns then move it.

    Double tap "Y" to toggle zoom mode which makes it a bit easier to pick the pivot point you want. Then I go into manual position mode, scale the new piece down and then use manual pivot selection to line them up. The green pivot marker gets in the way when you're working that tiny so often times it ends up being a lot of trial and error to get it right.

    Red and I had talked in a thread on the steam forums about the possibility of having that green pivot marker be able to be toggled on/off to make it easier to see when working in tiny.

    There's some times that you need pieces to be even smaller than the 0.01 x 0.01 x 0.01 so that's when you blueprint it and then scale the blueprint down to get the size even smaller.