Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hallo ich habe das problem das ich das Plugin nicht auf den Server zum laufen bekomme.
    Bekomme in der Log Error angezeigt


    Hello, I have the problem that I can't get the plugin to run on the server.

    I get an error in the log

    Looks like the database is not made, this could be due to the write protection settings, check that the server has read and write settings setup correctly

    isn't the i key used for player information on servers? might use the L instead, lower case of course. Not bad for a concept but here again I would make world reliant data bases for different worlds. You are adding things to the world that doesn't need to be in all worlds created in single player. I have many more suggestions but will save them to see where you are going with this.

    After more testing , I tried to make a second elevator right next to the original 1 I made and the first elevator comes down to the ground then the second elevator goes up and they freeze in place. then I exit the game and restart RW and go back into the world and the second elevator is gone. just reporting my findings.

    yeah lots need to be done, it was a 5min code for proof of concept,, my idea is a menu opens when you are in front this menu can call the elevator if its on another floor, then when inside the menu changes to a menu with floor buttons to pick the floor you want to goto, ive also been thinking about how ill add doors that open and close i 90% on that i can do it, any ideas are welcome

    I've also tested it once ... if the portals aren't aligned in the same direction, I get out at the side at the exit (e.g. entrance facing north and exit turned towards west) ... it's difficult to let the character arrive according to the portal orientation ?

    The API has a bug in the rotation ATM, I've spoken to red about this bug and once it's fixed the rotation of the player and portals will get an upgrade, but ATM we have to put up with the way it is.

    Elevator Plugin Version 1.0

    Ok the plugin is coming along

    Now has return to what ever floor the player is on just walk upto the elevator door on any level

    • Lots of testing now ready to code a way to select the floor, ATM it only goes up, and down, to go back down ATM you need to goto the top floor, so keep going up till it goes done
    • Notes: to place the elevator hit the ( left shift + L)keys, the elevator will show but it wont be in its final location, to place it move the preview around using the mouse and then hit the right mouse button
    • Also then placing a elevator you cannot place it on a edge of a chunk, the best location is in the middle and near the bottom of a chunk, this is a limitation ATM and may change

    When building ATM its best to activate the elevator first, then ride the elevator to the next floor to work out each floor height, floor heights will be able to be set upon placing a elevator later on, but for now its set to every 8 blocks.

    Version 0.2

    • Fixed a bug that stopped the Elevator working if going outside a chunk it was placed in
    • Elevator now returns to the bottom floor if you ride it all the way to the top, ATM to get it to move up each level, you need to activate it by moving into about the center of inside the Elevator

    Version 1.0

    • Added Button Menu ----- pops up on the right side of the screen, click the floor you want to goto max 10 floors floor 0 to 9
    • Removed all chat messages
    • fixed other bugs and things

    Version 2.0

    • Upgraded Elevator Look
    • Added doors that open and close
    • Added better lighting

    Version 3.0

    • Added outside doors
    • coded outside doors to open and close
    • fixed a number of bugs

    Version 4.0

    • Added some sound effects
    • added border around exit doors, this makes the finish look better
    • Removed all chat messages

    Version 4.1

    • Just a (null) bug fix

    Version 4.1

    • Placing is now updated
    • you now use the f key on the elevator doors to call the elevator
    • you now use the f key on the inside walls of the elevator to bring up the floor selection menu
    • fixed bugs that stopped the plugin working on servers, should now work on servers too
    • to delete you now look at menu inside and click the delete button

    Notes: sound files need more work, also calling doors trigger every time you go close to the door, i hope to change this once the API is updated for what i have planned.


    • Elevator.7z

      (5.71 MB, downloaded 33 times, last: )

    also get real close to the portal and look in the corona just above the portal and the name is there. yahgiggle needs to add an adjustment for name placing and size of font. Right now the name font is verry small just above the portal as I have said :)

    I agree the font is small, it's very hard to know what users would like, too big and they may moan too small and they may moan, everyone has there own opinion on what's right, so in deed I think adding the option to adjust the height, and size is definitely needed, also I'll add other types of looking portals, I think the option to have other looks would be of big benefit to everyone. Anyway the main foundation is done, so now I'll slow down and get some needed rest lol

    ATM you need to log off and back on for name tags to show after you place them, also the same goes with deleting them

    Bump Another Update

    version 3

    • has names for both ends
    • has databases for each world
    • no longer need to hit enter, just exit the menu
    • Now has Admin Setting Command is /portals use the in game chat for the commands
    • Admins can now teleport to any portal in the Admin Panel
    • Admins can rename any portal in the Admin panel
    • Admins can now Delete portal sets A portal set, A set, Is the entrance and exit

    BUMP version 2 is now uploaded

    version 2

    has names for both ends

    has databases for each world

    an adjustment for the placing of the name tag

    no longer need to hit enter, just exit the menu

    A database delete will be needed sorry

    That should work, my main complaint is it is hard to see like it is. White with black boarders should stand out pretty good.

    ok ill upload this version now, it also has the database fixed for each world and a way to name the entrance and exit, also you no longer need to hit enter to save the names, when you exit they are also saved, realy i might remove the enter button now IDK this will be called version 2

    I just confirmed that the names are in the portal like you described but they are black and hard to see as well as half recessed in the portal dimming half of what is there. It might be good if you could place the name offset from the portal rather then right on it. I understand that the pivot point might be a little tricky to manage. Might help to put a white background on the name plate to offset the black letters.


    I can place them above the portal, and use the default look witch is white with a black boarder around each letter, hows that sound ?

    It may be a quirk of linux but I do not see any names on or above the portals. At this time. I have been playing on my debian11 build of RW of late.


    The names are in the portal about head height, also ATM they only show on a reset of the plugin or the player logs off and back on, if still not showing let me know

    BTW i have already coded databases to be for each world and also done the code for names at each end, but another database delete will be needed for this next update oO sorry

    As with sharkbitefischer , the names of the portals are not displayed for me either.
    System: Linux 6.1.25-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Apr 20 13:48:36 UTC 2023 x86_64 unknown GNU/Linux


    The names are in the portal about head height, also ATM they only show on a reset of the plugin or the player logs off and back on, if still not showing let me know

    when will the names of the portals start showing or is there a way to do it now? Also we should be able to rename the exit portal so we know where it leads. I guess we could put both destinations in the name but I think it would look better if we could adjust the exit portal's name.

    Can you make it so the portals can be world specific so when we use it in single player we can have different data bases for different worlds?

    The names are showing now, but only one name, I guess I could add another slot for both ends, for the databases for each world I would need to look into that

    Bump another version uploaded,

    adjusted some things again and recoded a lot under the bonnet, its recommended to use this version im calling it version 1 so you guys can keep track of them, no database delete needed for version one as long as you had that last version

    maybe a stupid question but how do i open that window for creating a portal? i might be blind but i did not see any instructions

    yeah its in the main post so you are right :-P its the P key P for place and portal O is also part of portal and its used for placing the exit portal so push P then fill in the name, click enter then click the colour, then click the X for exit and the first portal is placed, then goto your next location and hit the O key

    also im uploading another version this version teleports the player one block away from the exit portal, this is because i noticed even with a 60sec cooldown, some servers are too slow to load and this results in a teleport loop oO this solves that problem, i have also started working on the settings control panel for admins to delete, rename and teleport to any portal, the the chat command is /portals but its just a blank panel ATM

    you should setup all your UIelements first under say onplayerconnect like this

    public void elementClickTest(PlayerUIElementClickEvent evt){
    Player player = evt.getPlayer();
    String playername = player.getName();
    int id = evt.getUIElement().getID(); // the id is the elementclicked id so you can just use if (elementclickedID == id){ then do this}
    System.out.println("processing click");

    so to get the element id do this

    UIElement thiselement = new UIElement();

    elementclickedID = thiselement.getID;

    You can save that in a Attribute so you can fetch it under the clickEvent like this

    player.setAttribute("elementclickedID" elementclickedID);

    then to get it you do player.getAttribute("elementclickedID");


    elementclicked = player.getAttribute("elementclickedID");

    if (evt.getUIElement().getID() == elementclicked){ player.sendtextmessage("then this thiselement was clicked"}