Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam


    Version 4.5

    • Whole new UI
    • Removed commands - everything is now done in the UI admins and non admin players both use the leftshift + p keys to open the menu
    • Added option for Admins to turn on or off the Teleport menu for non admin players - if the option is off - non admins cannot see the non admin teleport menu
    • When using the teleport menu to teleport you will now be teleported and rotated facing away from the teleport

    thanks now it's working I was using the console not the chat, in chat the /portals work . It would be good to have some kinda of help to figure out how to set it up for the first time ( some kindof /portalshelp or something like that)

    just start hitting buttons lol the text in chat will let you know what to do and each step as you do it.

    nice clocks :thumbup:

    here is an array list of zones i made so users can select the time zone - you will need to add that option for them but here is my code to upload that list and enter it into a database you are welcome to use the list

    The portals keys have been hold down shift + hit p for some time now, You need to also be an Admin to use that or it wont open, sorry i crossed that off in the main post but its the fact you no longer use p to place each portal, you need to click the menu then use both place portal buttons now, But /portals should still work!! you did enter that command into chat right ?. for all players, non admins can only use the teleport option in that panel, but like i said you may not have added yourself as a admin if its not working,

    PS ill be removing the /portals command in my next update altogether everything will be in the shift + p menu


    Version 4.4

    Added more options under the UI now can select clear portal - clear = no effect so its invisible apart from the text - also added Settings Place entrance and place exit buttons,
    player now exits the portal facing away from the portal in the direction the portal was placed.

    I don't think we have to have "flowing water". It's just an illusion after all. Some little special effects animation devices are really all we need. See: Planet Zoo or Coaster for what I mean. The special effects devices produce the illusions of fountains, water flowing on the surface of "static water", jets, waterfalls, bubbles, etc. We did have a "procedural smoke" effect in Java that we could place. So I think this could be done and I'm guessing would be a lot easier than flowing water that likely takes up more processing resources? That way we can be judicious about how much of that animation we put in. Just my 2 cents, and I don't know what I am talking about ....

    yeah i like that idea, maybe a prefab effect could be possible already :thinking:

    Some baby animals are already in the unity version, you can spawn them, like spawnnpc piglet












































    Is there anyway to turn off the poster texture?

    there are two types of posters now, one that sticks to everything and takes on there texture and shape, the other is the normal one like we had in the java version, are you using the right one ?

    ATM we could make a type of spring that users could place and have flowing water - using the API but that could cause problems with lots of people placing them everywhere so im not that keen on coding it. a more less resourceful meathed needs to be added, so till then its not that practical.

    On my server I have allowed people to cut down trees when they are outside their area.... what I see is when they pick up the timber messages appear in white on the left side saying they need to own the land to do that...but they can still pick up the wood.

    A message for each piece of wood they pick up.... can the messages not display if the area is unlocked allowing people to do things outside of their areas.

    I think from the top of my head you also have to allow remove tree or something like that in the same admin tools menu, this should stop the message, but if not let me know

    I like the goFundme idea, and have already talked to red51 on the subject of help, as he said it can take more time getting someone new upto date with all the code it's just not worth it unfortunately.


    Version 3.4

    • More bug fix's
    • Added Blueprint distance limiter - players cannot place blueprints far away - they now need to be 5 or less blocks away
    • Added Blueprint cost - each blueprint will now cost points much like the areas do, ATM each part of the blueprint costs 1 point, so if you have a blueprint with 5000 parts that will cost 5000 points, if you do not have 5000 points you cannot place the blueprint

    Note: i will add a way for admins to adjust the distance and price in an upcoming update


    This is a plugin that automatically bans known server trouble makers, ATM there is no one added to the list

    To get a player banned on all servers running this plugin we all must provided evidence in the forum of screen shots of the damaged caused, that evidence along with the players UID number, Must be posted on this page, once a player has been added they cannot be removed,

    however i will be adding soon a option for Admins to allow banned players to still be able to play on there own server, the default will always be banned till they are unbanned by that server owner.

    Version 1

    • coded the main commutation script to receive the ban list from my own website
    • coded auto kick on player connect
    • coded /banlist for admins to view the list of UIDs added, if that player has been on your own server it will also show the name of the player

    Version 1.1

    • Coded database for banned players
    • Coded /Autoban admin tool for unbanning or re banning banned players on the list

    Autoban automatically bans known trouble makers by an updated ban list stored on my own website, once a player has been added to this list every server who has AutoBan plugin installed is automatically protected from this player, the addition of the /AutoBan is so all server owners can then disable a player from been banned on there own server.


    I am happy to be part of this community. And I promise to behave accordingly. Everyone deserves a second chance. I ask all server owners to allow me to show that I can do good things one last time. Please lift my bans and accept my apology.

    Give it one last chance and see how good I'll be for this community. I am waiting for the response of all server owners. Appreciation is yours, thank you

    Well im happy to give you another chance if you own up and admit what you did apology's are good but taking responsibility goes a long way too.

    mistakes are indeed mistakes, but to report that someone had smashed buildings and then that person turns out to be you, then denied doing it, is unacceptable behavior, there are always times when something does not do what its expected todo leaving open vulnerabilities, the fact that you took advantage of them on a server that has been up for a long time with an active Admin leaves you're defense in question, also the fact you have done similar things to other servers including my own, and when i had you up about it you totally denied it. maybe over time you could earn back the respect thats upto you.

    Just wanted to know what everyone thinks about a plugin that automatically kicks a player who joins a server running this plugin,

    how it works

    all players who have caused missive problems with bad behavior get added to a list, this list is then read by the plugin over html on player connect, if the player is on the list they automatically get kicked from the server

    admins can submit to me a player they want added to the list to help protect all other servers from this player,

    this means once a player has been added to the list all servers are protected from that player not just the one.