Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Very nice yahgiggle

    Does the current time/weather effect the charge rate? That would be awesome 8)

    yes the weather and time effects the power the panels produce,

    if ("Default")){WeatherEffect = (float) 1.2;}

    if ("Clear")){WeatherEffect = (float) 0.8;}

    if ("Breeze")){WeatherEffect = (float) 1.2;}

    if ("Overcast")){WeatherEffect = (float) 2.0;}

    if ("Rain")){WeatherEffect = (float) 5.0;}

    if ("HeavyRain")){WeatherEffect = (float) 7.0;}

    if ("LightSnow")){WeatherEffect = (float) 9.0;}

    if ("Snow")){WeatherEffect = (float) 9.0;}

    if ("HeavySnow")){WeatherEffect = (float) 10.0;}

    if ("Storm")){WeatherEffect = (float) 10.0;}

    if ("Cold")){WeatherEffect = (float) 4.0;}

    if ("Fog")){WeatherEffect = (float) 12.0;}

    if ("DenseFog")){WeatherEffect = (float) 15.0;}

    if (Hour == 0){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 1){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 2){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 3){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 4){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 5){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 6){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 7){SolarGen = (float) 5.5 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 8){SolarGen = (float) 10.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 9){SolarGen = (float) 20.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 10){SolarGen = (float) 40.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 11){SolarGen = (float) 60.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 12){SolarGen = (float) 80.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 13){SolarGen = (float) 110.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 14){SolarGen = (float) 80.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 15){SolarGen = (float) 60.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 16){SolarGen = (float) 40.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 17){SolarGen = (float) 20.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 18){SolarGen = (float) 10.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 19){SolarGen = (float) 5.5 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 20){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 21){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 22){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    if (Hour == 23){SolarGen = (float) 0.0 / WeatherEffect;}

    i think you will understand that ^^


    Version 1

    • Added battery and solar prefabs
    • coded the panels to produce power
    • coded the battery's to store power
    • coded the lights to use stored power from battery's
    • Added onscreen battery capacity info and amount of banks

    Version 1.1

    • Added a way to delete the Solar Panels and Battery's, goto the battery or solar panel and walk to it with your crosshair on it, the on screen info at the top will display the id and grid name, then open the chat and use the command /Delete Battery or /Delete SolarPanel They should vanish for all players

    Version 1.2

    • Added in game time plus local time and other info
    • Added rename grids, this means a player can rename a grid to have unlimited grids, to rename the grid goto the light, solarpanel or battery and type into chat

    /Change Light GridName new grid name here    or /Change SolarPanel GridName new grid name here  or /Change Battery GridName new grid name here


    • Apart from that i have fixed a number of bugs.

    Version 1.3

    • Added Solar and battery preview, type in chat /preview battery   or  /preview solarpanel once you have the hardware in place type /battery or /solar to place it as before.
    • Added sound effect when looking at battery's, also added an effect change to the top of the battery, this will be updated/upgraded soon,
    • Added solo battery charge level info, just look at the battery to see this info, it shows up on the, top left side of the screen

    Version 1.4

    • Added new way to place the Hardware, left Shift + S starts the solar panel preview - Right Mouse Button To Place It Down, for the battery Left Shift + B starts the Battery preview - Right Mouse Button To Place It Down

    Version 1.5

    • Added more sound effects
    • Fixed battery not updating effect when placing new batterys
    • Added new top effect, when looking at the battery if the battery % = more than half the top will glow green, if under half the top will glow red

    To place a solar panel type in chat /solar to place a battery type /battery

    the Solar panels and battery's are set to the same user grid, to add lights to the grid, you can turn on and off your current lights or place a new light

    The solar panels are effected by night and weather, so on a heavy snow day the panels will produce less power, on sunny days they produce more power.

    once all power in the batterys are used up all the lights will go out


    • Add a way to remove the solar panels and battery's
    • Add a way to change the grid name, so players can have more than one power grid
    • Add a wireless power coil, this will be the way we transmit the power, coils will need to be placed near lights for them to work
    • Add more solar panel and battery types, bigger size's
    • Add a way to make users buy the panels and battery's or build them -- ive not made my mind up about this

    Credit sharkbitefischer ( for testing, for his idea's, and overall help ) he has spent many hours helping me, Thanks sharkbitefischer

    Note this is still in experimental stage, try at your own risk, all feedback welcome

    Yes, indeed it is in the settings. However, I did like the way you had it set before (doubling the number of points needed) but this should work just as well.

    it never doubled the amount needed before, after the second lot the price went up by the amount of plots + 20, now the setting allows the admin to do the price increase at just the amount of plots so if you own 20 plots then next plot would cost 20, by doing 1 and so on, so if you set the price increase to 20 it should = 400 if you have 21 lots it be 420, so the price works by multiplying the plots by the price increase adjustment, also by adjusted the points earn the higher price's become more affordable, but also more easy for some users to spam unwanted plots everywhere, this is why the admin can also delete all areas one user may have placed without going to every single area and removing it.

    Ok... I'm an idiot, I was hitting the next button instead of the give points button. Other than an error showing up which like you said, doesn't interfere with anything, your plugin works perfectly. I would also like to thank you for sharing your work with the community. If you have a way to receive donations, please share that as well.

    oh yes hitting the right button also helps :crazy:, i do the plugins because i enjoy users been able to use them, no donation needed. but thankyou for the offer anyway.

    When I create a town area and go to rename it and unlock the area, chests and doors, I get an error and my selections don't take hold.

    My bad, I am able to rename the areas and unlock the fields, it's when I try to give back the players area points they lost is when the error occurs.

    sorry so what is going on, when you try to give back points the area is lost or unnamed or something ??